Chapter Twenty-Five: Three Heroes United

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Myself and Tori are sat with a malfunctioned Orbital. My hands are held against my chest in anticipation: every duel in the past couple of months has come down to this moment. Yuma, Reginald and Kite duelling to save everything we all care about. Whether that be Astral World, a sibling, our friends, or just our world.
"You can do this! I'm sure you can outduel Doctor Faker! Get him Yuma!" Tori cheers.
"Do we need our cheerleading outfits again Tori? I'm sure that can be arranged with Striker." We grin and laugh at each other.
"That was not my look!"
"I think we looked great personally." I say with a flip of my hair.
"And what did Shark think of how you looked?" Tori's voice is now quieter and teasing. I look over to the purple haired boy.
"I'll best you card for card!" Yuma is declaring.
"And Yuma will be even stronger coz I'm duellin' with 'im." Kite adds.
"There's no way I'll miss this fight and you're facing three of us!" Shark finishes. They are all holding up their aces.
"We're all ready!" I smile at Reginald's enthusiasm. I can't remember ever seeing him like this. He is determined as ever, but a new resolve is shining in his eyes.
"Well?" Tori giggles.
"He said I suited it." I tell her.
"Are you two a thing now? I saw you holding his hand before."
"I-I, uhh, don't know..?" Tori is about to speak, but a wave of energy comes down from the Sphere Field directly onto Doctor Faker.
"What's happening to him?" Yuma asks. I cover my mouth in horror as the evil genius becomes a humanoid: his clothes are ripping, and robot parts are replacing them. How on earth can this happen?
"Huh?!" Myself and Tori say. Doctor Faker's hair is now fully spiked and stuck up, and one of his eyes is covered.
"Now, an army of duellists couldn't defeat me!" He declares as we all watch him in fear.
"That's what you think!" Yuma is undeterred.
"Hey, guys! Gear up!" He throws his red duel pad into the air. It's beginning now.
"Duel disks go! Get 'em ready for action!" As Yuma's lands on his arm, as does Reginald's.
"You got it Yuma!"
"Go, Photon Transformation!"
Yuma looks extremely excited for this duel, whilst Reginald and Kite's expressions portray the seriousness of the situation.
"Okay guys. Let's gooooo!" Yuma fist punches the air.
"Feel the flow Yuma!" I cheer and himself and Reginald gaze at me. Yuma offers me a thumbs up, whilst there is a small smile on the aloof boy's face.
"Since this is a three-on-one duel, each of you will share 4000 Life Points and as your lone opponent, I will possess triple that amount for a total of 12,000 Life Points." Doctor Faker's proclamation has Tori worried.
"Don't worry Tori. Yuma, Kite and Reginald are the best duellists around." I affirm my belief which makes her smile.
"Yeah, you're right. But, anyway, what did you mean when you said you didn't know if you and Shark were a thing?" She asks, curiosity obviously eating at her.
"Well, it's kind of a complicated story." I offer, but one look in Tori's eyes and I know she's not having it. I sigh.
"We were sat in the hospital, and we were just talkin' about the duel, and then we kinda just...kissed." I admit, and she squeals.
"Really?!" I laugh at her reaction.
"Yeah, but now, I mean we've kissed twice, but I don't know whether or not that means we can be together, or whether he even wants to be with me."
"Oh, Rose. The chemistry between you and Shark has always been obvious by the way you guys treat each other and look out for each other. He acts different around you."
"I'm his sister's best friend." I tell her.
"That's not a big deal. It just means you guys were fated." She teases, nudging me with her elbow. I roll my eyes, but some part of me starts thinking. Had I never have met Rio, myself and Reginald might not be as close as we are. We might not have even been friends. Even unconscious, Rio has given me something that I truly value and love; Reginald, her own older brother.
I look to the field to see three monsters, all identical. A shiver runs down my spine.
"Gross! I knew this wouldn't be a clean duel but gimme a break!" Yuma is sporting a disgusted expression.
"Relax, there's no need to panic." Kite's tone is calm and neutral.
"Huh?! Who's panicking?!" Yuma turns to face the blonde. Reginald looks slightly worried, despite Kite's point.
"He's not done." He says.
"I overlay my three level five Garbage Lords! With these three monsters, I build the Overlay Network!" A dark hurricane filled with trash comes out of the Network: this situation really stinks.
"I'm going to unleash a force greater than anything you've ever faced! It will bring a whirlwind of agony and destruction, but before it appears, it will need a huge supply of energy!" A separate hurricane appears from the Sphere Field.
"Astral!" I cry out.
"I Xyz Summon Number 53: Heart-earth!" (ATK 100 DEF 100) The monster is unexplainable to say the least, I cannot describe anything it looks remotely similar to. It's appearance is a fearful one, but what scares me even more is the measly 100 attack points it possesses. There is no way Faker would summon out a weakling monster and not have a scheme in mind.
"That thing only has 100 attack points."
"It's so weak." A frown is etched onto Kite's features.
"It's stronger than you think." Faker warns.
"Your trap, spell and special abilities are useless against Heart-earth! I'm ending my turn so try and defeat it if you can!" He places two face downs.
"No problem. I'm taking you on first." Yuma declares.
"Be careful, Yuma. There's somethin' fishy about that monster." Reginald advises.
"Look, that monster is a total weakling! It'll be a synch to beat!" Yuma confidently says, completely ignorant to the fact that Reginald is looking out for him. Kite's expressions says it all: what has he got himself into?
"So. You think my monster is a pushover Yuma Tsukumo? Then you'll be the first duellist who feels Heart-earth's wrath!"
Yuma draws and summons Goblindburgh. The monster's ability enables Yuma to summon another monster that is Level 4 or below from his hand: he chooses Gagaga Magician. It isn't long before Utopia is on the field.
"I was hoping you'd summon out Utopia because now I can put my plan in motion by activating my Battle Route trap card! When I have a monster on my field, any monsters you have in attack mode are forced to battle. So Utopia will have to fight Heart-earth right here and now." Faker reveals.
"Better keep your guard up." Reginald cautions.
"Uhh, but his monster is totally weak." I shake my head at Yuma.
"That's exactly what should make him suspicious Yuma."
"Why would Doctor Faker wanna force you into a battle that he's sure he's going to lose?" Kite quizzes. His point is more than relevant.
"Oh yeah. Since he's picking this fight, that means he's probably got a trick or two up his sleeve."
"Exactly. You have to be careful." Yuma turns away from Kite, but looks excited for some reason.
"That just isn't my style!"
"Yuma this is a serious matter!" I shout.
"I know!" He replies, the grin still present as he declares his attack. Just as we all knew, Faker does indeed have a trick up his sleeve. When Heart-eartH is attacked, he may equip it with a monster from his Graveyard. He equips Garbage Ogre, who floats upward and is absorbed into the heart of Heart-eartH. This allows it to gain the attack points of Utopia so its ATK rises to 2600.
"No way!!" Yuma screeches.
"I knew something wasn't right." I say gritting my teeth.
"Now I understand."
"That Number starts the duel as a total weakling, but because of it's special ability, it can always have more attack points than it's enemy." Reginald is clearly annoyed.
"My Heart-eartH is now stronger than your Utopia! Your monster's a goner!" Heart-eartH releases a stream of fire at Utopia, only for Yuma to use his Number's special ability to end the battle.
"Keep it up! Go!" Reginald shouts in support.
"Right! I'm gunna use my spell, Double Or Nothing! If my monster's attack is stopped, this card lets it attack again, only this time with double the attack points!" Utopia's blades shine as its attack points rise to 5000.
"Get ready! Utopia, attack Heart-eartH again!" Utopia is more than happy to oblige and it swings at Heart-eartH. There is a grey cloud of smoke.
"Yeah Yuma!!" I cheer.
"You got 'im. Good work Utopia." Yuma's confidence is shattered as we hear Faker's maniacal laugh.
"Utopia's attack..was insignificant." Faker's Life Points have dropped to 6600.
"I can undo the damage all too easily. I activate Heart-earth's special ability. As you will see, by sending the equipped card to the graveyard, Heart-eartH isn't destroyed." Faker is full of glee.
"But poor old Heart-eartH. Since it lost Garbage Ogre, it loses 2500 attack points. Oh wait, that's fine because now you all take damage equal to half of Utopia's attack points!" Yuma is blown backwards in a swirling grey tornado.
"No, Yuma!" Tori screams. The Life Point count now reads 2750. But that isn't it. By using one of Heart-earth's overlay units, Faker regains the amount of Life Points our friends just lost. His Life Points go up to 7850 and he laughs evilly. Tori is watching the duel with worry contorting her features.
"You really care a lot about him, don't you?" I ask her, offering a friendly smile. She looks at me, then at Yuma, then back to me. As she does this, I notice Reginald offer me a quick glance.
"Rose, he's my best friend, if course I care."
"But there's more to it than that, isn't there?" I ask, and she pouts.
"Do you have feelings for him?" I put a hand on her shoulder and she sighs.
"I've seen the way you look at Yuma. He's like a lightbulb to you Tor. When he's not around, you don't seem as happy." It seems my words have had some sort of effect on her. Yuma has placed a card face down, and Reginald is stood in front of him.
"Hmph. Not exactly an impressive performance Yuma."
"But not that bad either. I can handle him from here." Reginald is smirking, and it makes my heart melt to see it. It reminds me of the kiss we shared, and that thought alone makes me confident that the trio will walk out of the duel victorious. I am beaming as he stands to fight.
"Goo-ood luck."
"Hey, Shark. Don't let your girlfriend down." Kite smirks.
"I...draw! You're fulla yourself Faker but you're about to get a lesson in humility! Right now!" As he finished his sentence, Reginald's face contorts in pain and his teeth are grit.
"Agh." He has a hand on his side; the side where he took that scythe...defending me. I am immediately flooded with guilt.
"Hey Shark! You okay?" Yuma asks.
"Don't worry about me." He holds his side, closing one eye in pain.
"What's wrong? Is the thought of duelling me making you feel weak?" Faker taunts.
"Not at all! I'm summoning Hammer Shark!" (ATK 1700 DEF 1500)
"Luckily, in this duel, I can draw on the power of my teammates cards! Now, Utopia's overlay unit can go to the graveyard." Yuma panics completely.
"What?! But I may need that unit later!"
"Yeah? Well I need it now." Reginald is full of sass and I cannot help giggle at him.
"Can't ya get some from Kite?" Yuma asks weakly.
"Yuma, Kite has no Xyz monster on the field since he hasn't had his turn yet, you idiot!" I call.
"Umm...I knew that."
"By sending Utopia's overlay unit to the graveyard, I'm allowed to summon Xyz Remora!" (ATK 800 DEF 800)
"And thanks to the ability of my Xyz Remora, Xyz Summoning just got easier. Okay, now I overlay my level four Xyz Remora and Hammer Shark in order to build the Overlay Network! I Xyz Summon, Number 32: Shark Drake!" The monster appears, looking quite angry. Maybe it didn't like the Sphere Field...or Faker.
"Yuma, I've decided to take this next move from your playbook." Reginald's arrogance and confidence is obvious. Yuma just looks confused.
"Check this out! I'm gonna activate the equip spell Shield Fin from my hand and I'm equipping it on Utopia! Mind if I borrow your monster for a minute?" His smirk is fixed in place.
"Go, Utopia! Smack down that Heart-eartH!" Reginald orders. The warrior swings its blade, ready for this battle.
"Your pathetic strategy can't work. I'm too brilliant Shark! Since it's under attack, Heart-eartH can now equip itself with a monster card from my graveyard." Garbage Ogre is once again absorbed by Heart-eartH. Because of this, Heart-eartH gains 2500 attack points, just like before.
"Your lack of attention due to being distracted by your girlfriend is going to cost you! Infernal Surge!"
"Hey, what did I do to distract him?!" I ask, feeling quite offended.
"Be here." Tori offers, smirking. Reginald is completely unaware I have even said a word as he continues with his move.
"Perfect! I was hoping you'd try that move. I activate Shield Fin's effect. Now Utopia's attack points drop to zero until the end of the turn, but it can't be destroyed in battle."
"Why do that?!" Yuma asks.
"Shark did it because he figured out Heart-earth's weakness Yuma." Kite affirms.
"We're not taking much damage, only a hundred points!" Reginald yells.
"You changed Utopia's attack points to zero so Heart-eartH didn't gain any attack points!" Yuma realises.
"Exactly. Your last battle helped me realise that there's a flaw in Faker's strategy. Heart-eartH can only use that special ability once per turn. So if it can't gain attack points anymore, it can't use its second special ability to deal damage to us."
"That's a brilliant strategy!" I beam at Reginald, who looks at me.
"I know." He smirks and winks, knowing he has impressed me.
"Shark Drake, now don't hold back! Finish off that Heart-eartH! Deep Sea Destruction!" However, Faker erupts in laughter even though his Life Points are now at 5150.
"I see the brains for Sharks must be even tinier than I realised. You fool! It's impossible to outsmart me. I activate Heart-earth's special ability. I send the equipped card to the graveyard so Heart-eartH isn't destroyed." Grey matter is absorbed back onto the monster. That isn't all. Faker reveals another ability. By using one overlay unit, we take half of the damage that Faker has just taken.
"Your damage?! Dealt to me?!" Reginald asks, horrified.
"Think of it as my gift to you! Hope you enjoy it!" The blast is dealt immediately and Reginald is blown backwards.
"No!! Reginald!!" I scream. I step forward and as I do, a pain shoots through my leg: I had completely forgotten about the injury I had sustained. The Life Point score reads 1300. Reginald is flat on the ground.
"Shark!" Yuma shouts. Our friend is shaking.
"No matter what tactic we throw at him, he's got a way to turn it against us." Kite steps forward in the same manner that Reginald had only moments ago. He looks back at his duel partner, who is on his knees on the floor. They acknowledge each other with a look I can't quite make out, but their hatred of one another seems to be fading. He places a card face down.
"Looks like I'm finished for now. It's Kite's turn."
"Hah! Alright, Faker, it's on! I'll win this to save Hart." Kite is single-minded: all he cares about is winning this duel and getting his little brother to safety. All of this time, he was only trying to save his little brother. It's actually incredibly sweet.
"Come on Kite! Give that monster all you've got!" The blonde looks at me, confusion flashing on his expression, but he smirks.
"I already intended to." We give each other trusting smirks.
"Reginald, are you okay?" I shout over to the purple haired boy who is still on the ground. He looks up.
"I'm fine, but your leg is in bad shape." His eyes flash with concern.
"I'm okay, honestly." He frowns but turns to watch Kite, who is already in the process of summoning Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon.
"Woah! Now those three totally have the upper hand! Utopia, Shark Drake and Galaxy Eyes! They've assembled the monster dream team." Tori's optimism makes me smile. Reginald is now on his feet, strong-willed as ever.
"You really like Shark don't you?" I look down at her.
"You know I do. I just feel really guilty." I admit.
"What, why?" Tori asks me.
"Because I'm the reason he is injured. He saved me and got that slash to his side." I sit besides her.
"Alright, Kite my son! Go ahead and try to vanquish me, if you have the strength!" Faker ridicules. Kite's father is Faker? As Faker finishes his sentence, Kite drops to the floor on one knee.
"Kite!" I exclaim.
"What's wrong Kite?" Yuma tries to support his teammate.
"I'll be alright, it's no big deal!" Kite retorts, ignoring Yuma's care. Even Reginald looks worried.
"But you can't even stand up." Yuma protests.
"Your work as a Number Hunter has drained almost all of your energy. Very soon, you'll have no strength left at all." Mizen growls besides me and I tickle her chin to calm her down.
"You monster!" I shout,
"Leave Kite alone! You're the one responsible for what's happening to his body! What kind of sick person are you to treat your own son this way?!" Yuma defends the blonde again, but Kite is now just enraged.
"This has gone far enough! You're so hungry for power that you'll manipulate anyone to further your insane plans! I won't let you cause anymore harm!" Kite is resolute.
"He's nothing like we thought." I quietly say aloud, but Tori hears me.
"What do you mean?" Her caramel eyes look at mine.
"Kite...we all thought he was a twisted duellist, who wanted the Numbers for his own mysterious ambitions...when all along, he was really just doing whatever it took to save his little brother. He wasn't out to impress his father like Quattro, or out for power of his own. All of the souls Kite ever was on his father's command. He's just misunderstood." I state.
"You always see the best in people, don't you?" Tori smiles at me.
"Maybe. Or maybe, I just see who people really are." Mizen sits on the knee of my uninjured leg and I hug her close.
"Yuma, I need to borrow Utopia!" Kite declares. Yuma is more than happy to let him.
"Now Utopia! Attack Heart-eartH with all your might!"
"It's pointless!" Once again, Faker equips Garbage Ogre from his graveyard. This is getting extremely boring now.
"Scorch him with Infernal Surge!"
"Not so fast! I'm activating Shield Fin's effect. By lowering Utopia's attack points to zero, it's not destroyed in battle." Only 100 points of damage is dealt.
"Get ready Shark Drake, you're going to strike at Heart-eartH on my signal!" Kite instructs. What is his strategy here?
"Another futile attack."
"This is it Shark Drake: Deep Sea Destruction!" Kite's voice rings clear and undaunted. Faker's Life Points drop to 2450, but yet again, he returns Garbage Ogre to the graveyard. Yet again, he activates another ability: he uses an overlay unit to direct 1350 points of damage at the three duellists.
"No one can defeat me!" He brags.
"Try a bit of imagination Faker this is pathetic!" I shout, knowing Kite will have a way out of this. I look to his side of the field and see that Reginald is looking at me, shaking his head.
"Bow down Kite! Before my superior power!" Faker declares. Kite's expression is resolute.
"I don't bow to anybody!" I grin at his comeback.
"I play the spell Photon Prevent! I knew you would try to finish me off with a special ability, but since I have a Photon monster on my field, this spell stops all the damage!"
"You're still standing?!"
"Yes, Kite! I knew you could do this!" I cheer.
"Yes! This is perfect! Now Kite can attack with Galaxy-Eyes! Galaxy-Eyes' 3000 attack points are enough to end this battle." Reginald adds.
"Win this, Kite!" I am stood now, my hands clenched in determination. Mizen is with me, glowing with hope.
"It's fitting our duel should end this way, Faker. I always obeyed your orders without question. Thanks to you, I became a Number Hunter who preyed on innocent duellists...because I believed if I did, you could save Hart. But now I know it was all a lie. I owe it to Hart and the duellists I make sure you finally pay for all the pain you caused. You didn't show them any pity and I won't have any for you now!" Tears are brimming in my eyes.
"It's time! Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, attack! Photon Stream of Destruction!" The dragon lets out a stream of blue light aimed directly at Heart-eartH. The explosion is beyond anything I've ever seen inflicted in a duel. Smoke pours onto mine and Tori's platform. But he did it!
"Woah! No way! Is it over? Have they finally won the duel?!" Tori sounds overjoyed.
"I can't believe it! We did it! Faker got beat mega big time! We stuck it to him like a chewed up wad of chewing gum." Yuma is jumping like a small child, but this only makes me smile more. I look at Kite, who is catching his breath, but as he looks up, his gaze widens. I follow it.
"No!" I shriek. Reginald looks at me, my face contorted in disbelief, and looks up.
"It can't be!" Kite is in shock.
"But it is...!"
"Huh?" Yuma asks, and then bothers to look where we all are.
"Wait! You gotta be kidding!" He shouts. On Doctor Faker's field, there is a long, purple dragon with red eyes surrounded by an evil maroon aura. It's teeth are sharp and dangerous.
"It looks like Faker survived. Only now he's got a new friend!"

What are they going to do now?

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