Chapter Twenty-Six: A Family's Bond

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Faker's insane laugh lingers. How is there an entirely different monster on the field?!
"He survived..."
"I told you that it would be impossible to defeat a genius like me! Especially now that I have this!" The dragon rises up in front of Faker.
"Feast your fearful eyes on Heart-eartH's true form! Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon!"
"He should have lost the duel. How could he summon a new Number?" Yuma asks.
"Your meagre mind can't fathom my tactics, but I'll try to explain. Kite thought he had vanquished me, but when he attacked Heart-eartH, it had no Overlay Units. Therefore, I could use Heart-eartH itself as an Overlay Unit and thereby summon Heart-eartH Dragon. Furthermore, once I've summoned this monster, any of your monsters that are in attack mode are immediately switched to defence mode. And so, you finally see how hopeless it was to challenge me! The greatest intelligence in the Universe! You have no choice but to accept your defeat!" Faker declares. Kite is staring up at the dragon, still breathing heavily. That attack took a lot of energy that transpired to be wasted.
"He switched our monsters up and right before the attack could do him damage."
"This guy's got more tricks than a magician."
"I wonder what else he's got in store for us."
"Let me show you! Get ready you three! It's the trap, Fake Form. Since the battle mode of your monsters changed, you're going to lose 400 Life Points for each monster you fools have on your field!
"Each one?!" Kite exclaims, panic-stricken.
"Oh no!"
"That's 1200 points; enough to terminate this duel."
"One of them has to have a way to stop this." I whisper.
"Rahg ree ruy." 'Hope always finds a way.' I smile at the dragon sat on my knee.
"What do we do?!" Yuma asks, but it looks like Kite has an answer.
"I activate Kuriphoton's special ability. I'll send this card from my hand to the graveyard, and then give up half of our Life Points." Kuriphoton is an adorable monster, who as soon as it is on the field starts saying "Kuri!"
"Now we won't take any damage from your trap." Kuriphoton glows golden and the damage from Faker's trap is absorbed by it. I am about to congratulate Kite on his move when he falls to the floor.
"Kite!!" Mine and Yuma's voices are synced.
"Be careful, you're wearing yourself out." Yuma cautions.
"Be quiet! No matter what it costs me, I'm gunna finish this." Kite returns. As he gets to his feet, determination emanates from him.
"I'll never give up till I beat Faker." He stands tall, ambition clear.
"That's an unwise choice. If you had backed down, you would have saved yourself from even greater suffering. So be it. I draw! Heart-eartH Dragon, target Shark Drake and finish it!"
"What's he doing? His Number has zero attack points." Reginald says. As the Dragon prepares its attack, Faker explains his tactic to us.
"How's this for an ingenius plan? Heart-eartH Dragon can't be destroyed in battle, plus any battle damage I would take is negated and that damage I would have taken impacts the three of you instead!" He announces gleefully.
"Say what?"
"He has us backed into a corner. We don't have nearly enough Life Points to survive." Reginald is scowling.
"That's right. Heart-eartH Dragon, attack! Go, Dragon Cannon Blast!"
"Guys, we're in trouble!" Yuma yells.
"It can't end like this." I whisper.
"I'll save us!" Reginald proclaims.
"My Escape Lure trap will deflect the attack! Good thing I had this card handy. With it, I was able to change the target of Faker's attack to a different monster, and the battle damage gets cut in half. Now Heart-eartH Dragon's going after Utopia instead." The fire stream is headed right for Yuma's ace.
"Why'd Shark put Utopia in danger?"
"Because if you lessen the damage to Faker, you lessen the damage to us!" Kite tells Yuma. He seems to be the only one on his team that can figure out Reginald's tactics.
"Hey that's right." Yuma realises. Myself and Kite exchange looks, rolling our eyes at him.
"I'm gonna activate my trap, Half Unbreak! This card will reduce any battle damage by half. I'll use it's effect on Doctor Faker's Heart-eartH Dragon."
"Go Yuma!" I encourage.
"Why would he use a trap on my monster instead of protecting his own?" Faker ponders.
"I thought you're supposed to be the genius here!" I shout laughing.
"Can't you figure it out genius?" Yuma taunts.
"By decreasing the damage to you, less damage gets deflected back to me and my friends! To be more precise, your attack only results in 500 points of damage to Heart-eartH Dragon. So we only take 500 points of damage. Is that clear enough or are ya still confused?" Myself and Tori giggle at Yuma. However, our giggles are short-lived as the trio are all blown backwards, undergoing excruciating pain. As they do, I can even hear Astral's scream of pain. I look up to the Sphere Field to see that I can actually see him. The Trio's Life Points are now at 100.
"Clever I'll admit, but pointless. I will now activate another of Heart-eartH Dragon's special abilities. All the damage that I took in this battle will be instantly wiped out, and my Life Points are instantly restored by that amount." His Life Points increase to 2950. Yuma grunts as he tries to get up. Faker places a card face down and ends his turn.
"Aw great, we've only got a hundred Life Points left. It's almost nothing." Besides him, Kite is already on his feet and Reginald is getting up.
"But it isn't nothing. Sounds to me like you're ready to call it quits Yuma." Reginald looks angry, but underneath his exterior, I know he is disappointed and worried. Yuma jumps to his feet at this insult.
"What?! I've never given up before, and I'm not about to start now! Astral is counting on me to save him from Faker and I'm not about to let Astral down! It's time to high five the sky!" Yuma yells: we are all grinning at his declaration, even Kite.
"I'm pulling out all the stops, are you with me Utopia?" Yuma asks, holding his ace's Chaos Number high.
"That's your type?" I ask Tori.
"Your type is cocky and arrogant!" She retorts.
"But incredibly good looking and misunderstood." I smile.
"Oooh, I might tell him you said that." She nudges me with her elbow.
"You do that." We are both smiling at each other: I have missed hanging around with Tori. After Rio's accident, I became her close friend, which meant I had to accept Yuma and all of his stupid antics as part of the package. I'm grateful that I did, otherwise I wouldn't be here.
"Go get 'em Utopia Ray! Rising Sun Chaos Slash!" What is he doing?!
"Congratulations, boy, you've just sealed your team's complete and utter destruction!" Faker is besides himself with exultation.
"That would be true- except I'm activating this card from my hand! It's the spell, Gamusharush! This shrinks my monster's attack points to zero, but then you get bashed with 600 points of damage."
"Great strategy Yuma!" My approval is noticed.
"That worked out exactly like I planned." Yuma places a card face down. Reginald and Kite are both smirking at him, clearly impressed.
"You tried some actual strategy for a change." Kite says. His impression must mean the most to Yuma.
"Since attacks can't damage 'im, you found another way. It was only 600 points, but that's not bad." Reginald is clearly proud, but he still keeps his cool demeanour.
"We can get this done. The important thing is that we work together as a team. It's up to you now Shark."
"Hm. I can handle him from here!" He spins and draws a card.
"Reginald!" My best friend grits his teeth: he is extremely stubborn.
"I'm activating yet another of Heart-eartH Dragon's special abilities!" Faker announces.
"If you summon a monster, or put a card face down on your field, those cards are banished on the next turn!"
"Banished?!" Reginald is holding his side.
"That's right! Say goodbye to Utopia Ray!" As this is said, the Chaos Number as well as Yuma's face down card disappear.
"He's tryna mess up our teamwork." Yuma says. Faker finds this hilarious.
"You must be joking! You actually think you three are working as a team? You're too different from each other. Face it, the bond between you simply isn't strong enough." Faker claims.
"Sorry, but you couldn't be more wrong if you tried Faker." As Reginald steps forward, the blood from his injury is noticeable; his shirt is covered in it. I hold back a cry. Kite is looking at my best friend, a frown on his face and unreadable expression: is that respect?
"We do have something that connects us. It's the goal we share. We all wanna take you down, and it's gunna happen." He's tough and resilient, I'll give him that.
"Their bond may not be visible, but they are deeply connected by heart. As long as they exist, their wills may be delivered." I convey.
"That's right." Yuma is clearly touched.
"Shark Drake, let's do this!" A blaze of purple energy gathers in Reginald's hands. Here it comes.
"Go Chaos Xyz Evolution! Hagh! Come on out, Chaos Number 32: Shark Drake Veiss!" The last time I saw this monster was the duel between Reginald and Yuma. It feels a million worlds away, but in reality it was less than 24 hours ago.
"Next, I'll activate my spell, Deep Sea Attack! By sendin' Jawsman in my hand to the graveyard, my monster can attack you directly! Shark Drake Veiss, attack Doctor Faker with Chaos Stream!" I am now stood up, hands clenched to my chest. My leg has stopped bleeding, but it is burning immensely.
"Give it all you can Shark Drake Veiss!" Reginald regards me.
"You can count on that, Roe." Shark Drake Veiss swirls into its attack.
"He's steering clear of Heart-eartH Dragon to finish off Faker." Kite mutters. The purple wave of destruction rains down.
"You got 'im Shark!"
"Not so fast! I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you by activating my trap, Fake Life!" The streams of energy start to disappear.
"Now watch and weep as I take no damage from Shark's pointless attack, but instead boost my Life Points by the same amount!"
"No..." I utter as Faker's Life Points increase to 5150.
"Every time we think we got him down, he bounces back up!" Yuma's point hits the nail on the head; things seem hopeless. Reginald is stood with irked body language and expression. The aura around Reginald from Shark Drake Veiss is fading.
"I'll put a card face down and end my turn!" As he does, Reginald collapses to the floor.
"No! Reginald! Get up!" I cry.
"Shark! We gotta get ya some help." Yuma hovers above Shark, as well as Kite whose worry is completely obvious. My best friend is on his hands and knees, one hand over his wound.
"Not till we win this duel!" He declares.
"But-" Yuma tries to argue.
"Reginald, this isn't safe for you!" I shout over.
"I'll be fine, Roe!"
"Listen, Shark." We all look towards Kite.
"Don't worry, I've got it from here. I'll follow your lead and crush Faker for good. Here goes- I draw!"
"You three will never learn. Once again, I activate Heart-eartH Dragon's special ability. Sorry, but you'll have to say goodbye to Shark Drake Veiss. Hahaha! As you can see, your team is in a totally desperate situation!" Yuma looks scared as Shark Drake Veiss is banished, but Reginald is laughing. Faker notices this.
"I was waiting for you to do that Doctor Faker." He says. I beam widely.
"This is a desperate situation, but for you."
"What do you mean?!" Faker sounds fearful; so he should be.
"I activate a trap: Xyz Dimension Splash! This trap activates when it's banished, so thanks Heart-eartH Dragon. Coz of that, I can now summon two level eight water attribute monsters from my deck!"
"Amazing move!" I jump in happiness, before remembering about my injury. I spot Reginald chuckle at me.
"But I was so close to achieving victory!" Faker complains. he was not expecting a move such as this.
"I'm summoning two of my Hyper-Ancient Shark Megaladon's!" (ATK 2900 DEF 1300)
"So you turned Heart-eartH Dragon's special ability to your advantage?!"
"Now Kite's taking over to finish what I started. Because..." He grits his teeth, pain pulling at him.
"The three of us can work together as a team." His voice is strained, and he puts his arms to the floor, groaning in agony. Kite's concern is evident on his face, but if you asked him about it, he would probably deny it.
"Shark!" Yuma squats next to him. Mizen flies over to my best friend and sits besides him. Reginald scratches the bottom of her chin. Kite grits his teeth, enraged at Faker. A red tornado surrounds him. He screams. His clothing is now longer its bright colour scheme, but black. Unlike his original attire, his shoulder blades and middle of his jacket are orange rather than purple, and the rim of his collar is yellow rather than green. The red aura makes him look as dangerous as I have ever seen him.
"All set! I overlay Galaxy-Eyes and Shark's two Hyper Megaladons. With these three monsters, I build the Overlay Network! I Xyz Summon Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!" (ATK 4500 DEF 3000) This monster is a truly terrifying sight to behold, with its three heads, and each of its eyes mirrors of a chaos filled universe. It burns with desire.
"Cool, now we're back in business." Reginald states. Yuma has his hand on Reginald's arm. Kite's anger is radiating from both him and his fearsome dragon. This dragon could be the beginning of Faker's end.
"I've almost exceeded the limit of my power, but I have to hang on. I must find the strength...within me!" Kite clenches his fist and a sharp energy is released.
"Neo Galaxy-Eyes' ability activates! It gets rid of the special abilities of all the other monsters on the field! Photon Howling!" The pink aura disappears from around Heart-eartH Dragon. Mizen starts to make growling noises of support.
"No, Heart-eartH!" Faker yells.
"Your Number's special abilities are no more Doctor and by using one overlay unit, Neo Galaxy-Eyes can absorb all your Number's overlay units. And here's something else that might interest you! Neo Galaxy-Eyes gains 500 attack points for every overlay unit it absorbed." The dragon's attack points rise to 5000. If Kite attacks and succeeds, then Faker's Life Points will be at 150 and he has no way of boosting them back up!
"5000 points?! It can't be!" He shouts. Clearly, he doesn't know how talented his eldest son is.
"Now then Faker, are you going to come to your senses and give up your insane schemes? Or will I have to force ya to change your ways?" Kite demands.
"How dare you threaten the universes greatest genius?" Faker replies.
"Kite!" I shout. He looks over to me.
"I just wanted to say...attack with everything you've got! For your little brother...and for your teammates!" He nods at me.
"Guess I will have to use force! Neo Galaxy-Eyes, attack with Ultimate Photon Stream of Destruction!" The monster gathers as much energy as possible and fires it at Heart-eartH Dragon, which is blown apart in a matter of seconds. Faker flies backwards, grunting in pain; 5000 points is a lot of damage to take. His Life Points stand at 150, only 50 higher than his opponents'. Shark's signature smirk is now back on his face. Tori cheers next to me.
"Awesome! That sure cut Faker down to size!" Yuma grins. Kite is looking as serious as ever, his breathing heavy once again, but his red aura is now fading.
"I'll give you one last chance. Set Hart free now. I won't ask again. Release him!" Kite commands. On the opposite side of the field, Faker is struggling to get up. Anyone would in that ridiculous attire.
"Don't you see? I can't. You think you're helping Hart, but you're only putting him in greater danger."
"How is that?" Kite's tone proves that he is sceptical of Faker's excuse.
"Because your brother cannot hope to survive unless Astral World is destroyed once and for all." Faker reveals. Myself and Tori put our hands over our mouths.
"That can't be..." I mutter.
Kite's facial expression is one of untold horror. Reginald and Yuma's eyes are wide.
"Why would you have to destroy Astral World to save Hart?"
"It makes sense once you see that Hart's life depends on Barian World's power.
"Barian World?!" Myself and Kite exclaim. However, whilst he is angry that 'Barian World' is responsible for keeping his brother alive, I feel a link to the name. I feel like I have heard it before, but I can't think where.
"Ever since his birth, Hart's physical condition was frail. I knew it would grow worse over time unless something drastic was done." Faker looks up to where Hart is above the Sphere Field where Astral currently is.
"In my quest to save the boy, I decided I had to look outside our world for a solution. Once I had decided that I would save Hart no matter what, I abandoned everything else...even my own principles. Although I greatly respected Byron and Kazuma, I nevertheless betrayed them to open the portal we discovered. As I hoped, the portal did open to another world. I soon discovered it was called Barian. It was a strange world with energy resources that seemed to be unique. Because of this, the inhabitants possessed technology and knowledge radically different to our own. I did not hesitate to make a deal with them. They promised me that they would save Hart and in exchange, I agreed to destroy Astral World. My plan slowly took shape. It would require great force, but by harnessing the power of the Numbers, I could use my Sphere Field Cannon to target Astral World and obliterate it. Failure is not an option! I was told that if my mission does not succeed, Hart would be taken away.
"Why didn't you tell me all this before?" Kite appeals angrily.
"I couldn't risk it, I was afraid that if you learned the truth, you might try something rash that could increase the danger." Kite's eyes are wide.
"I will always be grateful to you Kite. I asked much of you, especially when I needed you to become a Number Hunter to help your brother. Even then, you did not defy me. I wish I could have told you the whole truth about why I was driven to such extremes. But then-"
"That was wrong of you, Father." Kite says.
"Huh?!" I can't tell whether Faker is shocked to hear Kite say 'Father' or whether he is confused as to why his actions were wrong.
"You put trust in Barian without question, yet you couldn't find it in yourself to trust me, your own son!" Kite is hurt. He isn't showing it, he is letting everyone think he is angry when actually he is hurt.
"My son...!" Faker's tone is emotional; he realises how hurtful his actions were for Kite, who- even though he is eighteen and old enough to make his own decisions- wasn't ready for any of the pain he has endured. The pain which could have been stopped had his father told the truth.
"I've sworn to protect Hart and I intend to keep that promise, but I'll do it the right way and that's by stopping Barian World!" Kite vows.
"Kite." Yuma stands next to the blonde.
"You won't be fighting alone. I don't know a lot about Barian, but I'll be battling at your side." Yuma pledges.
"And so will I!" Reginald's declaration has us all shocked.
"Don't get the wrong idea. Barian has to be stopped and I want in on the action." I smile at him.
"You play it cool all ya want Kastle." I mutter to myself, but he notices.
"We'll join all of our power together, just like we did today guys! We can't lose!" Tori is smiling at Yuma's words. Mizen is squealing in happiness.
"Father, you don't have to carry this burden anymore. We'll settle everything, I promise." Kite's words have struck Faker. All along...they were both just looking out for Hart. Kite and his little brother's bond is truly incredible. A lot like Shark and Rio's and a lot like mine and Gray's.
"I know what I'm doin'. Please, trust me." Kite begs.
"Yes Kite." Faker cries. Mizen begins to glow golden.
"Oh, not now Mizen." I plead with the dragon, but am completely unsure of why she is glowing this way. She yells out, hurt. She falls onto the ground.
"Mizen, what's wrong?!" My deck box starts glowing with the same golden aura.
"What's happening Rose?" Tori asks me.
"I-I don't know!"
"Doctor Faker!" An evil voice resonates around us.
"You almost succeeded, but at a critical moment, you faulted." Kite's father is falls backwards.
"Wait, what's wrong?" Kite asks.
"No! Stay away!"
"What's happening to you Father?" Panic is etched on Kite's features. Mizen screams.
"Mizen!" I crouch to the dragon, who lets out a powerful energy wave. I trip backwards falling off the edge of the platform.
"Rosie!" Tori screams my name. She drops to her knees.
"Rose!!" The trio shout in unison. Reginald runs to the edge of his platform, but Tori quickly manages to pull me up. The purple haired boy sighs in relief. I pick up my dragon, who is now trembling in pain. Faker yells out and a red cloud is released around us. It seems this situation has just become a whole lot worse.

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