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THE VILLAGE was quaint to say the least

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THE VILLAGE was quaint to say the least. Large pavestones led up to small shops with bright paint splashed signs. It smelt vaguely of fresh fish and mossy sticks, Noel wasn't entirely sure whether the smell was pleasant or not. "This is where you grew up?"

"Yep, home sweet home." Myron, however, seemed to be in his element, there was a strange jaunt to his steps as he walked. "That's Rudolph's butcher shop! And the florist shop! They had the best flowers, oh and the café...the food was shit but the guy who owned it, Nicholas, he was a super nice guy, oh and the bookstore, they had a library at the back and on Saturdays they'd show movies for free and me and my friends would go and buy sweets from the grocery store. The grocery store is where we're going next."

As they both entered the store it let out a cute twinkle. "It's mainly just vegetables." Myron hadn't stopped talking since they got to the village, but Noel revelled in his chatter, he couldn't get bored of Myron talking if he tried.

The shop was small, so slipping the items into the basket was quick and easy, Myron had even put in two ice creams in the basket before they arrived at the counter. The girl standing behind the counter wasn't one Myron recognized, her face was deathly pale and she had smeared on an abundance of black smudged eyeliner and black crackly lipstick. She looked up from her phone to see Myron standing there with a small smile on his face. "Did you just move here recently?"

Her face turned an unflattering shade of pink at Myron's words, she chewed at her lip absentmindedly as she answered. "I moved here this summer."

"How are you finding it?"

"Boring as fuck, I came from freaking New York to this middle of nowhere forest. I want to go back so bad."

"Trust me you can find beauty in everything. Wood Acre is one of my favourite places, I grew up here."

"Maybe I can find beauty in-" before the girl could continue speaking Noel joined Myron's side, having been eyeing a few glossy paged cartoon magazines before. Myron saw the girl's eyes falter and her face twist into badly disguised disgust. He looked over to survey Noel's blank expression, he stood there unblinking, as if he was used to it. It left Myron feeling cold.

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