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Rapping on my room door caused me to wake from my nightmare. My heart raced as I sat up and tried to calm it down. The knocking continued and I tried to answer but no sound came out. Slowly, I made my way off the bed and to the door. I wiped sweat from my forehead as I came face to face with Martha who had the key in the door.

"Is everything alright Sammie," she asked, her eyes going wide at my appearance.

I swallowed and tried to get my dried mouth and chapped lips wet. "I'm okay Martha." Well, that doesn't sound like me.

"Who do you think you're talking to?" She opened the door so she could fit through and ushered me to the bathroom. "You're burning up child."

"Martha, I'm..."

"If you say 'okay' one more time, as sick as you are I'll slap you upside the head. Now, take your clothes off while I fill this tub."

"Yes ma'am," I found myself saying as I removed my pajama.

"Get in," she ordered when I was through even though the tub was still being filled. "Now you stay in there until I tell you to get out."

I nodded and closed my eyes. I couldn't argue with her even if I tried. My body ached and my temperature kept rotating between hot and cold. I sank into the bath and let the water do its job, whatever that was; my mind was too muddled to think.

What seemed like forever later, there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Sam, it's Chance, mom said you can get out now. There's soup out here for when you do."

"Thanks," I croaked. Man, I sounded awful. I was weak and hot, again, and I could feel a headache developing. I needed help. "Chance where's your mother?" I asked as loudly as I could, which was only a little above a whisper but thank God he heard.

"She went out with Miguel a little while ago. What's wrong?" He asked, still behind the door?

Taking the towel that was close by, I stood up shakily and wrapped it around me before stepping out. "I need your help."

The door opened slowly as he came in but kept his head down.

"It's okay," I told him. "You can look." I watched as a small smile reached his lips as he looked over at me. He rushed over as he realized my legs were giving out.

"Whoa, okay, I got you," he cooed as he picked me up bridal style and brought me to the bed. "What brought this on?" He questioned, covering me with the comforter.

"I don't know. Is anyone else sick?"

"No, just you. Here, drink some water." Chance brought a glass to my lips and I greedily drank it all but immediately after my insides began to twist from hunger.


"What?! What's wrong?" He was by my side once again.

"My stomach, it hurts," I whined. Saying it hurts was an understatement. "When was the last time I ate?" I questioned myself.

"On Monday," he said bringing the platter with the soup closer. "Today's Wednesday. You only ate breakfast on Monday, I was told and when we tried bringing food in yesterday, you kept telling us you wanted to be alone. It was left outside your door but you never touched any of it so, mom got sick of it and got the spare key for the door earlier this morning."

"I see." I propped myself up into a sitting position as best I could so he could place the platter on my lap. My voice sounded a little less hoarse after drinking the water.

Chance stayed with me until the soup had disappeared into my still empty stomach. I hadn't eaten in almost two days but it seemed longer. Unlike others when sick, who didn't have an appetite, I was the opposite.

"Could you give me about ten minutes, then come get me?"

"You should rest Sam."

"The longer I stay in bed, the longer I'll be sick."

He was at the door before he nodded.

I dragged myself out of bed and to the closet. I needed to find something cute. Something that would help my appearance a lot. My fingers moved through the hangars as a series of coughs racked my stomach. Damn, I was worse than I thought.
I stopped at the side that held the jeans and decided on a black highrise ankle-length skinny one and a yellow cotton top that stopped just above my navel so my ring showed.
I dabbed a little foundation on my face, thanks to Martha and some mascara so my eyes didn't look so dead. The Barbarian had even gotten me some jewelry.
Putting in a small gold hoop that matched my top, I realized that I haven't thanked him for anything that he did, he must think me ungrateful, I thought. I made a mental note to do so as soon as I saw him.
I decided to let my curls hang loose as I reached for the black crocs that were by my bedside, not the sexist, I know but they were comfortable. Looking in the mirror, I tried to smile. Don't, I told myself.

Chance didn't come so I made my way to the kitchen as fast as my legs would carry me. The smell of something delicious beckoned to me and I followed it. There he was at the stove. His polo t-shirt giving me a glimpse of his body, that I had somehow missed earlier.
His biceps flexed as he moved around, from the stove to the island and my eyes followed hungrily.
On the counter were bread, pancakes, bacon, and eggs. He smiled when he saw me and I returned it, hoping it was better than when I tried to do it in my room. Walking over to me, he took hold of my elbow and led me to the dining table, then started placing the breakfast before me.

"Eat as much as you can okay." He went back to the kitchen and came back with a cup of tea.

"How'd you know?" I croaked, breaking a piece of bread.

"Micheal told mom," he said filling an empty plate.

"The Barbarian remembered," I mumbled. Maybe I need to give him a new name.

"Barbarian?" He questioned laughing.

"It's nothing," I blushed. "Can we take a walk after breakfast?"

"You sure you can manage?" He was worried but there was no reason to be. A sense of normalcy would help me get better faster.

"You'll be there with me so I'll be fine."

He smiled and we ate breakfast in comfortable silence.

A half-hour later we were walking in the back garden. There were so many different flowers, creating a variety of patterns. Shrubs lined the property wall and countless trees could be seen beyond. It was beautiful.
Chance kept his right hand around my waist and his left held my elbow. His body was warm and soft except for the muscles I could feel beneath his shirt. I felt safe in his arms.
I liked him and as I looked up at him and he smiled at me again, for the umpteen time, I wondered if he liked me too.

Rounding the corner that would take us to the front of the house, we saw the Barbarian coming up the driveway. We reached the front steps as he and Martha came out of the car.

"What are you doing out of bed," he shouted.

"Excuse me?" I was shocked, to say the least.

"Martha, take her back to her room, now please!" He ordered.

He was ignoring me. "Hey, I'm talking to you." I tried to raise my voice but again it was only a little above a whisper. Damn this stupid flu. "I'm not going back there," I protested.

"You don't have a choice in the matter," he said through gritted teeth.

"As far as this thing says," I told him, pointing to the ankle monitor, "I'm confined to the property, not the bedroom."

"Now we'll just add selfish to list then."

"Selfish?" I choked.

"You're sick Samantha, but instead of staying in your room until you're better, you rather spread your germs throughout the entire house and get everyone else sick as well. So yes, selfish. Do you need the exact definition?!" He spat. "Martha, her room. Chance, my office, now."

I watched as Chance followed behind him and Martha led me to my room. I wanted to protest but I was too weak and he wasn't worth what little strength I had.

No, no new name required, he was a pompous ass, Barbarian was just fine, I thought as I got comfortable and my eyes began to close.

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