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FOR THE entire two days that Noel had been at home Ron and Kim were nowhere to be seen, the only indication that stopped Noel from worrying was Cheryl mumbling underneath her breath that her Dad would be home on Wednesday

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FOR THE entire two days that Noel had been at home Ron and Kim were nowhere to be seen, the only indication that stopped Noel from worrying was Cheryl mumbling underneath her breath that her Dad would be home on Wednesday. Yet that did nothing to satiate his curiosity.

Come Monday, Noel had already stumbled his way into school, dressed in a bright blue knitted beanie, a large blue t shirt with words scrawled across in French and faded denim jeans.

"Looking good Noel!" May had bounded over to Noel with a bright smile on her face, her hair was pulled back into a tight bun, highlighting her brown imploring eyes. "It feels like I haven't seen you in forever!"

"You're unusually happy." Noel retorted simply, being back in school, for whatever reason, felt to be a strange and foreign experience, the beauty and mystery of Wood Acre becoming more and more like a forgotten dream, it felt as if he had made it all up. May grabbed onto his arm, leaning her body weight into his.

"I'm not allowed to be happy?"

"What happened?"

"Me and Bethany are friends again!" May then began to giggle uncontrollably, swaying to and fro while using Noel's arm as a stability point.

Just as her name was mentioned, Bethany came stalking down the hallway with Dylan mirroring her large steps. "Hey team!" Dylan was the first to holler loudly, he too had a bright shiny smile adorned on his face. Bethany's however was placid but even Noel couldn't replace the slight quirk to her lips, the shininess to her eyes.

"I'm glad everyone is happy." The contagious positive energy was catching onto Noel and he couldn't help but start to draw his lips into a smile too, his fingers fiddling with the fray from his denim jeans.

"How was your weekend Noel." Bethany had said quietly, while saying this she had removed May's sticky fingers from Noel's arm and had gone to slip her fingers into hers. May only looked at her with a strange glint in her eye before looking at her battered trainers.

"Um-" Noel didn't know where to begin and he didn't know if he wanted to experience all those emotions again. "It was fine-"

"Mine was amazing!" Dylan had broke in, his large shit eating grin growing in intensity. "Me and Alex are now official, we went on our first date and we ate chipotle."

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