Attorney at Law

18 3 1

"Viv, where are you, I thought we were leaving together?" Amanda's voice blared through my speaker.

"I'm sorry, something came up, I'll tell you about it later."

"Like hell," she screamed. "It's just us now, we can't be doing things on a fly."

"Look, I'm sorry okay but we do have separate lives and it's not as if I won't fill you in later, just, I'll talk to you later." I hang up and put the phone on silent before dropping it in my bag.

I had asked her to go with me that morning but she had shrugged me off the first time and pretended not to hear me the second.

The day Sam got arrested, she freaked out. The last day we heard from her, she wanted to find where she was. Now, she was almost back to normal.
I knew we had to get back to living but Sam was family and we never left each other behind.

Maybe she was just dealing with it in her own way, I thought.

Sighing. Always sighing. My go-to action for calming down.
The taxi came to a stop in front of the police station. I got out and stood and stared at the door.
I needed information and this was the best place I could it.

Walking in, I felt awkward. The last time I was there was with Amanda to bring Sam her phone which they had confiscated for 'evidence'. That seemed years ago and yet it's only been a week.

"Excuse me," I said tapping the shoulder of the officer that stood at the receptionist's desk, blocking my path. "I'd like to get some information."

"About?" He turned, facing me fully.

"My friend, she was arrested and she's now out on bail but I..."

"What's the name of your friend?" He asked cutting me off and gesturing for me to follow him as he left the receptionist.

"Samantha Harvey." His strides were long and I had to speed walk to catch up.

"Samantha Harvey, " he repeated as if trying to remember. "Have a seat."He sat down at a very unorganized desk that was in a corner and started typing. "Okay, and what's your name?" He asked looking up at me.

"Vivian Bernard." He was stern and his built and permanent scold didn't help much. He was handsome though. I can just bet if he smiled it would cause my knees to go weak and my core to...

"Miss. Bernard, it says here that if anyone enquires about Ms. Harvey I should direct them to her attorney. Do you know who that is?"

"No," I answered, trying not to be distracted by the bulge in his pants as he leaned back onto the chair.
What was wrong with me? Was I that horny?

"That would be Brian Shaw."

"Excuse me?" I knew my mouth was wide open and my eyes were even bigger saucers but I didn't care. Just the same as most people knew Michael Maxwell, it was the same for that lawyer that had yet to lose a case.

"Most of our officers had the same reaction. Him, representing a nobody. Anyway, you're in luck today little lady. He's in with our captain right now. If you don't mind waiting."

"I don't. Thank you."

"Okay, I'll go let him know. He'll want to talk to you in private so you can wait in one of the rooms over there." He pointed and waited for me to look. "Second door on your right should be good."

I lost track of time as I waited. I left my watch as I was running late and I didn't want to look at my phone. No doubt Amanda had called several times.
The door opened and I held my breath.
In walked a middle-aged man, suit almost without wrinkles and a leather briefcase. Didn't know people still carried those.

"Miss. Bernard, thank you for patiently waiting."

"Yes, no problem. I just want to..."

"Know about Miss. Harvey's case."

These interruptions. Damn, let me finish for once. "Yes, I would. For example, where she is?"

"I cannot provide that information."

"With all due respect Mr. Shaw, that's bullshit. You bailed Sam out of jail and now she's under house arrest, who knows where, with who knows what's being done to her.
Now she's been through a lot and, this is going to bring back some very nasty nightmares.
No one there will know how to handle her when she's like that."

He leaned forward with both elbows on the table. "And you do?"

I copied his action. "Yes, we do."

"And who's we?" He asked sitting up.

"Amanda and I."

"Amanda Louis. Age twenty-six lives at Carmine place on Pines Street, St. Catherine. She started college but stopped a year later as she felt it was not for her. Has had several jobs over the years, the current one being the longest. She's considered the wild one of the bunch. No known partner at the moment and has been staying with you since Ms. Harvey's arrest."

"Are you stalking us?" Chills crept up my spine.

"This is all public information Miss. Bernard. You are my client's friends, it is my business to know everything about her and you two."

He was calm and it was scaring.
The air in the room got thick and for a moment I forgot how to breathe. "Mr. Shaw, please. I need to see her."

"I will try to get her a phone call. This is not guaranteed, Ms. Bernard. I went to great lengths to get her where she is and its better than being in prison. It might be lonely at times but better."

"Thank you!" I wanted to reach across the table and hug him. Whether he wanted to take her case or not, he was here and that's all that mattered.

He reached the door, then stopped. "Miss?"


"Did you or Miss. Louis know Mr. Hale?"

He seemed to be implying something.
"No," I answered after thinking about it for a moment. "No, we didn't."

"I see. Well have Miss. Louis call me, I'd very much like to speak with her as well. It was a pleasure finally meeting you"

I nodded and he smiled. There was suspicion and doubt dancing behind his smiling eyes and I didn't like it.
Taking the card he had left behind, off the table, I added his number to my phone.

As I thought, Mandy had called several times and there was a voicemail too, which I would delete without listening. What was the point really, I would be hearing the same thing once I got home.

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