Chapter Twenty-Seven: Our Ultimate Hope

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Mizen is now howling in pain, and I am crouched over her. My head is spinning, and my vision blurry. I grit my teeth and look up to see that Heart-eartH Dragon has returned.
"This duel is far from over." A voice booms.
"What do you mean?! Who are you?!" Yuma asks.
"I am from Barian World!" The scarlet being declares. It is now floating above Doctor Faker; it has possessed him.
"You're from Barian? And you're out to destroy Astral World?" Yuma's fear is obvious.
"That is correct and I will not let anything or anyone prevent me from completing my mission." The being swears.
"He took over Doctor he could finish the duel...!" Tori is stood, hands against her chest.
"Now to complete my takeover so I can finish you off." Doctor Faker is beaming red. In a split second, the being's features have been absorbed into Faker's own.
"Much better! Now I have an unpleasant surprise for you." He has an emblem on his head that strikes me with familiarity. 'What is this feeling?' I wonder.
"Heart-eartH Dragon has another ability you were clueless about! If it has no overlay units when it is destroyed, it can come back one last time. Heart-earth's attack points are equal to the number of banished cards multiplied by 1000."
"Looks like we've gone back to square one." Kite says. Reginald growls in frustration.
"Your situation has become even more desperate than you realise. Your Neo Galaxy-Eyes is now switched to defence mode!"
"Aw great! What are we gunna do now?" Kite complains, before once again collapsing on his knees again. This duel has taken most of his energy. My head is pounding and I yell out, gripping my head and throwing it at the floor.
"Rose!" Reginald shouts over. Tori stands over me.
"What's happening?!" Her voice is full of panic and worry. I can only just see her.
"I-" My voice shows my pain. I am barely able to speak.
"Their misery will soon end. In fact, none of you will survive this turn. I draw!" Mizen starts to glow brighter, crying in pain.
"...Mizen..." I croak. I have lost focus on the duel around me. My leg is now bleeding heavily; I must have caught it when I fell off mine and Tori's platform. I squint my eyes shut and as I do, I see a boy, maybe around Yuma's age. He has tall orange hair and amethyst eyes. He is smiling, his eyes full of joy. I open my eyes, now confused. 'Who was that?' A sharp pain splits through my head and I lie on the ground in agony. It seems the only way to stop the drumming for even a moment is to close my eyes again, but I don't know how that will help. Once again, I see someone in my mind's eye, but it is not the boy I saw before. It is a tall male. His hair is long and blonde, with a wing shaped extension. He has sharp blue eyes, and strange red markings on his cheeks. His expression is strong and determined. But I do not know who either of these people are. I am now crying on the ground.
"Rosie..." Tori is sat besides me. I look up to see Kite looking extremely angry. Neo Galaxy-Eyes is no longer on his field.
"I can't give up!"
"But you're not well." Yuma argues.
"I don't care! If you wanna take my little brother, you've gotta get past me first! And I'm never gonna let that happen! Haaart!" Kite screams. I look up to Hart, whose eyes are slowly opening.
"I activate Dimension Wanderer's special ability. By sending Dimension Wanderer to the graveyard, I can combine the attack points of two banished monsters, and then deal the point total to you as damage. I choose Shark Drake Veiss and Neo Galaxy-Eyes. That's 7300 points of damage and that means this duel's over." The two monsters are back on the field, hovering over green portals. Kite looks at Reginald. They exchange the type of look only closely bonded people can have. Even though they don't want to admit that.
"Ready?" Kite asks.
"You bet." Reginald returns. The being is gritting his teeth. I try my best to block out the drumming in my head; I need to focus on this.
"You first Neo Galaxy-Eyes! Go, Ultimate Photon Stream of Destruction!"
"Now you, Shark Drake Veiss! Chaos Stream!"
"Please let this work..." I whisper. The purple energy of Shark Drake Veiss' attack rains down, with the scarlet wave of Neo Galaxy-Eyes' power. They combine, and it is a truly amazing sight. Reginald looks at me. Despite the throbbing in my head and the tearing pain in my leg, I smile back at him. His face shows a lot of concern for me, but his smirk is placed because of Kite's fabulous move.
"I admire your effort, but it means nothing because my Barian's Gateway spell has another effect. All I have to do is send this card to the graveyard and I take no damage." A teal wave of energy hits the power of the attack and they swirl together, disappearing. Mizen growls, frustrated, and in pain.
"It'll be okay, Mizen." I hold the tiny dragon to my chest, and pray that my words will be proven right.
"Ugh!" The trio cry.
"He dodged yet another attack of ours." Kite's fist is clenched, but his eyes widen.
"Ugh...ughh!" He drops to the ground. Yuma turns to face him.
"Oh no! Kite, are you okay?!" He asks. On the other side of him, Reginald groans in pain, and also drops to the floor.
"Reginald...!" I whisper. Yuma is looking between them.
"Not you too!" Yuma complains. The two duellists are panting: if this duel continues, the ultimate price will be paid.
"Now that I have worn down two of you, I can end my turn. Only you stand in my way now Yuma Tsukumo. But not for much longer." The being cackles.
"Your Life Points are almost gone Yuma Tsukumo. With your friends down, and your field empty, you stand alone. It seems like you are destined for complete destruction- just like Astral World!"
"No! We've come too far!" Yuma declares. As he does, a multi-coloured light catches my perifocal. I look up to see Hart himself is emanating this energy.
"Hart...!" I utter, completely awestruck. 'Please let this be something good.'
"No Hart, what are you doing?!" The being demands. Kite looks up at Hart, his misty eyes catching the light.
"Brother..." The light is becoming blinding. What's happening?
"No Hart. All that belongs to Barian World! It is the power I infused in you!" The being declares as the Sphere Field begins to lower itself.
"The field! It is de-stabilising!" The being cries.
"Now's your chance Yuma. You and Astral can end this." Kite looks up at my silly friend.
"Your combined powers will be too much for that thing to handle." Reginald adds.
"Yuma!" That was Astral's voice.
"It is true; we must join together." Astral's voice echoes.
"Let's do this!" Yuma's confidence is back. He performs several backflips.
"Here goes! Huagh! He runs to the edge of his platform and jumps straight off.
"Yuma!" I scream in panic, whilst Tori screams it thinking he is being stupid- which he is!
"Yahhh!" His golden key begins to glow. He is still elevated, and looks like a tiger or a lion. A transparent ball of energy surrounds him.
"I'm feelin' the flow!" He announces. I can't help but laugh as I look at him.
"What's happening?" I ask. Reginald looks at me, his signature smirk in place.
"You'll see. Don't blink, you don't wanna miss this!" I raise an eyebrow. Yuma's own sphere combines with the original Sphere Field. The light is golden, even more blinding than Hart's.
"All set?"
"You betcha! Alright, it's time for you and I to build the Overlay Network!" My mouth falls open: what has Yuma just said? I can no longer see him, but I can hear his voice. As I stand up, finally overcoming my pain, Yuma and Astral fly out of the Sphere Field as blue and red energy. Xyz Materials...
They move to avoid every obstacle in their way- same as always!
"What on earth?" I ask, completely puzzled, but the rest of my friends around me already knew of this. Reginald is smiling at my reaction. My hands are clenched over my chest, and I'm unsure of what to do with my mouth. It is twitching, on the edge of laughter and amazement.
"Get ready Astral!" The two swirl around each other.
"When two distant souls become one, the power of ZEXAL is revealed!" Astral cites.
"ZEXAL morph!" Yuma's voice is projected loud and clear. The pair collide with each other, right in front of where Hart is. They have become one person now, with their features combined. He wears a white suit that resembles spandex with red armour plating, and the right eye becomes golden like Astral's left one. Yuma's hair turns gold, with his red spikes sticking up. He gains a golden aura. Astral's green markings are shown on the cheeks.
"This must be the power I've heard so much about." The being scowls.
"That's right and I'll defend Astral World no matter what it takes!" Yuma swears. Kite and Reginald are trying to get back up, resilient to the very end.
"The bond that the two of us share is simply too strong for you to ever break! It's my turn!"
"Go, Yuma! Feel the flow!" I cheer. Mizen is now up, and even though I know she is still in pain, she is squealing in excitement.
"A truly powerful duellist can shape the outcome of a duel. He can even generate the very card he needs to draw." Astral's voice reverberates. Kite and Reginald are looking confident.
"Let's do this. Go, Shining Draw! I summon Zexal Weapon- Ultimate Shield!" (ATK 0 DEF 2000)
"Next, I activate its special ability! Once I summon this card, I can bring back up to three Xyz monsters that were previously banished as long as I negate their special abilities."
"3 monsters?!" The being asks.
"Alright!" I acclaim.
"Return, Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray!" The monster returns in a hurricane, golden aura surrounding it.
"Yuma. It's time." Reginald and Yuma look at each other with expressions of absolute determination and trust.
"We can all combine our powers now." Kite continues.
"Win this thing guys!"
"That was always the plan." Reginald scoffs at me.
"I call on you, Chaos Number 32: Shark Drake Veiss!" His aura is now back, but for the first time, I notice how well is defines his features. I grin. Kite's red aura returns and just like I had noticed with Reginald, I also notice how well the aura defines Kite.
"Return to battle! Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!"
"Three banished monsters are now back on our field, which means your Heart-eartH Dragon is forced to give up 3000 attack points." The dragon's attack points decrease to 2000.
"You see? Standing together, we're too powerful for you!"
"Or so you believe. But you are still destined for destruction. Just look!" The being holds his hand aloft.
"Now what?" We all look up to see the Sphere Field re-stabilising. It glows golden as it attaches to the Sphere Field Cannon.
"No!" I shout.
"Oh no, the Sphere Field Cannon!" Yuma exclaims.
"Even without Astral, the cannon now has more than enough energy to obliterate Astral World." Heart-eartH Dragon flies around the cannon and catches the Sphere Field in its teeth.
"Nothing you do can stop me from completing my plan!" Yuma grits his teeth. The being cackles.
"In a moment, Astral World will be wiped out of existence and all of you along with it."
"No! I'll hold you off by equipping Ultimate Shield onto Utopia Ray. That will give Utopia Ray 2000 more defence points. On toppa that, I equip the spell Xyz Unity on Utopia Ray. This switches Utopia Ray into attack mode." The monster switches from 4000 defence points to 2000 attack points.
"But that is not all." Yuma and Astral's voices are now synced.
"Utopia Ray gains the attack points of all monsters on our field in defence mode. Therefore, Utopia Ray has 9800 attack points."
"Impossible!" The being shrieks.
"Awesome job!" Tori looks at me.
"You've perked up." I nod.
"I know they can win this."
"Now, get 'em Utopia Ray!"
"Fool! Raising your monster's attack points was a mistake because Heart-eartH Dragon bounces that damage back to you!"
"That's why I'm activating Xyz Unity's other effect! By sending Shark Drake Veiss to the graveyard, Utopia Ray can attack again. Only now, it can attack you directly!"
"Unless I put a stop to it that is! I activate the trap, Barian's Battle Posture! Now by banishing a 'Barian' card in my graveyard, I can stop two monster attacks during this turn! I banish 'Barian Scapeway' thus stopping your pathetic direct attack." The monster's are blown backwards.
"No sweat. I'll just send Neo Galaxy-Eyes to the graveyard so I can attack one more time. And once again, I attack you directly."
"Worthless move. All I have to do is activate Barian Battle Posture's effect. Then your direct attack is stopped again. Plus, when I sent Barian's Battle Buster to the graveyard, I can force one monster on the field to engage in battle!"
"We're cut! If he chooses Utopia Ray-" Reginald begins.
"6800 points of damage will come bouncing back at us!" Kite concludes. Utopia Ray attacks the Dragon, hitting it straight where the Sphere Field is held.
"No, Yuma!!" I yell. This can't be it!
"Victory! It's doomsday for you and Astral World." The being's voice is victorious. I look at Yuma, who has a cheeky smirk on his face.
"You just lost." His and Astral's voices are once again synced.
"I activate Ultimate Shield's special ability! Ultimate Shield not only stops that damage, but amount is added to Utopia Ray's attack points." Myself and my friends are exultant; Yuma is about to win! For real!
"But there's more. Heart-eartH Dragon's special abilities are negated." Utopia's sword gleams blue, and its attack points soar to 16600.
"Oh no! No way! It cannot be!"
"Do it Yuma!" I mockingly salute my friend who smiles at me graciously in return.
"This. Battle. Is. Over! Get set Utopia Ray! Attack with Rising Sun Ultimate Slash!" Utopia Ray's attack is one of the most powerful I have ever seen. Its blue energy sparks hit the dragon, who screams out in defeat. It lets out one mighty final roar. The being flies backwards and retreats Doctor Faker's body. The Life Point count finally reads 0.
"You will pay for this!"
"I warned you! Our bond is way to strong for you!" I smile at Yuma.
"YOU DID IT!!" I scream in happiness. Reginald turns to face me, smug victory and teasing expression on his face. Mizen once again glows blue, and grows once again. I climb on her and fly to the trio's platform. I land and run straight into Reginald's arms. He embraces me, smirking.
"Told ya I'd win." He says into my ear. On the other platform, Faker crashes down with a grunt. The Sphere Field Cannon is now surging with red energy. It explodes.
"No! Hart!" Myself and Kite scream.
"Hart!" Kite is in pure panic; what can he do? The little boy is surrounded by light blue energy, floating. Kite holds out his arms, catching his little brother.
"I gotcha." Hart stops glowing, and opens his eyes.
"Kite? I'm free." The little boy says. Kite is smiling, his soft side showing through.
"Yes, you're free Hart. It's all over. You're gunna be safe now." Kite confides.
"Awe." I whisper. To the side of us, the wall explodes. Reginald lets go off me, and stands in the way of Yuma. He takes the blow with his arm and falls backwards.
"Reginald!!" I scream, going to the floor besides him, where Yuma also is. Another wall explodes, the one where I was previously stood. Tori screams.
"Tori! Are you okay?!" Yuma yells.
"Orbital! I command you to wake up! That's an order!"
"Rebooting. Sir, I'm wide awake!" Orbital says before getting hit on the head with a rock. I giggle at that.
"Where am I?" Faker's weak voice makes me turn to face his platform. He looks to face us.
"It's Kite...and Hart...!" As he says this, his platform collapses. Hart's eyes widen in fear.
"Father! No! Father!" Kite yells. Tori lands besides us on Orbital.
"Orbital, take care of Hart." Kite orders.
"Y-Y-You're l-leaving?! B-But Master-!" Kite is already running.
"I have to go!" He jumps straight off the platform. My stomach wrenches. I put my hands over my mouth.
"Brother! Kite! Come back!" Hart cries. I hug him.
"I will Hart! After I save our Father!" Kite shouts back.
"Tori, Rose. Look after Shark!" Yuma says.
"Good luck." Reginald smiles up at him.
"Thanks Shark."
"What are you doin' Yuma?" My answer is Yuma jumping off the platform.
"Hang on, Kite. I'm on my way!"
"Yuma! Come back here!" I run to the edge of the platform.
"He'll be okay, Rosie. You know he will." Tori puts her hand on my shoulder.
"Come on, we have to get out of here." Tori says gently. I get up and wipe my tears away.
"Kite...Yuma..." I whisper. Tori has Orbital on her back, and Hart in her arms, whilst myself and Reginald balance on either side of his wings.
"H-Hang on t-t-tight folks, it's going to be a really rough ride!" Orbital warns as we fly upwards.
"Yuma...Yuma!!" It isn't long before we are out of the tower, standing outside. The tower has completely collapsed. Myself and Reginald sit on the floor, whilst Tori and Hart stand. I can no longer even try to stand up; my leg has given up. We've been here for about ten minutes when Tori finally speaks up.
"Don't worry guys. I'm sure Yuma and Kite will be okay. They'll find a way out somehow." Tori closes her eyes, one tear rolling down her cheek. I flinch as something touches my hand, but relax when I see it is Reginald's own hand. I look at him, cheeks burning, and he offers me a small smile.
"Reginald, I need-" I am cut off by the appearance of a golden and blue portal.
"Huh?!" What now? Yuma appears first, confused. Astral is next, followed by Kite and Faker. Kite has his arm on Faker, who is using him as support. They all look extremely surprised.
"Hey, we made it!" Yuma cheers. Tori is crying.
"Yuma? You made it out." She smiles, before putting her hands on her face to hide her tears.
"Kite! Father!" Hart runs to his family. Kite smiles down at him, whilst his father immediately checks to see if he is alright.
"Okay. You can stop crying now Tori. I'm totally fine." Yuma awkwardly says.
"Ha! You don't understand a thing!" Yuma flinches.
"I wasn't crying coz I was worried, but because you came back, to complicate my life even more!" Myself, Reginald and Kite all have smiles on our faces; we all know she is lying. Reginald's grip on my hand tightens ever so slightly.
"Complicate it how, Tor? Your feelings for him?" I ask smugly. Yuma's mouth hangs open at this, and his teammates regard me with amusement.
"Like you have any room to speak, Rosie-Leigh!" She throws back at me, pointing at mine and Reginald's hands.
"When did that happen?!" Yuma asks. Astral looks slightly bemused.
"Oooh, are we really going there Kotori?" I raise my brow in victory, completely ignoring Yuma.
"Your name is Kotori?" Reginald asks.
"Shut up!" I laugh at the emerald-haired girl, and as I do, a helicopter lands next to us, Nistro piloting. At the back of the helicopter there is a woman. As she comes out of the transport to take myself and Reginald to the hospital, she regards Kite and his family with a kind smile.
"Kite." Dextra puts Reginald on a stretcher, and then myself.
"We don't usually put two injured people in the same helicopter, but this seems to be an exception." She smiles at us as we set off.
"How they doing there Dextra?" Nistro asks through a headset.
"They should pull through just fine. Let's head for the med centre Nistro."
"Will do!" Reginald is lay with his eyes closed, attempting rest. Finally. After a few minutes of flight, he is completely asleep. His keys for the runner are next to Dextra, a safety precaution.
"So what's the story here? Last time I saw you was the Duel Carnival party. You were caught up with Yuma an' his gang." Nistro says.
"Yeah, I was. Congrats on your defeat to an idiot like Yuma though, Nistro." As I laugh, himself and Dextra begin to laugh too.
"Well, thanks. So, going back to my question. What's the story with you an' this guy."
"His name's Reginald, but everyone calls him Shark."
"Is he your boyfriend?" Dextra grins at me.
"Not exactly. We kinda like each other?" The pair exchange smug looks.
"Ya look good together." Nistro says as the helicopter lands. Dextra hums in agreement whilst she tends to the purple haired boy. I smile at them.
"I'll just send him in, and then I'll get you." Dextra leaves me lying in the copter, with Nistro's words reverberating my head.

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