Past - The Beast

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"Why the hell are you crying again?!" He shouted.

"I..." I couldn't tell him but he knew. Curling into a ball on the bed, I looked into his angry eyes and pleaded for his understanding.

"You, nothing. That bitch decided to leave so don't cry after someone like that. She deserted us without a second thought. Now go back to sleep damn it!"

I watched after him as he left my room and slammed the door behind him. I wanted to scream and shout at him, tell him 'its all your fault' and 'she left you, not me' but I knew what the outcome would be.

I was now ten and still missing my mother, still crying myself to sleep, still having nightmares of their fight and wishing she hadn't left me.
Why did she leave me behind? I knew the answer though. She was only my stepmother, she hadn't adopted me, so if she'd taken me with her she would have ended up in prison; he'd make sure of it.

She had disappeared without a trace and I couldn't blame her. I'd seen what he had done to her in the short amount of time they fought and then tried to lie about, tried to make it seem as if she was crazy. He hadn't expected her to show the police her body. He thought she would have been too scared and weak to, but she wasn't.

The next day when I came home from school, she was gone. All her clothes, gone. The only mother I'd ever known had left me and it was all because of him. The beast that was my father.

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