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The early morning drive back to the house found the pair in silence.

Gregory had stayed behind to do clean up and leave the necessary evidence that would show that Amanda had indeed killed Vivian and Hale and framed Samantha for the latter.

Brian would find a way as he always does to ensure that nothing led back to them.

Michael glanced at the female next to him that kept her steer to the window. She had said nothing since shooting her former friend and he doubted that there was anything he could say to her that would make things any better.

Upon reaching the house they both sat in the car, unmoving and still in silence.

Slowly the front door opened and Chance came out with his mother in tow. Martha held a white blanket in her hand.

"Mom, don't," Chance whispered holding on to her arm, preventing her from taking another step.

She turned and embraced her son, while tears of sadness ran down her cheeks. 

After getting the call from Brian about  Amanda they had rushed over and found an empty house. They had called him numerous times and left countless messages.

They knew first hand what he was like when he sought revenge. They knew that he had found the men who hurt them and they knew what was done to them. They could only imagine what he would do now that Hale was dead.

"They need to come inside now," she sniffed. "I can just imagine how hungry and tired they must be."

"They'll be fine, maybe we should just wait until they are ready."

She sighed but followed her son's advice. 

Michael and Sam still sat in silence as they watched the duo retreat. Neither one had the strength to move or speak. He looked over at her for about the hundredth time and wondered what he could do. He knew there was a storm brewing inside of her and he didn't want to be in the crossfire when it finally hit but wanted, no needed to be there for her.

Five minutes later she opened the door but remained seated. He got out and walked to her side with no clue what he'd do. He wanted to help her but didn't know how.

"How could she think that about us? After all the things we've been  together." Ever since the first day we met we've been inseparable because we understood each other. Even without words, we'd understood. Blood sisters weren't as close as we were. So why, what the fuck possessed her to start thinking like that?!"

"Sam I..."

"Don't." She got out and walked passed him, then stopped with her back to me. "I will never be able to repay you for all that you've done for but can I ask for one more favor?"

"Anything," he answered eagerly.

"Stay with me tonight?"

He was shocked by the request. He thought that if anything she'd want to be left alone, at least that's what he would have wanted. 

"Yea, yes...I mean sure if that's what you want."

"Yes." With that, she walked off.

When she got to her room Martha was there waiting. As soon as the door was opened, she was swallowed by Martha's arms. "Oh Sammie, I'm so sorry," she cried. "I can only imagine what you're going through." She pulled back so she could see her whole body. "Is, is that blood?" She asked covering her mouth with both hands. "Are you hurt? Where? Is Michael okay? What happened out there? Oh dear God," she cried, all the while turning Sam this way and that looking for the cause of the blood.

"It's not mine Martha," her voice was weak and hoarse.

She relaxed visibly. "I won't ask. "The tub is filled so you go on in. Do you need anything?"

Sam walked off to the direction of the bathroom, stripping as she went. "Yes, Michael."

After washing off in the shower, Sam sank down into the warm water in the tub. Martha had lit scented candles and the aroma was surprisingly calming but she was far from okay.
Her chest felt hollow and as the morning events replayed themselves it was getting harder to breathe.

A soft knock on the bathroom door drew her back to the present. Without any exchange of words, he slid behind her and wrapped her in an embrace. As she settled against him, he felt her tremble. 

"Let it out Sam," he told her kissing her hair. "You have to."

He didn't know her kind of suffering or betrayal but he knew her kind of loss. He also knew that no matter how hard you tried nothing would make sense until all that was bottled up inside was let out.

One sniff, more trembling, quiet sobs. 

"There we go." 

Her cries tore at his heart as time went by. He'd never heard anyone cried as hard as she did. Her whole body shook as if it was its own mini earthquake. Her chest heaved so hard under his hands that he thought she couldn't breathe. If she wasn't sitting he was sure she would have fallen from how weak she would have been.

Sam turned and buried her face in his chest as she continued to cry. She was sure that Martha and Chance could hear from wherever they were but she didn't care. All she felt was pain and the more she cried, the harder she cried, she realized it chipped a little piece of it away. So she let it all out, just like he said. 

Silence took over forty-five minutes later as her temper dulled. Her chest heaved as she tried to calm herself. She sniffled uncontrollably as to avoid her nose from running.

At some point in her emotional breakdown, she had straddled him and placed her head was on his shoulder. 

Those movies were right, she thought; tragedy did bring people closer together.

"Sorry," she whispered, "for slobbering all over you."

He took her face in both hands and smiled. "You can slobber all over me any time."

A half-smile graced her lips as she rested her head back on his shoulder. "Did I already say thank you?" she whispered.

"Yes but you can say it again, I don't mind hearing it." His fingers ran through her hair and the other hand rubbed little circles on her back. He smiled as he felt her do the same. He knew that there would be many more nights like this one but at least for now she was okay. At least for now, he could make her smile.


He laughed for a brief moment before getting serious. "If nothing else, at least this Barbarian got you your freedom and that's all that matters to me."

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