The Choice

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As the elderly gentleman in his gray three-piece suit put his black leather briefcase on the table, I watched as he then went to the mirror and knocked. Not before long a new officer in a suit came in.

"Yes, Mr. Shaw?"

"Do you have the keys?" he asked pointing at the handcuff.

"Yes, but we are... "

"Does it look like she'll be going anywhere?" he questioned, half amused at the look on the officer's face. "Thank you," he said as the officer removed my restraints. "Oh and remember David if I find out that this conversation with my client was recorded, or any information whatsoever was leaked, I will not only hold you personally responsible but I will sue you and the department as well."

"Conversations with clients are confidential Brian, you know that."

"We both know what can happen when one of your officers want their name up on that wall of yours."

"That was once." He sighed she pinched the bridge of his nose. "You'll never let me live this down, will you?"

Mr. Shaw kept his hard stare.

"Fine, I understand," he answered as he hurried out of the room.

"So Ms. Harvey." He took his jacket off, and neatly placed it on the back of the chair revealing a gray vest with a crisp clean white long-sleeved shirt. He straightened the vest and his black tie before sitting.

"Yes?" My voice was shaky and hoarse.

He looked at me and held my stare. There was something in his eyes that prevented me from looking away. "Did you kill Ramone Hale?"

"N-no," I stammered, tears stinging my eyes again. Clearing my throat and wiping my eyes I answered once more with conviction. "No Mr. Shaw, I did not kill Ramone Hale. I didn't even know him, by any means."

He held his hand up so I wouldn't continue but I did anyway. "The same as I don't know you. Why are you here, who sent you? Because I sure as hell know that I can't afford the best criminal defense lawyer in the whole damn country. So tell me, what's going on?"

"Firstly, Ms. Harvey, it'll do you no good for you to lie to me. Secondly, it's pretty simple is it not, I heard about your case and I want to help."

"You're telling me that you are willing to represent me for free? For nothing in return? I'm supposed to believe that you're doing this out of the goodness of your heart?"
Of course, there's a catch, my conscience said while laughing, you're not that stupid so just ask him what he...

"Monetary wise it is free but there is something you'd be required to do. If you refuse I shall be forced to rescind my offer to assist you."

"Of course," I mumbled, remembering my mother's words. 'Nothing in life is ever free.' "What is it that I have to do?" I sighed, afraid to think of what lewd or disgraceful act I'd have to perform to keep me from going to prison.

"Meet my employer."

"And who might that be?" I asked, the fear slowly seeping back into my bones and up my spine. Anyone who was able to retain the services of this man was very powerful. Did I really want to get mixed up with whomever it was?

"Yes or no Ms. Harvey. Are you willing to meet with my employer?"

"Do I even have a choice in the matter?" I asked shifting on the chair. It too was cold and hard.
I felt dirty and naked despite the clothes I wore. I was barefooted and my face looked a mess. How was I going to meet someone looking like this?

"Yes, you do but be reminded of the consequences," he said standing and removing his jacket from the chair. 

"Consequences?" I swallowed the golfball-sized lump in my throat. He was saying that I had no chance without him, so no, I didn't have a choice. I didn't want to go back to a cell. I wanted to take a long hot shower, then relax in a bath and then after, sleep for days. 

I have been in this place for almost a day now and who knows what would happen to me if I let this opportunity pass me by. Mr. Shaw now stood with his briefcase in his hand, patiently waiting for my answer.

"Yes," I said defeated. "I will meet your employer.

"Perfect," he said smiling showing his perfectly aligned white teeth as the corner of his eyes crinkled from age. "Just wait here for me, this will only take a few minutes."

I watched as he disappeared through the door and then it was locked as soon as he exited. True to his word he was back within ten minutes. 

"Time to go little one," he announced offering me his hand. "It's ok," he said realizing my hesitation. "I'm not afraid of a little dirt." he continued smiling, no doubt trying to ease my discomfort.

Taking his hand, he gently pulled me from the chair. I had no idea where I was headed but anywhere was better than this hell hole.

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