Chapter Twenty-Eight: Honesty (ENDING)

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I've decided that I really don't like hospitals. I've been here twice today, and it is not my ideal hangout spot. When Dextra took me in, my leg was covered in blood, with two red cuts running along my right shin. When she's about to leave me, when I grip her arm.
"Dextra, is there any chance you could do me a small favour?" I ask.
"Of course, what do you need?" I hold up Reginald's runner keys that had been left in the helicopter with me.
"Is there any way you would be able to bring Reginald's runner here?" Dextra and the nurse that is currently tending to me exchange a look I cannot recognise.
"Me and Nistro will do that for you. It'll be outside within the hour." Her eyes show trust and honesty. She takes the keys. The nurse has cleaned my cuts up, and put a lot of anti-septic around it which caused me to grit my teeth due to the burning. I have to shower before I am allowed bandages, but the showering facilities are what I needed after the day I have experienced. After the relieving cleanse, I am given new clothes to replace the ones I had been wearing: a sleeveless blue top, and blue skirt to match. After this, a nurse wraps bandages around my shin. I am about to return to my room when my duel gazer rings.
"Hey! How're you doin'?"
"I'm alright, I've just had my bandages." I say.
"You're okay though, right?"
"Yeah. Was there somethin' you wanted?"
"Yuma and Kite are having a duel. They think it would be the real Duel Carnival Finale." She tells, excitement written on her face.
"That's awesome! I'm rooting for them both, personally, but I see Kite winnin' it." I confide. She laughs.
"I knew you would. I'll leave you to it now, and I'll see you soon, yeah?"
"Yeah, bye Tor." I hang up the call, but see messages from my brother, who now knows that I am here. I call him, and he picks up immediately.
"Rosie! Are you okay?! What happened? I was called by the hospital. They said that you and Shark were both admitted together about an hour ago." His voice is panicked.
"Yuma was in danger, and Reginald and me went to help. They teamed up with Kite to face against Doctor Faker, but before that Heartland set Litterbots on us and that's how I got the cuts on my legs and Reginald stood in the way of one that tried to attack me and it cut his side." Gray smiles.
"That was brave of him."
"Yeah. Don't worry, I've been told that once myself and him are bandaged up, we can leave. I'll be home within an hour, don't worry." My brother nods.
"Alright. Stay safe, I love you baby sis."
"I love you too Brother Bear." We grin at the nickname, remembering our childhood, before we hang up.
I arrive back at my room to see Reginald sat on my bed, eating a sandwich.
"Reginald Kastle, why are you putting crumbs all over my bed?" My hands are on my hips, a slight smile on my face and Reginald just chuckles.
"I brought you food, actually. You need it as much as I do. Now, do you want it, coz if not, I'm starving." On my bed, there is a sandwich pack, crisps and bag of cookies. He senses my delight, and chucks the sandwich at me.
"Thank you." I say, ripping open the sandwich box.
"And you're complainin' to me about crumbs. Hypocrite." I pout.
"How's your side doin'?" I ask. He grimaces.
"It was horrible to look at. There was-"
"No! Don't wanna hear it!" I wave my hand in dismissal, to Reginald's amusement, and pick up my second sandwich.
"You're really cute, ya know that?"
"I'm not though..." I say, looking at that ground, eating my way through the sandwich.
"Hmm, whatever floats your boat. My side is fine. As you can see, I have a lot of bandages. Between me, you and Rio, I think we're using their entire supply." He quips.
"I'm not sure your sister would appreciate you saying that. I also don't think she'd appreciate you taking injuries for two separate people in the same day either." I look at him, amusement playing on my lips, but an apology for his injury lingering.
"This is the thanks I'm gunna get for saving you? Nagging?" I hit him playfully.
"And gettin' whacked. It's at least supposed to be a hit then a kiss like in all the movies." He smirks at me.
"You're fulla yourself."
"And you owe me an explanation. You needed to tell me something, outside Heartland Tower." He throws his box into the bin.
"What was it?" He asks. I blush.
"Umm...well-" The purple haired boy sighs at me, finding amusement in my awkwardness.
"Reginald, in the past few months, I've come to care about you a lot. We've been through so little yet so much. I feel like we have a strong connection now, one that is no longer through your sister and my friendship with her, but through our own friendship. Somewhere along the way, I started getting feelings for you. I don't really know when or where, but what I know is that they are there and I can't do anything. I also can't sit around and do nothing knowing I've kissed you, but not knowing if you want to be with me. There is no way we're out of danger. Something big is about to happen, I can feel it, and I want to be by your side when it does. I've seen you in this hospital more times than I care to count, and it has hurt every single one of them. What I'm trying to say is that- is that- I think I've fell in love with you." The last words feel like a weight lifted, and I timidly lift my eyes off the ground to look at Reginald, whose eyes are wide. His mouth is open like a fish.
"I'm-" Reginald cuts me off by putting his hands- which are freezing cold- on my cheeks and pulls me closer to him until I am not even centimetres away from his mouth. He smirks.
"Course I wanna be with you...idiot." With that, he kisses me. I put my arms over his shoulders, smiling. Reginald Kastle...just told me he wants to be with me. In a few moments, he pulls away again.
"I don't go around kissing people and showing affection only to decide that I don't wanna be with them. Rose, you know how I feel about you, I told ya that. I know that we're far from safe from danger, but I won't let anyone hurt ya, I promise, alright? To be honest with you, I think...I think I've fell in love with you too. And I want you to be my girlfriend." His speech has me shocked, and he knows it. He is now sporting an extremely awkward expression on his face.
"You weren't expecting that, were ya?" He tries to regain his casual composure. I shake my head only for him to laugh, but his cheeks are coloured pink.
"So, am I sitting here waiting for an answer all day or are you gunna admit that you wanna be my girlfriend?" His cool demeanour is fixed, but I can recognise the shyness in his gorgeous blue eyes.
"Yes, I do." He smirks at me, and kisses me all over again.
"Good. Because I wasn't taking no for an answer." I fold my arms.
"Oh really?"
"Mhm." Playful expressions are on our faces.
"Kite and Yuma are having a duel, you know."
"Really?" The purple haired boy looks impressed.
"That'll be interesting, but my runner's still at the stadium." Reginald rolls his eyes.
"Your runner is here. I got your keys and Dextra went to get it for me. She's the first aider that took care of you in the helicopter." I explain, and he laughs.
"Well, thanks for that. You know, I found these by your feet when you flew to our platform on Mizen." He holds up an extremely creased, folded piece of paper. My hand flies to the back pocket that is no longer there. In his hand are my song lyrics.
"It's cute. I've read through it." His face is one of utter victory, whereas mine is purely embarrassed.
"Gimme!" I say. Reginald snorts.
"Oh please. All in good time." He tucks the lyrics into his trouser pockets.
"Now, tell me. Do you want to see that duel for Yuma or for Kite?" He jokes.
"You really sound like ya got a thing for Kite." He chuckles.
"I mean he's pretty good looking." I tease.
"You little-!" He tickles my side, and I erupt in giggles. Our combined laughter fills the air, making my atmosphere happy and light. As we are laughing, I realise that this is where I want to be. Not in the hospital, mind. With Reginald. His eyes are like the ocean, seriously blue. Almost sickeningly blue - full on Prince Charming, perfect, blue. I used to believe that the brightest fires always burned orange: now I know they burn blue. I laugh at that thought. In his arrogant triumph, his signature smirk is fixed. That little lift, that he seems oblivious to and the coolness in his eyes sealed my fate from the first ever moment.

Reginald POV:
It is hard not to smile when Rose is around. Her laughter can only be summarised into two words: utter joy. She's always said she despised that laughter, but every time I hear her giggling through her nose, snorting adorably, I fall a little more in love with her, and now, I'm not afraid to admit it. I pull my arms away from her, and she lets out a breathe of relief. The sunset catches the light in her eyes. Her cheeks are rosy, as she stares up at me, one strong, joyful glare. I kiss her there and then, with the sounds of distantly beeping monitors behind us. When I first duelled Yuma, eventually having the best friend of my younger twin sister as my girlfriend was nowhere near imaginable. I never expected any of what has happened. I look at Rose, who beams back at me. Picture perfect with her shy smile and affectionate glare. She's a compassionate person, with her loyalties in the right place. There is no way we are out of the dark. So I'm going to protect her. Not only for my sister- for me too. A/N: WOOH IT'S FINISHED!!! SOMEONE NEW IS FINISHED!! The sequel is on its way soon! It's called Something New and it will be based around Season 2! There's going to be a lot to look forward to guys! Please leave a comment down below of what you all thought!

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