The Meeting

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"Miss Harvey," someone said gently shaking me. "Miss Harvey please wake up."

"Huh?" I opened my eyes to be greeted by a pair of worried dark brown ones. "What is it?" I asked sniffling. Why was I...

"It seems you were having a bad dream," the driver said straightening. "Are you alright?"

"I am," I assured him, immediately remembering the nightmare. I wiped my eyes and tried my best to stay far enough from him so he couldn't smell my breath. Was I really meeting someone like this?

"Okay, well we're here," he said moving away from the door so I could step out of the car. As I did the scent of fresh-cut cross assaulted my nostrils and oh how divine it was. I couldn't help but inhale. Anything was better than the smell of the hell hole.

I stumbled a little as I walked to the other side of the car. The driver was right there to catch me. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, his voice laced with concern.

"I'm good," I told him, taking off my shoes. I was hungry and dizzy and wearing five-inch heel stilettos would be the death of me. What was the point really, I was filthy and nothing would change that but a bath.

"If I had known you were a liar I wouldn't have sent Michael to get you," a stern voice whispered behind me, causing me to jump.

My back hit the trunk as I came face to face with one of the most rugged men I'd ever seen. He wasn't the most handsome man I'd seen but he was far from ugly. His skin was a shade darker than mine and reminded me of dark chocolate and yes, I wanted to take a bite. I didn't dare respond as he was too close to me.

I stumbled away from him and the car and fell on my ass on one of his flower patches and watched as his brown eyes turned dark with anger.

"So not only are you a liar and a mute, but you're also clumsy," he stated before turning to his driver. "Chance, take her to Martha so she can get her cleaned up." He looked back at me then walked in the direction of what looked like a garage.

"Yes, Mr. Maxwell."

"Not a good first impression huh?" I said to the driver after the other man was out of earshot. 

"Nope," he said popping the p and pulling me up by the elbow. He was strong and way cuter than the Barbarian I just met. Maybe I could get to know him better, but I guess it all depended on what this man wanted from me.

Chance led me to the steps up to the front door of the mansion, yes I said it, mansion. I was too hungry, however, to admire the white and grey two-story building that stood in front of me. He opened the door to a grand open space that seemed to be the living room.

"Oh dear Lord," screeched a slim middle-aged woman as she stared at me. "Chance what in the world happened?"

"It's not my story to tell mom."

"Boy..." she started.

"Mom, Mr. Maxwell wants you to help her get cleaned up and get her something to eat until he gets back," he said cutting her off.

"Fine," she said glaring at him before turning to me with a smile, "follow me, dear." 

I followed Martha to the side of the stairs that was closet to the living room. Going up took the last of my remaining energy and I was grateful when we stopped at the first door we came to. She opened the door and ushered me in as her son had done earlier. I watched as she moved around the room and bathroom with style, grace, elegance. Whichever word you preferred but her movements were somewhat soothing. They remained me of my mom.

"Oh dear, what is it?" She asked wiping away the tear that escaped down my cheek as the memory ended. 

"It's nothing," I lied, giving her a weak smile. "I'm just tired and hungry," I added, that was the truth.

"It's Martha and don't you worry, I'll have something ready for you once you get out of the bath." She patted me on the back then closed the bathroom door behind me. I didn't even know when or how I got there. Moments later I heard the room door closed as well.

I gingerly removed my dress, bra, and underwear. I looked at the bubble bath that was prepared for me, a freaking bubble bath. It looked inviting but I didn't want to contaminate its beauty. I walked over to the shower and opened the door. I'd get rid of the dirt and nasty feeling that was left on me by that place, then do the bubble bath.

After the shower, I walked over to the round jacuzzi type tub and slowly sank into it. The warm water felt amazing on my skin and I wished I could stay in that very spot for eternity. This was bliss. Fives minutes of being in the tub and I was fully relaxed, the memory of the hell hole fading from view and as the water swallowed my body in comfort I felt my eyelids close and again I welcomed the darkness.

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