Chapter Eight: Worry Or Win?

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"Your Number card's as good as ours! And Shark's little girlfriend's Number is gonna be a cherry on top!" Scorch and Chills laugh. Shark, still on the ground, answers with silent resolve. Astral is watching them, arms folded, suspicious. Yuma bares his teeth with defiance.

"I've had it! I activate another Spell! Destiny Approval! It let's me draw a card and I can use it. If it allows me to summon cards, I can! I draw! I activate Double Summon! Then, I summon Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier and Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier! I overlay my two monsters!"


"I'm sorry Shark, Yuma. The iciness of my monsters shall spread into my Xyz Monster's attacks! Creature woven from spider's silk and kindred hope! Descend, Number 37: Hope Woven Dragon Spider Shark!" The Number 37 glows crimson in the air and on my hand. My monster appears and it's actually amazing to see. It appears huddled up, but then it's legs fly out, sharp and ready for battle.

"I did it..." I say, in awe. Shark looks at me, and smiles.

The duel continues, and both Yuma and Shark are on the ground. Scorch calls across the field on a screen, his lifepoints at 2400.
"You shouldn't've messed with us, you two! You should've stayed at home in your pyjamas!"
"I think my partner meant to say, 'you should've stayed in your crib, in your diapers'!" They both snicker. Chills has 4000 lifepoints, Shark 2100, I have 3000 and Yuma 2400. Bronk and Tori watch anxiously from the sidelines, near the fence.
"Oh, no...!" Yuma and Shark stand up.
"They're laughing at us!"
"Yeah, you're right; but don't worry, 'cause we have the advantage now, Yuma. Volcasaurus used up all its overlay units already."
"Oh, right! So that means no more special ability!"
"Hm! That may be true, pipsqueak, but I didn't need it to take out Shark anyway!" Shark is alert; his 2100 lifepoints are under attack.
"'Cause ya see, my Volcasaurus can attack him directly!" Volcasaurus breathes a whirling cloud of flame, right at Shark.
"Look out!!"

"I activate my trap! "Zeus' Breath"! This card can blow off your monster's attack!" Lucky guy. A large, shadowy figure appears, and swamps the cloud of fire with a wave.

"It looks like you lucked out this time!"
"That was a close one." Scorch and Chills' eyes smolder with fuchsia flames; both are under the influence of Numbers.
"You think you're safe now?"
"There's only one way this is're going to lose, and Spider Shark and Utopia's gonna be ours! I place two cards facedown and end my turn!" I'm about to start my turn when my gazer receives a call.

"Mom? What the hell do you want?"

"I thought I told you not to duel!"

"Like I'd ever listen to ya! It's my passion and it was Dad's too. Now, is that all?!"

"No. I know we don't get along, but...Gray's in hospital." My heart stops.

"What?! Why?" I ask, feeling my nose burn the way it always does when I'm about to cry.

"I'm coming." I end the call and look at Shark and Yuma.

"I'm sorry."

"He needs you." Shark says. I remove my duel gazer and shuffle all my cards into my deck.

"Chicken." I hear Scorch and Chills. I don't care. I have to get to Gray.
"Rrgh, my go, then! I draw! Goblindbergh, take to the skies!" I hear Yuma say.

"I believe in you, Shark! High-five the sky, Yuma!"
"I hope you know how to pull this off!"
"Yuma! Please wait!"
"Suddenly I am feelin' the flow!!" Dork.

The hospital is about 5 minutes away from the museum, lucky for me. I rush in.

"Excuse me, miss? Which room is Gray Ashikaga in?"

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