House Arrest

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"Shaw, thanks for coming." I watched as he took a seat and someone sat beside him. "Who's this?"

"I'm David Murphy, the Captain at the location Miss Harvey was held." He got up and offered me his hand but I ignored it and kept my attention on Shaw.

"What's a cop doing in my house Brian?" I could feel my anger rising. He's one of the idiots that had mistreated Samantha and he had the nerve to be sitting in my office, on my comfortable leather chair with his cheap-ass suit and a fake smile.

"Michael." He used his warning tone; a tone only used by him or Martha when they noticed I might get out of hand.

I sighed and sat back in my chair. "Wipe that smile off your face cop, nothing about this is funny."

"My apologies," he said as it faded.

I could see he was uncomfortable but that was not my problem. He should be grateful that Brian was here or he'd be hanging from my balcony by now.

"The reason he's here with me is to explain in detail the situation to Miss. Harvey, so can you please go get her?"

"Sure." As I got up I kept my glare on the cop. I'd make him pay, somehow and he could see it on my face. There was a bit of confusion on his but I paid it no mind as he squirmed in his seat. Some cop he was.

Heading up the stairs I wondered if she was asleep. She hadn't been seen since breakfast and hadn't eaten dinner either.
I knocked softly on the door and waited but there was no response. I knocked again, listened and decided to go in when once again I got no answer. The room was dark except for the light that came from the tv and the little that escaped through the cracks in drapes from outside. I could hear water running in the bathroom behind the closed door and wanted nothing more than to see her. My body stiffened as the water stopped. Would she come out naked, would she scream when she saw me, would she cover up or tell me to leave? The door handled twisted and I found I could no longer stay quiet.

"Samantha, I..." I didn't know what exactly to say.

"I thought I locked the door," she said coming into the room wrapped in a big green towel that hid everything from view.

"It wasn't," I countered, finding my voice, "I knocked but didn't get an answer so I came in to ensure you're okay."

"I'm fine."

I watched as she walked to the closet, removed one of the dresses I bought her and placed it on the bed. Was she going somewhere? I know I said she couldn't leave but I had lied. Did she figure it out? No, she couldn't have. Did Martha tell her?

"Mr. Maxwell?"

I loved the sound of my name coming from her lips. "Michael, call me Michael."

"Umm, okay. Could you please, I'd like to get dressed."

"Of course! Sorry." Well, this was embarrassing. Did I really expect her to get dressed in front of me? "When you're through, meet me in my office, Shaw needs to talk to us."
I watched as her expression changed to worry. This time I couldn't assure her as I didn't know what he or the cop wanted to talk about.


Walking back to my office, my mind wondered. She was so beautiful. Her black curls with blond ends had shone under the light once I had turned it on. Her skin was radiant and smooth. Her brown eyes were curious and worried and lips were plump and pink. Oh, how I wished to feel them.
I remembered the first time I saw her. I had gotten so angry at how she looked and how she must have been treated that I'd taken it out on her. No wonder she talked to me the way she did. I faced palmed myself at the realization. I had yet to apologize to her.

"Mr. Maxwell are you okay?"

I turned to see her looking at me with eyes still filled with worry. "Yeah, yes I'm fine." I didn't know when I reached my office. "After you," I said opening the door so we could enter.

The two males stood up as I walked to my chair. I gestured to her to sit and she did and I was glad it wasn't close to that cop.

"Let's get right to it," said Shaw.

"Yes, " the cop chimed in, eager to get it over with. "Mr. Shaw and I have come to an agreement in regards to Miss. Harvey here..."

"And what's that?" I interrupted.

"Due to the severity of the case, we can no longer have her out on bail but..."

"No, no, no, I can't go back there!" Samantha whispered as her eyes filled with tears. She was on her feet, heading shaking as if reliving the horror of when she was arrested.

"It's okay Miss. Harvey, please sit," he told her, "and let him finish."

Murphy went on to explain that she would be placed under house arrest for as long as two months which would give Shaw some time before the trial. I could tell that she wasn't listening and I didn't blame her. I don't know how he was able to pull it off but knowing that she wouldn't be in prison until the trial was a great relief.

"I'll go get the ankle monitor."

"I'll give you two some privacy," Shaw said following the detective out the office.

"Sam?" She looked up at me as I sat beside her. "Did you hear what they said?"

"Sorry, I..." she trailed off.

"It's okay. He was able to get you to stay here while he prepares for trial but you'll be under house arrest." I let that information sink in before I continued. "You'll have to wear a monitor for the time being and you'll only be able to walk about on my property. Also, you won't be able to contact anyone after today."

"Of course," she gave me a weak smile, "it's better than being in prison."

"Is there anyone you'd like to call, any family members or friends?"

"My friends," she said simply.

"Okay, call them. I'll wait outside."

"Stay, please?" She asked, holding on to my sleeve.


I stayed and listened to the conversation, what I could hear anyway. Her friends were worried about and for her but were also suspicious. They wanted to ensure she was okay and wanted to know where she was but until they had a break in the investigation I trusted no one.

Once she had hung up I saw the tears she had tried so hard to hold back cascading down her face. There were so many emotions passing across her face at once that I couldn't keep up. Again I wanted to hold her and assure her. I wanted to be her rock but would she let me?

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