Chapter Twenty-Three: Where It All Began

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As soon as we arrive at the hospital, Reginald is taken away for scans, to check his physical wellbeing after the intensity of the duel. I believe that he will be alright, after all he always is. Whilst I am waiting for him, I go to top floor to see Rio. As I walk, I put my hands in my back pockets. As I do, I feel a piece of paper folded and squashed. I pull it out and open it out. Song lyrics.

There's something in the way you roll your eyes
Takes me back to a better time
When I saw everything is good
But now you're the only thing that's good

Tryna stand up on my own two feet
This conversation ain't comin' easily
And darling I know it's getting late
So what do you say we leave this place?
Walk me home in the dead of night
I can't be alone with all that's on my mind, mhm
So say you'll stay with me tonight
'Cause there is so much wrong going on outside
There's something in the way I wanna cry
That makes me think we'll make it out alive
So come on and show me how we're good
I think that we could do some good, mhm
I had written this after I had been taken over by Number 47: Nightmare Shark. Reginald had saved me from my battle with the Number. He had been so caring that day. He had literally become one of the only good things in my life.
I push the lyrics back into my pocket and walk into Rio's room. It always amazes me how she can look so regal no matter what she is doing. For weeks on end, I have seen her just lay there peacefully, but the sunlight outside always seems to pour in and illuminate her already majestic features.
"Hey, Rio. Reginald made it all the way to the Semi-Finals. Isn't that amazing? A guy named Vetrix corrupted him, making him think Yuma put you here. Yuma managed to get through to him, and your brother actually admitted that he considers Yuma a friend. So much for callous, huh?" I smile.
"But Vetrix...he's Quattro's father. The next duel of the semi-finals is Vetrix vs Kite, you remember the Number Hunter me and Reginald told you about? I don't know who will win, but if Vetrix does, I know Yuma will defeat Vetrix. He'll keep feeling the flow as always." I look out to the city. I am unable to see the Duel Tower from where I am.
"Your brother's here, Rio. He's getting x-rays to see if he's okay after his duel with Yuma. I think he will be, but he'll need a lot of rest. That duel was incredibly strenuous. You know he'd do anything for you? You're so lucky to have him as your big brother."
"She is." Hailey speaks up from the door.
"And I think you're lucky to have him as your friend, even though I know you want him to be more." She winks at me.
"I'm going to go and check up on him, to see if he's okay. I'll leave you to tend to Rio." She chuckles at me. As I walk out of the room, I smile. It seems I have finally come to terms with my feelings. Reginald is in Room 73, sitting in a bed whilst a doctor tells him his condition. I knock on the door.
"Am I allowed to come in?" I ask and the doctor nods gently.
"You're absolutely fine. I saw the duel on the TV, and it looked like you endured a lot of pain, but your results show that you're perfectly okay. Just take it easy and rest up." With that, he leaves. I sit on the chair next to his bed.
"I knew you'd be okay." I grin.
"Yeah. I was thinking about what you were telling me about forgetting about you. Mizen flew you up there? How? She's tiny." He sports a confused expression.
"I understood her speech at the start of yours and Yuma's duel, but once you revealed Vetrix's crest, she started glowing bright blue. She told me to go to the top of the stadium, so I did and she just grew!" I exclaim, laughing. I am surprised to see that he is laughing too.
"It's the sorta thing that would happen to you though." He quips.
"Rude!" I say, grinning from ear to ear. It seems all of our frustration at each other from yesterday has been forgotten.
"Eh. I can't imagine Heartland was too pleased about you just flying up there, especially after you pulled out of the competition because of me." Reginald says, his gaze now solely on me.
"He said he was 'stunned' when I got on the platform. I'm surprised he didn't throw me off." I giggle.
"I'm grateful you were there."
"Really? It was one of those things that I didn't really think about. I kinda just listened to Mizen." I admit.
"It wasn't like I could duel alongside Yuma...I guess, I thought that if my words were powerful enough, I could help him break you free." I admit shyly. He smirks at that.
"Well you certainly have a lot confidence in yourself." He chuckles.
"And you're acting...different." I say.
"So I have a laugh with you and you slate me for it?" He retorts.
"I'm your best friend, it's my job." I grin.
"Anyway, going back to your point of my alleged confidence, my words have to have some sort of impact, don't they?"
"That's your excuse?" We are both now laughing.
"What do you mean?"
"We both know you love me really. That's the only true thing Vetrix said." He smirks. I playfully hit him.
"I do not!" I deny.
"Hmm, sure. Everyone says it." He throws me a grin, but for once he is showing his teeth.
"That doesn't mean it's true. Everyone could say that Yuma is the worst duellist around, that doesn't make it true." I grin back.
"Oh, please. His strategies are definitely Astral's ideas."
"So you can see Astral now?" I ask.
"Yeah. When I asked you after my very first duel with Yuma, I knew you could." He says coolly.
"I was embarrassed, I thought you'd think I was a freak or somethin'." I giggle.
"Nah, I might have actually believed he existed if you saw him as well. Two people can't go crazy seeing the same thing." He points out.
"Oh yeah."
"Idiot." He rolls his eyes at me.
"Onion Boy." I fire back. A amused annoyance spreads across his face.
"Tomato Girl." He throws back. I shouldn't have told him about my hatred for the red fruit.
"Hey, your name even suits it. Roses and tomatoes are both red, and so are you right now." Our faces are inches away from each other, and I can feel the happy atmosphere. He seems in such a good mood.
"Dr. Pepper!" I randomly say.
"What?" He laughs.
"Fear of peppers?" I say, providing a very stupid reason for my comment.
"You're somethin'." He smirks.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I pout. Reginald shakes his head at me, and puts his hand on my cheek.
"Reginald, w-what are you-?" I am cut off as he pulls my face forwards and kisses me. My eyes widen in shock 'You have accepted your feelings for him, haven't you?' I ask myself. I close my eyes and kiss him back. I feel the smirk creep onto his face. My stomach is swirling: of all of the outcomes of today, this one was not anticipated. He pulls away, and as I open my eyes, I am surprised to see that his cheeks are hazed pink.
"You're red again." He states bluntly.
"Your cheeks are pink, Kastle." I fire back.
"Well yeah, I did just kiss the girl I like!" As soon as he says it, he widens his eyes.
"I shouldn't have said that." I giggle and kiss his cheek.
"I like you too, actually you moron. Did you not realise that for real?" He is speechless.
"Well, I..uh.."
"I'll take that as a no. You're ambitious, courageous, admirable and straightforward. I like so much about you, alright?" I am in complete embarrassment until Reginald lifts my face up from the ground.
"What I like about you is that you always defend me, how you're always upset when I'm hurt, and how you always support me. You're kind, gorgeous, funny and you're also courageous and ambitious." He's grinning at me. His words have me completely shocked.
"You treat me the same. Remember when Number 47 tried to take me over? You were so concerned. You saved me and I have always been grateful for that and I always will be." Swallowing my nerves, I kiss him. He holds his hands on my shoulders as he returns the gesture. It is me that pulls away this time.
"Now, promise me you'll get some rest?" I ask him.
"Where are you gonna go?" He asks.
"Nowhere. I'm gunna stay right here." I stifle a yawn.
"You're tired."
"I barely slept worrying about you." I admit.
"You need rest as well. Go home and rest Roe. I'll be fine." He rubs his thumb across my cheek.
"I'll rest here." I say resolute. He lets out one last laugh.
"Persistent, aren't ya? Alright, you can stay. Just don't be creepy and watch me sleep." I playfully hit him. He puts his head on the pillow and closes his eyes. I lean back in the chair, and close my own eyes, a wide beam on my face. I have finally confessed to Reginald in the same place my friendship with him began.

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