Chapter Twelve: Soccer Match

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"Let's duel! After all, this soccer ball picked you!" The soccer ball he keeps in place with his foot is covered with spell and trap cards.

"Now there's no going back!"
"Huh? Is this guy for real?" He kicks the ball up to hold in his hands.
"Yeah, I'm for real! And you're in real trouble, 'cause if you think I have skills when it comes to kicking it, just wait 'til you see the moves that I make out on the duel field!"

"Are those cards on there?"
"Now!! Put up your heart piece and let's go!!"
"Aw, yeah!! I like your style! Straight to business! Oh- hey, I'm Yuma Tsukumo! Who're you?"
"The name is Striker."
"Did he say Striker?" Caswell asks.
"You know him?"
"Maybe. That name sure sounds familiar." The bystanders around us are taking notice; a duel's about to start.
"Time to kick this carnival off!!"

"Then let's do this! 'Cause I'm feelin' the flow!!"

"You can do this, Yuma!" I cheer. When their disks and gazers are set up, the duel begins.
Since you challenged, I'll make the first move! I draw!" Yuma plays one monster facedown and ends his turn.
"Gogogo Golem, played in defense mode. Smart move. With all the trash-talk our fancy-footworking friend was kicking up, I figured you would foolishly go on the attack. Clearly, I am rubbing off on you." Astral says, bemused. I laugh quietly.

"Rrrrggghhh, ya know?! If ya keep taking the credit, I'll attack you!"

"Rose...?" Tori and Caswell ask, confused.

"Astral thinks he's rubbing off on Yuma."
"I dunno who you're talking to,over there, but I know that after my first move, you won't be talking to anyone, 'cause you're gonna be speechless!" Striker draws and plays a field spell card known as Stadium of Dreams. The World Duel Carnival disappears around us as a huge soccer stadium fades into view over it. Yuma and Striker stand in opposite goal boxes on the bright green soccer field, and the stands are packed full with cheering fans. The jumbotron screen shows the WDC logo. That's not all that changes; the duel holograms also overlay Yuma's clothes with soccer cleats, shorts, and jersey in red and orange. He grabs the front of the shirt in disbelief.
"You're kiddin' me!" I gasp as me and Tori also get holographic costume changes, swapping our clothes for similarly-tinted cheerleader outfits in pinks, yellows, and whites. Standing in a cloud of hearts and bubbles, a yellow pompom in each of our hands, myself and my friend are unsure quite what just hit us. Ali appears next to me, hair tied in two ponytails. (Summer and Jen do not feature here, sorry) My hair is tied in a loose bun, with pink streaks through it.

"Rose. You look gorgeous!" Ali exclaims, happily. I laugh. So does she.
"This is not my look." Tori says.

"Party-Pooper." I sigh and giggle.

Caswell and Cat have been costume-changed into business suits and headsets and placed behind the commentators' desk. Caswell says that it's like everyone's dreams have come true.
The crowd answers with a huge roar that fills the whole stadium. Yuma looks around.
"Whoa! Th- this can't be!"
"It can and it is! And there's more, too, 'cause now Stadium of Dreams switches all facedowns in defense mode to face-up!"

Gogogo Golem gets flipped over, and appears on the field in defense mode, wearing a big red soccer jersey. Next Striker summons Wing Captain! (ATK 1100 DEF 1100) The stadium jumbotron shows the monster and its stats. Wing Captain is a robotic-looking soccer player in blue. Striker declares and attack. He must be planning something, since Gogogo Golem has more attack points.
"Not once I activate the spell card "Perfect Pass"! Take it, Wing Captain!" Striker runs and kicks a soccer ball that shines bright white, passing it to his monster.
And take it to Gogogo Golem! 'Cause now, since Golem's defense points are greater than Wing Captain's attack points, my Captain's attack points double!" And it also happens to stop Golem's abilities. Oh goodie.
"Can you say-- Gogogo-go-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-a-a-a-a-al!!!"
The jumbotron shows the word 'GOOOAL' in graphics, along with the scores; Striker 4000 lifepoints, Yuma 3300 lifepoints. Yuma's sitting on the grass, recovering from where the ball from the attack has winded him.
"No fair! When you destroy a monster in defense mode, it's not supposed to take away any lifepoints!"
"It does when Cappy's attack points are greater than your monster's defense points!"
Wing Captain is hopping in place on the field, waving to the crowd. This is a great starting duel. Yumas already down on LP.
"Don'tcha just love Captain's special ability?"
"Ya know what I'd love? To last one more round with this guy!" Striker ends his turn.

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