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Ron is alive.

But to Noel, it didn't feel like it.

The events after the car crash was a tumultuous blur, Noel had stayed hidden in the bushes, his knees grazing the muddy dirt that stayed there as he made the long walk home.

He didn't like to remember the way his mom's face crumpled into itself, her frail body shaking, half her hair done, half her makeup done, half her dress on, his relatives surrounded her, trapping his mom with perfunctory condolences. Noel knew they were going to have a field day spreading gossip around town.

Nevertheless they sped to the hospital in Aunt Yoko's car, Noel's mom grabbed Noel's arm so tight, blood stained her palms from Ron's cuts, but in her manic state she didn't even notice.

They said Ron had severe third degree burns, evident in the blackened severely scarred skin, stretching from all over his face down to his very legs, the doctor said it was a miracle he even survived.

His mom cried for a solid ten minutes after seeing his face, grabbing onto his wrinkled hands and squeezing them so tight her eyes balled up into fists. Cheryl had came tumbling through the doors a few hours later, her expression one of a wild chipmunk.

She didn't cry.

Instead she hauled Noel out of the room, slamming him against one of the small plastic hospital seats that are uncomfortable to sit on.

"What happened?"

"You know what happened." Noel had mumbled underneath his breath, his arm hurt so much he clutched it tightly, wincing slightly before continuing his incoherent speech. "He was in a car crash."

"And you weren't in the car with him?"

"How did you-"

"I talked to your mom's sister, she said you were the last person with Ron."

"Are you insinuating-"

"I'm not insinuating anything, I know my dad did something to you."

"He didn't-" Then Noel clutched his arm again, grinding his teeth together uncomfortably.

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