Drunk In Love (pt. 1)

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{ a/n- So the prompt for this story was given to me by Hannah (aka @lessonslearned911), and even though she thinks it's stupid, I think it's a golden prompt. }

Grace's POV

As I push my shopping car through the local Safeway, looking for the chips and dip Hannah told me to get, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Fancy meeting you here, Helbig." A familiar voice says.

I turn around and end up face to face with Chester See. My face floods with heat, and I know I must be 50 shades of red.

"Hey Chester." I answer, my voice quiet.

"What's with the chips and dip?" He asks.

"Hannah and I throwing a party, for Mamrie's birthday." I tell him.

"And I wasn't invited? Ouch." He teases.

"We must've forgotten to give you your invite." I tease back.

The truth is, Hannah wanted to invite him, but I was too embarrassed. And now he's asking to come, and I really want to invite him, but I don't want to seem like I'm to eager.

"So I can come?" He asks, raising his eyebrows at me.

"Of course." I reply.

As I continue picking up last minute things, like another bottle of tequila and some vegan cupcakes, Chester trails me.

"So were you here to get anything, or just stalking me?" I ask him jokingly.

"I was here to get Mames a card, actually." He replies, waving the card he picked out.

I pay for the items, and as I'm trying to precariously get them all out to my car in one trip, Chester comes over to help.

"Here, I'll take some off your hands." He says, easing them off my wrists.

"Thanks." I say back.

We load the party stuff into the trunk of my car, and as I've just finished shutting the lid, I look up to Chester. He opens his mouth, like he's going to say something, then changes his mind. I get lost, caught up in the moment, and am about to lean in to kiss him when I catch myself. As I turn my head, embarrassed, a large amount of my blonde hair falls in my face. Chester reaches up, tucking it behind my ear.

"There." He whispers.

I smile shyly, and when he's walking off to his car, I feel his hand brush mine.

"Bye Grace. I'll see you at the party?" He calls.

"Definitely." I answer, waving.

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