Revenge Is Best Served

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"Yes, I did it, I killed them and you know what, they fucking deserved it!"

I stood with arms crossed watching her. Listening as she said the words I wished weren't true, at least for Sam's sake.

I wanted to catch Hale's killer but I had hoped it wasn't her despite what I had said in my office.

The door opened slowly and I knew it was her.
"What the fuck Gregory, I told you to keep her outside." I wanted to turn and face her but my eyes stayed glued to Amanda; to the one who murdered Hale in cold blood.

"Sorry Mike, she was already at the door."

"Oh, look who it is. Come to join the party, Sammie?" Amanda taunted and laughed.

Her footsteps grew closer until she was standing beside me. I looked down at the little figure, trembling as she stared at her friend.

I knew exactly how she felt. The anger, the pain, disbelief, the need to get answers. All possible emotions balled into one question.

"Why?" The tone of her voice surprised me. It was firm and harsh. Not at all what I'd imagined it would be. "Why did you do it, Mandy?"

Her friend laughed again. At first, I blamed the serum we gave her to loosen her tongue but no longer. She was mad as the fucking hatter.

"Well, I never meant to kill Viv, if I'm honest but she knew too much. Hale on the other hand," she looked to me, "he had it coming."

"They loved you," Sam shouted. "That's all they did and you killed them? And then you framed me." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "What did we do to make you hate us so much?"

"Hate? No, Sammie, I despise you! You stole the one good thing I had. Did you hate me that much?!"

"Stole from you? What?"

"Always playing the victim. You're gonna stand there and pretend as if you're innocent?!" She wrestled with the handcuffs and fought against the chair. "I'll fucking kill you!"

Sam backed away until her back hit Gregory. Her eyes were wide from the sudden outburst from her friend. Tears cascaded down her face. I wanted to hold her, comfort her, as I always wanted to do when she had her nightmares but I knew, that nothing but time would heal her.
She left the room word without another word.

"That's right little Sammie, run away," Amanda jeered, "that's what you always do. Just like you did when you killed your father!"

"Gregory, don't let her leave."

"No prob, " he answered, following after her.

"Now," I said as soon as the door was  closed, "it's just you and me now bitch and trust me when I say that the only person who'll get hurt by what you say, is you."

She smirked. "I'm not afraid of a little rich boy who knows nothing about hardship. So what, you paid some little twat to find me. Congratulations."

I mirrored her action. "I love when I'm underestimated, don't you? It makes it all the more fun when they find out how thoroughly fucked in the head you are."

Her smile slowly faded.

"What, that's all you've got? I thought you were the big bad that killed your boyfriend and your best friend?
How about you and I play a game?" I pulled the only other chair in the room from the corner and put it in front of her. I sat down and crossed my arms over the back of it and placed my head on them.

Her smile returned. "I like games."

"Well, that's good. I think you'll like this one. It goes a little something like this. You answer whatever question I ask honestly and instead of killing you, I'll turn you over to the police. How does that sound?"

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