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"FIGHTING! I get a call from your school again to say that you've been fighting!"

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"FIGHTING! I get a call from your school again to say that you've been fighting!"

Noel surveyed his mom's pained expression. Ron was right behind her, his thick ropey hands was squalled around her small waist.

"Skipping school, coming home late, locking yourself in your room, and now fighting! Noel what is going on?"

Noel could see his mom's face turn an unflattering red, the whites of her eyes sticking out stark against her face. Ron cradled her into his arms, murmuring quietly, yet loud enough for Noel to hear. "Just go and rest. I'll deal with him. You shouldn't get your blood pressure too high." Kim nodded quietly, she was at wit ends when it came to Noel, not knowing what else to do, she complied and dragged her lithe body up the steps and into her bed.

"Haven't I already talked to you Noel? Is there something your not understanding?" Ron's voice was like a thousand cockroaches scurrying up your arms into places cockroaches shouldn't go. He was walking unsettlingly closer to Noel, a strange glint armed in his eyes.

"I said, is there something you're not understanding?"

Noel unconsciously took a step back, he had just been mauled to pieces in school today and he wasn't ready to go through it again.

Out of nowhere, Ron lunged for the arm of Noel's oversized sweater, he pulled at it so hard it burst apart at the seams, the thread hanging forlorn and crumpled.

"If I had it my way, you wouldn't be here. But I don't, unfortunately." He brought his large face closer to Noel's, stopping until they were almost nose to nose. "It doesn't mean I can't punish you."

Ron then digged his fingernails deep into Noel's pink flesh, scraping and scrapping at his skin until blood poured out. Noel's face flushed as he scrambled to get out of Ron's death grip.

"S-s-s-stop." He breathed.

Ron reluctantly let go before stepping away from Noel, his face twisted in a sadistic smirk.

"Let this be a warning to you. Your running out of straws." He then went up the stairs pointedly, in a bid to return to Kim's fragile state.

Noel looked down at the bleeding scratches on his arm, for some reason, despite being in a crazed fight, that scratch was the worst pain he had experienced in a long time.

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