Chapter Seventeen: Beginning Of The Finals

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Rose POV:
It seemed phenomenal to the other kids at school how three people from our school had actually made it to the Finals. Some couldn't believe it, especially on the discovery that one of those people was Yuma. My clumsy friend entered campus with a bang this morning by jumping from the top of the stairs and crashing at the bottom of them, only to immediately start asking people if they would like his autograph. I watched from afar, and snorted at how the fame had very quickly gone to Yuma's head. I didn't know how it had impacted Shark- who was the third person to make it to the finals as well as myself- but I knew I wasn't as hyper as Yuma was. Yes, of course I was excited about being in the WDC Finals, it was a huge thing! But just a few congratulations in the hallway were enough for me.
I had received an invite to the party for all the finalists. There were 24 of us all together. Truth be told, I couldn't wait to show the competition what I had. I showed up at the finals wearing a silk blue cut neck dress that reaches above my knees. My hair is tossed into a bun with strands hanging down around my face. It's not long before I've found Yuma and the others and they're in quite the predicament. They're about to walk onto the red carpet but it appears that Yuma has lost his invitation. Why am I really not surprised?
"Rose! You'll vouch for me right?! That I had an invite?"
"You did have an invite, Yuma."
"Sorry, no invite, no entry." And with that, Yuma is gone. I frown and then present my invitation. As I walk away, I hear the bouncers say that they don't know how a kid like Yuma made it into the finals. I walk down the red carpet, and am surprised that people there actually want an autograph. A smile breaks across my face and I wave. I reach the end of the carpet and stop by the door for breath but don't get any further as I hear a commotion behind me. Something is crawling underneath the red carpet! The carpet flies up and the whole crowd sees them: Yuma, Tori, Caswell, Bronk, Flip and Cathy. The bouncers run in and the group runs towards the entrance, with Tori calling all of them idiots. My friends run past me, and up the stairs. As they reach the top of the stairs, Flip hides behind a pillar. I run after them, laughing at the action and entertainment they are providing. Yuma grins upon seeing me joining them. We reach the next set of doors, which are also guarded, so we're cornered. Yuma again insists he's a finalist. A tall intimidating man arrives, saying he wondered who was causing the commotion. He has flame-shaped dark red hair with a lighter red fringe and purple eyes and his name, I learn, is Nistro. As always, Yuma has made a mess. He asks what the problem is. The bouncer says he came in with no invitation. Nistro says it's fine, despite his looks, Yuma is indeed a finalist. The bouncer starts to argue and Nistro asks if he doesn't believe him. The two back off and leave. Nistro asks if Yuma thinks he's tough, but he's already continued on inside. I smile at him nervously.
"Sorry, he's really excited." Nistro nods.
"I can tell. I don't recall you being a member of his little party."
"Neither do I." I laugh lightly and walk away.
Many people have gathered in the ballroom and by the staircase at the back of the room is a giant cake, topped with a heart. My stomach growls with hunger. Looking around, I see familiar duellists, like the Triad of Terror who are well-known. But the most familiar of all should be Shark. I can't spot him anywhere, but I see Quattro, signing autographs. I walk over, determined to expose him, overcome by this sense of anger, but I stop when Quattro looks out of the window with a smug expression. I follow his gaze and see who I had been looking for. His expression hardens, and he pushes fans out of his way. He runs outside, and I follow, forgetting my anger. He runs over to Shark, yelling his name. My dark haired friend looks quite confident; there is a dark glint in his eyes.
"Quattro," he says with a smirk. "I figured you'd be inside signing autographs for your little fan club." Quattro is getting clearly angry, whilst Shark is enjoying this chance.
"Enjoy it whilst you can, because soon, I'll make sure that your fans find out that you're just a phony feeding them lies." Quattro growls, gritting his teeth, whilst Shark walks away. I run to follow him.
"Shark, wait. Where have you been?" I grab his shoulder, forcing him to face me. His dark blue eyes have an emotion in them that I cannot place.
"Rose...look, I'm sorry, I thought it would be safer for you if I kept my distance."
"Reginald, I've been out of my mind! The doctors at the hospital said that you hadn't been to see Rio, and you weren't picking up your cell! I was so worried!" I hug him, and he quickly returns the gesture, something that surprises me. I look up at him and he smiles down at me.
"I've been meaning to see Rio, you know she is all I have. I've just had a lot of thinking to do." I lightly punch him.
"Excuse me, rude! I'm always here for you, Reginald. Rio may be your sister, but I'm your friend, you have me too."
"Now that's rude. I told you that you were my best friend and now you're just a friend." He chuckles at me.
"My best friend then." I giggle back and place a small kiss upon his cheek, which quickly flames up.
"I might go back inside to the party, are you coming?"
"I was actually about to offer you a ride around the city, I know that you love them." His cool blue eyes are focused on mine and I smile back at him.
"They're supposed to be introducing the finalists aren't they?" I ask.
"Ah well, who cares? It's not like we'll be kicked out for not being there." I think about his point.
"You know what, that ride sounds good right now." He takes my hand jokingly, and we head to the parking lot.
"At your service. You're pink by the way." He says smugly.
"Well, so are you! And it's cold!" He looks down on me, the colour of our surroundings filling his gorgeous sea blue eyes.
"You're adorable." He laughs and then stops. He groans.
"I said that out loud, didn't I?"
"Yeah, you did, but you're not so bad yourself Kastle." I laugh at him, and release his hand as I get Rio's helmet from the compartment and get on his runner.
"Look at you, finally used to a runner." He smiles.
"I missed this. I missed you." I look at him earnestly, and he takes my hand, but not jokingly this time.
"I missed you too. Sommet about you just makes things better. You don't tell anyone that." I giggle and squeeze his hand.
"It's a promise."

About 20 minutes after we leave, I receive a call from Tori. I'm sat in the park with Shark, my head on his shoulder feeling tired, but at this moment, I couldn't care what the by-passer's think and it seems neither does he.
"Rosie, when did ya leave?" She asks when I answer.
"About 20 minutes ago, you know that I don't like crowds." I laugh.
"You missed the action! A small kid interrupted Heartland's speech, so he never introduced the finalists. Then Flip impersonated a famous duellist to get in and they crashed into the cake. Then Flip crashed into some more food, it was a disaster!" I get uncontrollable giggles at this.
"Awe, Tor, you'll have to tell me more about it tomorrow, yeah?"
"Definitely." She hangs up after a small goodbye. I rest my head back onto Shark's shoulder.
"Shark? Promise me you won't do anything completely stupid in the finals?"
"I can try." I smile at that.
"And Rose? Told you about the finalists introduction." He smirks at me and I whack him playfully.Shark POV:
I don't know how I've become this comfortable around Rose, but I know that this could be dangerous territory. I don't want to hurt her, but I have to make Quattro pay for what he's done to my little sister. I can't bring Rose into it, but it seems as if she will not leave me, which of course I appreciate. There's just something about her, isn't there? I don't want to admit that maybe I'm falling.

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