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"WHERE'S MYRON?" Roderigo's gruff voice was the first to greet Noel as he walked through the door despondently

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"WHERE'S MYRON?" Roderigo's gruff voice was the first to greet Noel as he walked through the door despondently. Esmeralda joined Roderigo, her wrinkled face twisted in worry.

"Um, he's at the t-t-treehouse."

"You left him by himself!" Esmeralda screeched, her large eyes widened in fear. "Roderigo, you know today is the anniversary and he's by himself, I don't even think his parents know he came today!"

"I-I don't know what you guys mean." Noel stumbled out an unwarranted comment, he could sense something was awry when he had first arrived at Wood Acre, especially in the surprised greeting Myron's grandparents gave him.

"Did Myron tell you about his sisters." Esmeralda spoke quietly, her voice merely a troubled whisper, Roderigo had rose from the couch he was sitting on and had went to wrap his arms around her gently, stroking her hair while mumbling words in Spanish that Noel couldn't comprehend.

"Yeah...some time ago, he said he had twin sisters, Mira and Ashley I think, that's all he said about them though."

"Myron told you he had twin sisters." Roderigo had since removed his arms from Esmeralda, his gaze was piercing and prickling as he stared Noel out. "You do the math."

"Enough standing around! We must go find him!" Esmerelda screeched once more, before slipping on her shoes and coat. "Let's go!" Noel followed after Roderigo and Esmerelda's retreating frames, the sky had since turned a dark and ugly grey, it's murky clouds distributing fat, fresh raindrops that seeped into Noel's curls and ran down his face with no mercy.

Myron's grandparents were undeterred by this, with Esmerelda screeching Myron's name manically. As soon as they got to the treehouse, Noel noticed almost immediately that Myron wasn't there anymore.

"I don't, I don't know where he would have gone." Noel choked out, he grabbed at fistfuls of his curls in desperation, the pull was starting to hurt his scalp before his fingers eventually loosened due to the torrential rain. Roderigo pulled Noel into a fierce hug. "It's not your fault, it'll be okay, we'll find him." Esmeralda joined Noel on the other side, enveloping him in a warm hug. "I know Myron will be fine, we'll just think of all the places he could have gone too and we'll search from there."

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