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TODAY WAS Noel's birthday

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TODAY WAS Noel's birthday. He had gotten up early that morning, sifting through his wardrobe aimlessly.

He was going to dress extra today. That meant wearing that bright red bucket hat and large matching poofy jacket and on a whim he had nicked Cheryl's red nail polish and had applied it, albeit a little messily, that the nail varnish was littered across his actual fingers instead of the nail.

Noel felt ridiculous, but it was that type of ridiculous that made him strangely happy. So far, he had been trying to steer clear of his mom and Ron (Cheryl too, but to Noel she grew more insignificant each day) and it was working to his favour, until he started down the steps to make his way out of the front door.

"Are you wearing nail polish?" Cheryl's sickly voice shocked its way through the air, it seemed she purposely made sure her voice was loud and garish, her gaze shifting towards Noel's mom and her dad, a sneaky smile already grazing her plump lips.

Kim was on the phone, her hair had unraveled from the usual tight ponytail that left a few black strands framing her face delicately. Jerking at the sound of Cheryl's voice she promptly turned the phone away from her ear and looked at Noel curiously, her gaze snapshotting his bucket hat, to the messily painted nails and the large oversized jacket that swamped Noel's slender frame. She chose to make no comment, ending her phone call swiftly and planting a chaste kiss on Ron's cheek before squeezing Cheryl's shoulder affectionately.

She didn't even acknowledge Noel's presence before leaving, the front door shutting loud behind her.

Noel followed uncertainly, trying to ignore Ron's undressing gaze and Cheryl's unflattering sneer.

"Mom! Mom wait up!"

Kim turned around, her heels hitting the concrete floor with a loud slap. "I'm going to be late for work. What is it?"

"I-I just wanted to say...have a good day at work. Um, er...I love you."

"Wish you'd act more like it."

His mom then stepped into her small compact car, slamming the door shut and turning the key swiftly. She didn't look back to see Noel's crumpled expression, the bright light that had sparked in his eyes that early morning now having been dimmed significantly. But she did see the beginnings of hot wet tears prick at her contacts uncomfortably, it's watery mesh fogging up her vision slightly.

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