Chapter Twenty: Revelations And Revenge

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"Shaaaark! Get up! Don't quit now! Shark you can't let Quattro win!" Yuma clamours. My best friend is lay on the floor, his entire body turned away from me, and Yuma and Tori who are stood on a separate ground.
"Oh no! Looks like Shark's down for the count."
"Don't say that Tori! I know he'll get up! Shark doesn't quit!" I shout over, tears falling down my face, no longer controlled.
"Please Reginald!" I run over to where he is lay.
"Shark!" Yuma shouts once again. "Shark, wake up! I gotta get out of this chain, can you help me Astral?"
"No one can free you but me." Vetrix laughs. "And right now, Yuma, I think I'll keep your meddling ways under lock and key!" Vetrix chuckles and then disappears.
"Shark, nap time's over. Time to get up and duel! Or were you hoping that if you keep lying there, I might show your pathetic self some pity?" Quattro asks. "Well, you'll get no such sympathy from me!"
"He's not pathetic!" I cry.
"Get up and duel. You owe it to your sister! Don't you? " Shark rolls over, gritting his teeth, a light blue shard flashing at his chest, and suddenly my own chest feels as if it is being tore apart: a sharp pain tears through it. My anger has soared to new heights, even though I've tried to restrain it, and it seems, so has Shark's. Images flash in the forefront of my mind: times I had with Rio, about a year and a half ago, before she was put in hospital. Then, the memories hit deep, from when I had been called by Gray whilst I was out with some friends. He had told me of Rio's accident, and I had immediately ran to the hospital. My anger swirls like a hurricane. As the shards of blue shine from both mine and Shark's chests, we are back in the darkness with Shark Drake once again. However, Nightmare Shark is standing next to Shark Drake and that is a very worrying thing. My ally is stood on his feet now, a clasped hand close to the shard.
"You again."
"It's time." They both say. "Let us enter your mind and soul. Let us take hold." Shark stares up at Shark Drake, defiance written all over his features whilst I just stare at the duo of monsters. I'm not duelling, so I do not understand why Nightmare Shark is trying to stage a take over. I cannot join this duel.
"Yeah right! No chance!" Shark scoffs.
"I won't join you. I will not let you take hold." He says, but seems to be in a lot of pain and struggling. Nightmare Shark looks at me, it's eyes flashing.
"Let me take hold." It murmurs, just as Shark Drake did only seconds ago.
"Never! I don't need you!" I scream, and before I know it, the darkness has disappeared and myself and Shark are back on the magma field, but he is still lay down. I am still on my knees. Yuma's voice echoes around my brain before I refocus and realise that he is shouting to Shark.
"Are you okay?!" He asks, but as Shark sits up, his eyes are void.
"No!" I say, panic stricken. He can't have succumbed to Shark Drake!
"I'm...not sure..." He says, staring at the ground.
"What's wrong with him, Yuma?"
"He is struggling. I believe a Number is trying to take over his mind and soul." Astral observes, as I gasp.
"Aw man." Yuma says. If Shark is still battling his Number, why am I not in the darkness like I have been? Shark gets on his feet, fire exploding in front of the ground we stand on.
"You hear me? I'll never join you..NEVER!" He yells and the light is back in his eyes, as fierce as ever.
"I draw and activate Different Dimension Deep Sea Trench! This card forces me to banish Shark Drake!"
"What?!" Quattro yells: Shark has found a way to get out of the String Counter's curse.
"He banished it?" Yuma asks.
"A most impressive manoeuvre. Shark not only eliminated the monster's efforts to merge with it, but by banishing Shark Drake, Quattro's Gimmick Puppet of Strings' special ability does not activate." Astral states.
"He's safe now." I sigh in relief.
"I place a monster face down in defence mode! Quattro, you're up." Shark has a determined look in his eyes.
"Not a bad move, Shark. Congrats on finding yourself a little more time to stay afloat. But eventually, you will be sunk. Look at the cold hard facts." He goes on to say how his monster has 3000 attack points, and how it is equipped with String of Destiny and how Shark's Life Points are no match for his own, even though Quattro only has 1000 more.
"Face it, there's no way you can win this!" As Quattro finishes his sentence, Vetrix appears in front of him.
"Your confidence may be your undoing, Quattro. The equip spell, String of Destiny is quite the risky card to play. So risky that if things do not go the way you planned, you could ultimately fall flat on your face like Yuma!" For a second, I am confused as to what Vetrix means, but he clicks his fingers and Yuma's chains are released. Because of this Yuma does indeed fall to the ground straight onto his face. As per usual.
"If the top card you send to your graveyard is a monster card, you can attack multiple times, but if it isn't, you're in trouble. You see, you've left your ability to strike at Shark entirely up to chance now." Vetrix points out with a completely relevant point.
"Well I believe luck is on my side." Quattro declares.
"Leaving your fate to fortune is the path of a fool. I, on the other hand, do not prescribe to relying on luck. You cling to your silly feelings and employ none of the strategy of your brothers. You are simply raw emotion." Vetrix turns his arms raised.
"You're wrong!"
"See, you proved my point. You should be approaching this duel scientifically. Strategically. But I'm not even sure you're capable of doing that."
"You know what? I think I know why you've got a problem with me. You resent the fact that I don't grovel to you like my brothers. And yes, I may talk back, but I'm no less loyal to you!" Quattro's fists are clenched now: he seems genuinely angry and upset, but I have said this before and been proven wrong.
"Vetrix! You know something? I miss my father! The man named Byron Arclight. He believed in me, and all my brothers too." His shoulders are shaking as if he's about to cry.
"But all he's become is a cold-hearted revenge obsessed child who just gives my brothers and I orders instead of love! But Trey, Quinton and I all still obeyed you! I guess it's in memory of the father you used to be." Quattro's father?!! What?!
"That's why I did everything you asked to stir Shark's anger!"
"You're pathetic, know that?" Shark fires at him, but as Quattro turns around, I see the hurt of a child who wants their parent's love and affection but cannot have it. It's the look I've seen in my own eyes so many times. It's the look I saw in Rio's after her and Reginald had lost their parents.
"Huh?" Quattro asks.
"I don't care if Vetrix was calling the shots, you're still paying for everything you did to me Quattro!"
"Shark..." I say sympathetically.
"You can try and collect, but you're gonna be walking away empty handed!" Quattro says angrily.
"And once you've been beat, I'll see that Doctor Faker gets his do. And after I defeat Faker, maybe Vetrix will start believing in me before." His eyes are shining, and it truly looks like he is going to cry. They are reflecting anger and confusion but most of all...anguish.
"He just needs to see that I can deliver results. Hopefully, that will be the first step in getting my real father back." Quattro's head is now bent, his eyes squinted closed.
"But until he returns, I have to accept that Vetrix will never believe in me."
"You think you're the only one I don't have faith in? Think again! Your brothers are just as useless!" Quattro is shocked to hear this.
"Huh?!" The ground is shaking.
"Shark? What's happening to the ground?!" I ask.
"I dunno."
"I'd sooner put my faith in three baboons! I can't rely on you three for one thing. You constantly deliver disappointment! The only person I can put faith in is myself! Because it was my own cunning that got me back to this world" A volcano erupts near us.
"You may not believe in me, but that doesn't matter! I believe in myself! I'm more than just your pawn Vetrix! I've become a World Famous Duelling Champion! And I'm gunna show you exactly why right now! It's my turn: I draw! This next move will prove to you that I have both the luck and skill to win. By attacking with Gimmick Puppet of Strings, my equip spell String of Destiny activates!" Everyone is anticipating this move.
"I draw one card from my deck and send it to the graveyard, and if it's a monster, I can attack as many times as that monster's level!" He draws a card and holds it high, but the colour of the card is green: it's a spell card!
"Now this duel will end the way it was meant to!" Quattro hasn't looked at his card yet.
"It appears that luck was not on Quattro's side." Astral states.
"But why?!" Shark is looking calm and collected, watching Quattro question where his luck has gone. Due to this misfortune, Quattro cannot attack. Yuma notes this.
"Maybe not, but I have other ideas! I summon Gimmick Puppet Scissor Arms from my hand. I can double Scissor Arms' level by destroying Strings of Destiny. It was hurting me more than helping me anyway." Scissor Arms chops the spell into pieces, sending it to the graveyard.
"By doing that, Scissor Arms becomes Level 8!"
"Curious." Astral says.
"It appears Quattro implemented a very unique strategy. If he had only summoned Scissor Arms, instead of attacking with Gimmick Puppet of Strings, he could have attacked with both monsters and won this duel." Astral has raised a reasonable point.
"Maybe...he just forgot?" Yuma tries to reason.
"I tribute Gimmick Puppet of Strings! Now I can bring out Gimmick Puppet Nightmare! When I Xyz Summon, Gimmick Puppet Nightmare counts as two monsters instead of one. This can't fail! I overlay my Scissor Arms and two Gimmick Puppet Nightmares! With these three monsters, I build the Overlay Network and Xyz Summon my real ace in the whole!" Quattro's own crest emits from his forehead.
"Arise, Number 88: Gimmick Puppet of Leo!" (ATK 3200 DEF 2300) The monster rises in a turquoise flame. Shark grits his teeth.
"That thing's ginormous!" I begin to tremble.
"Quattro's Gimmick Puppet of Leo is extremely powerful. This does not bode well for Shark." Astral observes.
"Don't be so sure, Astral." I say, but I don't notice the spirit look at me with a curious expression on it's face.
"I activate Leo's ability. I can remove one Overlay Unit from Leo each turn. When it runs out, I win. So I don't need to do anything but sit back and wait for your defeat in a few moments."
"His monster's special ability has practically assured his victory." Astral can't be right. This can't happen. After all the pain Quattro and Vetrix have made myself, Shark and Rio endure, it cannot end this way. There has to be a way for him to win.
"What a monster!" Now I don't really know whether Tori is on about Quattro or Leo, but either way I agree with her.
"And now my Gimmick Puppet of Leo only has one Overlay Unit left. So on my next turn, I win!" Quattro declares. This means that Shark will seriously have to pull an amazing move out of the bag to win the duel on this turn, otherwise he'll lose. All of his work and pain...for nothing.
"I'm afraid there's nothing left for you to do now, but accept that you, Shark, are moments from losing the duel." My best friend's face is contorted into one of anger and pain. What can he do?
"That can't be. Shark can't lose to this guy."
"His situation is most precarious. Shark must somehow destroy Gimmick Puppet of Leo to avoid defeat."
'Come on Reginald.' I think. Without warning, Vetrix materialises next to Shark.
"You know, I happen to see a way out of this for you. Simply approach this sticky situation the way Quattro never could. Strategically."
"Vetrix! Stay outta this! I don't need you helping Shark find a way to beat me!"
"You've already lost. You're useless to me." Quattro looks stricken. Once again, he growls.
"Your role in my designs has ended. Congratukations, you did an adequite job. I'll take it from here, Quattro. I see no further need for you."
"Vetrix." Quattro seems desperate.
"Shark, we both know you can't walk away from this duel a loser. Now do what needs to be done. Unless you no longer care about getting even with Quattro." Shark is furious.
"No! I will have my revenge!"
"Ah splendid! I'm glad we're on the same page then. That rage makes you ideal to do my bidding."
"Quiet! I'm not helping you!" Shark says, but suddenly the shard glows: he is in immense pain. As his shard glows, I wonder why mine has not and then I realise: I wasn't duelling before when Nightmare Shark attempted its takeover, so it would not have been a strong takeover. Whether I have ridded myself of its influence entirely, I do not know. Shark holds a hand to his chest.
"Shark!" Yuma yells.
"What's...going on?"
"It seems that Number 32: Shark Drake wants to get your attention."
"But...I thought Shark Drake was banished. How can he still get to Shark?" I ask aloud. My heart aches as Shark stands there in clear agony, but there is nothing I can do to help...this is his own internal battle now. He drops to his knees, his grip on his chest tighter, his face contorted but blank.
"Fight it, Shark! Please!" His head snaps up, facing the sky, his teeth grit as he groans in agony.
"You wanna win this duel, don't you? Hurry! Before it's too late and the time has passed. Let the Number take hold and get your revenge!" I am stood a few paces behind him, and I sink to my knees. He cannot fight it any longer. I sob escapes my throat.
"I must have revenge!"
"No, don't! Don't give in Shark!"
"This duel- this is my one chance!"
"No Shark. Fight the Number! Fight it!"
"Don't you see, Yuma? He can't anymore! He's been put through more pain by Quattro than you can imagine! Without revenge...his ache will be for nothing." I face Yuma, tears spilling down my face. Shark looks up, and he is shining with an aura. His eyes glow.
"My turn! I draw! And I think I'll begin by flipping over my Deep Sweeper in defence mode. Then I switch it to attack mode." (ATK 1600 DEF 1300)
"Now I'll activate Deep Sweeper's special ability which means I can tribute it to destroy a spell. So I'm getting rid of Deep Sea Trench! Now that Deep Sea Trench is gone, Shark Drake returns to my field!"
"Shark Drake is back?"
"Badder than ever."
"This move could have dire consequences for Shark." The monster returns, looking even more fearsome than ever before. However, my vision becomes blurred by tears. I wipe them away, because after all, Shark could win the duel now. That's what we've waited for for so long...right? This sweet revenge?
"No way!" Quattro gasps in disbelief.
"Now the all powerful Shark Drake is back on my field!"
"Well, it won't be here for long since my Gimmick Puppet of Leo has more attack points! Fcae it! Your Shark Drake is no match for my Number!"
"Correction, Quattro: it's no match for your number yet!" Shark declares.
"Say what?!"
"You heard me right. My next move is the beginning of your end! Shark Drake, the time has come! Let us unite so we can merge and evolve!" A huge explosion of fire erupts right behind Shark. Things are about to get very dire.
"What's happening?!" Tori asks.
"I don't know but I don't like it!" I reply.
"Nothing good." Yuma's face portrays how I feel: pure fear.
"Go, Chaos Xyz Evolution!" He clenches his hand, and pink streaks fire out from it. No way! This can't be happening! I've known a Chaos Xyz Evolution, but it was Yuma and Astral! I didn't think anybody else had that power! The Overlay Network forms, and purple energy rains down around Shark. He has his arms crossed straight, and balls of energy at each of his hands. They swirl before disappearing and Shark screams out. His aura is now bright lavender: he looks dangerous. His eyes are now red instead of that deep sea blue. His hand is outheld, his thumb, index and middle finger pointing out.
"Appear, Chaos Number 32: Shark Drake Veiss!" (ATK 2800 DEF 2100) This monster is much more colourful than Shark Drake, it's colour scheme predominantly white, light blue and pink. It's actually quite a magnificent sight.
"Woah, Shark Drake became a Chaos Number!"
"How is it that Shark is capable of summoning a monster such as this?" Astral wonders aloud.
"Very well done Shark. I just knew you were the right choice." Vetrix has appeared next to me.
"Shut it! He's done this for his little sister not for you, d'ya hear me?!"
"Agh, no! It's a nightmare!" Quattro steps back; he's realised that he is doomed.
"I activate Shark Drake Veiss' special ability. I use one Overlay Unit to banish Aero Shark from my graveyard. Now your monster loses attack points equal to my monster's attack points! Your Gimmick Puppet of Leo is now as harmless as a kitten!" We watch as Leo's attack points deplete to 1300: he has lost 1900 attack points and has exactly 1500 less than Shark Drake Veiss. And Quattro only has 1500 Life Points left!
"What?!" Quattro shrieks.
"And now, Shark Drake Veiss attack his Gimmick Puppet of Leo! Go Chaos Stream!" The monster swirls in the air as it prepares to attack. The monsters go into battle. Shark Drake Veiss releases purple streams of light. The attack is successful! Leo is destroyed and in a massive golden destruction, Quattro is blown backwards, yelling in pain. His Life Points empty to zero. Shark has won! The revenge we've waited for has finally happened! His face appears on a screen with the word 'WIN'. Shark Drake Veiss disappears as the duel is now over and Shark's aura disappears. He is panting heavily, most likely exhausted from the strain the battle has put him under.
"Shark did it...he won.." Yuma says.
"Excellent duelling. Well done." Vetrix is behind Shark now, and my ally turns to face him.
"Vetrix." Shark spits the name out like poison.
"You are truly worthy of taking down Faker."
"No, you're wrong. You're the one I'm taking down!" Shark yells.
"You'll regret messing with me! That's a promise."
"Such enthusiasm, I like that. But, you see, you and I are not meant to duel yet. It is not in the cards."
"Face me!" Shark lunges forward, fist swinging, but Vetrix's crest forces him away.
"I think not."
"Reginald!" I run to Shark, who has now been knocked backwards onto the floor.
"Aw no, Shark." Yuma says.
"Yuma Tsukumo, I'll be keeping an eye on you to see how far feeling the flow can take you in this tournament." Vetrix laughs as he disappears into a purple void. The augmented reality Magma field disappears from around us. Shark sits up.
"Where'd he go?" He asks, but looks over to where Quattro is groaning in pain. He removes his duel gazer, and stands up.
"Shark...I'm so sorry Shark...about everything..." His maroon eyes have sorrow in them, shining like earlier in the duel.
"Yeah right! After everything you pulled?!" I hold onto his arm to try and restrain his anger. Yuma and Tori run over.
"You have to believe me, it was all because of Vetrix." He says, staring down at the floor.
"I never should have followed his orders...but I did...when I duelled your sister. Vetrix forced me to use a powerful card. It caused a huge fire. It was because of that card that she wound up hurt...I felt terribly about what had happened and even rescued her from the blaze. I never meant to hurt her! But that's what Vetrix his son, I didn't think, and just did what my father asked." He attempts to get up.
"You have to believe me. I never wanted to hurt her, Shark." Quattro says. There is no trick this time. Only hurt and earnestness.
"I believe you." Tori says.
"You're the reason she escaped the fire in one piece." Yuma concludes. However, whilst Rio did not have any altering injuries such as a broken arm or leg and she had not fractured anything, her eyes had endured severe burns. They have been covered by bandages since she was first found and admitted to the hospital.
"Yes, but it's all my fault...they were my actions after all. So if you're going to hate someone, hate me. I deserve it for what I've done. I beg of you help me, Shark, I need him. Please Shark bring my real father back."
"That pain she has endured, that myself and Reginald were forced to endure with her...we will never forget that. But, I for one, do not see the point in hatred here. I will never forget, but I can try to forgive." My words are clear, and I do not know what Shark thinks of them, but even though I have to drive with him in his coaster, some part of me doesn't care what he thinks. Rio would want us to forgive him, I know she would.
"Thank you, Rose." Quattro smiles at me.
"Quattro...!" Yuma says.
"When you do, Shark, tell him this; we'll be waiting, all of my brothers and I. For him to rejoin us, as a family...Just like before." He starts to disappear.
"And, for the record, whilst you don't acknowledge when people call Rose your girlfriend, you should start thinking why they assume that." He smiles another genuine smile. With that, he is gone.
"Goodbye." I whisper. Shark closes his eyes and I let go of his arm. As soon as I do, he turns to walk away.
"Shark! Wait Shark!" Yuma calls out.
"Did you hear what Quattro said? Are you gunna help us take down Vetrix or not?" Yuma demands. I stand with Yuma, unsure of whether to follow Shark.
"Are you listening?!" Yuma asks, irritated. Shark turns.
"Yeah. Now, you listen Yuma. I'm going after Vetrix regardless of Quattro." He squints his nose in anger. "Coz that creep needs to learn, never, EVER mess with me. Rose are you coming?" All of a sudden, a deep misunderstanding for what Shark is doing courses through me.
"You know what, Shark? No, I'm not." I remove my duel disk.
"I'm done with this carnival and I'm done getting through to you. Quattro was a pawn, a puppet, and you're becoming the same. You're running straight into Vetrix's trap! If not coming with you means forfeiting my place in the Finals alongside you then so be it. I'll get my brother to get Heartland to get me out of here." Shark's face changes, and for a moment, he looks regretful. Only for a moment.
"Fine." He huffs.
"But Shark-" Yuma says, but he is referring to Shark's rejection of Quattro's heartfelt apology. Shark is back on his coaster, and already speeding away.
"I see that Shark wants to duel for the wrong reason, I just wish I could talk some sense into him."
"Me too, Yuma. But it won't happen." I say bitterly. "I've tried so many times."
"Are you sure that Gray will get Heartland to get you out of here?" Tori asks.
"I hope so, I'll call him in a second. Hopefully, he will let me pull out."
"Duelling's not about revenge." Yuma looks down at his clenched fists, still thinking about Shark.
"Yuma." Astral says, "Perhaps your actions must be louder than your words will. If you follow your instincts, others will follow your lead." Astral points out as Yuma and Tori go to get in their coaster. I wave at them and call my brother.
"Rosie? Hey, how is it? The feed cut off from your duel, what happened? Are you okay?" My brother answers and I immediately notice that he is sat next to Striker and his brothers.
"I need you to get Heartland's attention for me. I need you to tell him that one of the finalists is stuck in the magma zone."
"You're stuck there? What about the coaster?" He asks.
"I was sharing one with Shark."
"I know. Is your coaster broke?"
"He's gone, Gray. He was consumed by anger and I told him that I would not put up with it any longer. If it means forfeiting my place then I do not care. I entered for fun, and getting to the Finals was enough for me." My brother looks solemn and I know he will ask about Shark when I am out of here, but he nods.
"I'll get Heartland." With that, he hangs up and I sit down. Shark's attitude has me shaken; I know he is hurting, but Quattro was serious, I know that. He has been consumed by his hate. That Number has destroyed him. Quattro's apology also has me thinking. Vetrix is his father? There is a bigger story to all of this, so many pieces missing. As I wait, Quattro's words ring in my head. '"And, for the record, whilst you don't acknowledge when people call Rose your girlfriend, you should start thinking why they assume that."'
People assume I'm his girlfriend because I always stick up for him, I'm always there for him, I'm always concerned when he's in danger, but overjoyed when he is victorious. I make my feelings obvious...and have no idea whether he realises any of it.

Book One: Someone New (Reginald Kastle)Where stories live. Discover now