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IT WAS six am by the time they got to Wood Acre

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IT WAS six am by the time they got to Wood Acre. The air was stiff and crisp, a stark contrast to the hot, humid and sticky Florida weather Noel was used too.

They lumbered off the coach quietly, sleepy faces and tired eyes, yet there was an unidentifiable buzz in the air, a buzz that was to signify there planned motives and secret celebrations. It left Noel walking with a slight jump to his step, Myron passing him a few glances but keeping up with Noel's sleep deprived pace.

"Is this it?"

They were both standing on a long tarmac road, any vision of civilization completely wiped from there naked eyes, large protruding trees framed the grey concrete from either side. The rest of the coachers had disappeared from sight, a few cars picking them up swiftly and dispersing them to their desired location.

"Are we getting picked up?" Noel asked again. It was too quiet.

"No. No we're going to walk."

"Walk where?" Noel looked at the desolate road, he would much rather be picked up, yet Myron's strangely determined expression stopped his next slaught of thought becoming words.

"Down the road and then we'll turn left – where the forest is, after that I'll be able to find my old house easily."

Then Myron began walking with a gaunt in his step, hoisting his large backpack over his shoulder and furrowing his bushy eyebrows in nostalgic thought, he said nothing to Noel, almost forgetting his presence if it wasn't for the sound of his foot slapping on the concrete and his breath coming out in quiet labored gasps.

And for some unknown reason, Noel was scared, yet it calmed him to see his breath turning into cold puffs of air and Myron's black jacket to rub against his own and produce much needed heat.

Hedidn't even bring a toothbrush with him.


"This is the forest." Noel almost didn't hear Myron speaking, it came out as a soft low murmur, his footsteps slowing down and halting in front of scattered trees and mossy undergrowth. Noel was sure he could see Myron's eyes water slightly but he chose to say nothing and stood by Myron's side firmly. "You ready?"

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