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AS SOON as he stepped into the hormone filled hallways Bethany and May latched onto Noel's arms at either side

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AS SOON as he stepped into the hormone filled hallways Bethany and May latched onto Noel's arms at either side.

"What are you doing?" Noel croaked out tiredly.

May looked ready to blow a fuse, her lanky brown hair tied up into a makeshift bun and her glasses looking ready to slip off her nose. Bethany had that cool unbothered expression on her face, yet she was grabbing onto Noel's arm tightly, readying herself to berate him.

"Where are all the clothes we bought you?" Bethany stated coolly. She unlatched herself from Noel's arm and stood in front of him defiantly, Noel towered over her by at least four inches (being six foot) but her look was enough to make Noel shrink back, if it wasn't for the fact May was grabbing Noel's arm uncomfortably he would have bolted out of there.

"In my house."

"Why aren't you wearing them!" May whined, she had went to join Bethany, crossing her arms against her chest as she scrutinized Noel. "Trust me, they'll fit you!"

Noel shrugged carelessly. He didn't know what to say to them, so he wasn't going to say anything at all, opting to push past them and stalk off to his next class. He was fairly certain he could hear a string of profanities pouring out of their mouths and them screaming for him to come back, that he almost laughed at their outlandish behavior.

He didn't know why they cared so much.


Pushing the door open to his English class, Noel was quick to note the absence of Miss Mulroy as the seating arrangements she had implemented had quickly reverted back to their default. Noel took a seat in the second row, since his old seat had been taken by two girls (Cassie and Leah, maybe, but he's never talked to them) who were giggling uncontrollably at something on their phone.

Noel sighed and brought out his books, adjusting his hoodie once more. Suddenly an onslaught of boorish laughter came booming from the meatheads at the back of the classroom. They were hitting each other's backs and screaming. Noel was also quick to notice Myron sitting there, but his gaze was fixated on his phone that he didn't seem to notice there screeching.

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