Chapter Nineteen: Fiery Conflict

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Rose POV:

Shark's face is angry as we follow Quattro. My partner is now determined to get this sweet defeat. As we speed ahead, I suddenly notice the nearest field. Magma. No. This is the worst field for Shark and I to duel in. Water attribute monsters will be useless here.
"We always come through." I say and he looks to the side at me. He doesn't offer any reply, just a sort of grateful look in his eyes. We zoom down to the field and I feel nauseous. This is really it. The duel that will settle everything, where we will finally get our revenge that we've waited so long for. In a way, it feels right that myself and Shark will be the one's to defeat him. I know we will defeat him. I won't walk away until that happens.
We step out of the coaster, and my feet wobble for a second, since I haven't actually walked for quite some hours.
"I finally caught up with you. You get tired of running?" Shark says, confidence tinging his every word.
"From you and your girlfriend? Please." Quattro scoffs.
"You played right into my hands. I wasn't running away, I was luring you right here to the scorching hot magma field where you're at an overwhelming disadvantage! You see, both of your decks are full of water monsters, and water and fire don't exactly mix!" Shark scowls.
"I knew something was wrong." I mutter.
"Well you must be the brains in this relationship." Quattro says, arrogantly.
"I am not his girlfriend! This isn't what we came here to discuss. We're going to take you down!" Shark smirks at me, and then turns back to face Quattro.
"Let's duel!"
Shark begins the duel by playing Plate Salvage. This freezes over the Magma field for two turns. My partner smirks confidently. Before anything else, Yuma and Tori have ran onto the course.
"What are you doing here?!" I ask, shocked to see them.
"Yuma." Shark says.
"How nice of you to join us."
"I thought this was the magma field." Tori glances around the frozen field.
"Yeah, what gives? It's freezing here." Yuma says before sneezing. All of a sudden, there is a wave of energy and I collapse onto the floor.
"Rose? Are you okay?" Shark asks, looking at me, before getting down on one knee to look me in the eye.
"Something's wrong here, Shark." I say, suddenly feeling dizzy. My chest hurts and Number 47 flashes in my mind. Mizen appears in front of me.
"Rah rahla." I try to get up, but Number 47 flashes at the front of my mind, and I'm there again. In the depths of darkness, but instead of being myself and Shark like with Number 32, it's just me this time.
"Let the Number take hold."
"No! I don't need you!"
"Oh, but you do. You are against a fierce adversary, and do not stand a chance of victory without me." The Number says.
"Let the Number take hold, or risk everything."
"I won't let you control me! Not now, and not ever! I am in control of you not the other way around!" My eyes narrow in determination.
"You won't ever control me!" I yell and suddenly I'm back on the frozen magma field.
"Stand aside." Shark says and I look at him.
"I can't let you duel when Number 47 is attempting this takeover. It's too dangerous."
"But Shark-"
"Just do it!" His sharp tone makes me flinch, but I sigh in defeat. I stand to the side.
My partner refocuses on the duel by summoning Tripod Fish. (ATK 300 DEF 1300)
"Now that there's a fish-type monster on my field, I can summon Shark Stickers! So come on out and make a splash!" (ATK 200 DEF 1000) He proceeds to summon Submersible Carrier Aero Shark.
"Yes! How's it going Aero Shark?" I smile. I haven't seen this monster in a while. As I look at the monster, I don't notice Shark smile my way.
"I activate it's special ability! By using one overlay unit, you take 400 points of damage for every card in my hand! And I'm holding three cards. So that means you're about to lose 1200 Life Points!" Quattro is knocked onto the floor, and his Life Points deplete to 2800.
"Yeah!" I cheer.
"Shark dealt a big time blow on his very first turn! Quattro's been Shark Attacked!" Yuma says.
"I place two cards face down and end my turn."
"You think you're hot stuff summoning an Xyz Monster on your first turn, huh? Well I was counting on that Shark!" Quattro says.
"Now I draw! When you summoned your Xyz Monster, you put my master plan into action! Since I have no monsters on my field, and you have an Xyz Monster, I can now summon my Level 8 Gimmick Puppet Magnet Doll!"
He summons Gimmick Puppet Gear Changer, explaining he can make it have the same Level as another Gimmick Puppet he controls. We all know what is coming next. Quattro overlays his two monsters to Xyz Summon Number 15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder. (ATK 1500 DEF 2500)
"That's scary!"
"Yeah you said it! That's the monster that put Bronk and Caswell in a world of hurt!" Yuma points out.
"You are way out of you're league, and soon you'll be sunk Shark! And unfortunately for you, this is just the beginning!" I clench my fists and grit my teeth.
"You're the one who's out of your league!" I shout.
"It's adorable how your girlfriend has to stick up for you! Really touching, don't you think?" Quattro sneers.
"She's not my girlfriend, but she's giving me more support than you'll ever have in your life." Now, our enemy looks stricken.
"I activate Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder's special ability! It instantly destroys your Aero Shark, and you take damage equal to its attack points!" Giant Grinder shoots out a red ball of energy and Shark instantly flies backwards. He yells in pain.
"Reginald!! No!!" I scream. He lands harshly, his Life Points decreasing to 2100.
"Are you okay?!" Yuma shouts.
"If he is, he won't be for long because my Giant Grinder can attack him directly!" Giant Grinder swings its whip.
"I don't think so, Quattro." Shark is on one knee, but looking good as ever.
"I activate Bubble Bringer! This card negates your monster's direct attack!"
"Heha! What a sweet move!"
"Thank goodness."
"Shark. You may have stopped my monster, but one thing you can't stop is the climate. You see, Plate Salvage's effect ends this turn." Shark is still on the floor, gritting his teeth.
"So the temperature is going wayyy up! And the chance of you making a comeback is going wayy down!" Around us, the effect of Plate Salvage is wearing off, and the volcanoes are already back in action. Yuma goes to look at the fire but is immediately burned.
"Woah, it went from frosty to fiery just like that!" Tori points out.
"This is bad for Shark. His luck has turned." Astral observes. My best friend is now up on his feet.
"I don't need a field spell to defeat you! Let me demonstrate. My turn, I draw! I summon Hammar Shark! I activate Bubble Bringer's effect! I send this to the graveyard to summon Tripod fish back. And since it was Special Summoned, Tripod Fish gains one level." I smile at Shark's tactic.
"You fool! Did you forget that this field's relentless heat makes it impossible for water attribute monsters to duel? Your monsters stand no chance here! Lemme show you what I mean!" Quattro has a dangerous glint in his eyes. Lava bursts in a giant stream in front of Shark, turning into two dragons heads at the top, which go straight for him. However, he smirks as a bubble protects both him and his monsters.
"What?!" Quattro is shocked whilst I am smiling straight at Shark.
"How'd that happen?" Yuma asks, bewildered/
"Shark simply activated a trap card, Yuma." Astral observes, once again making Yuma looks stupid.
"What's that?" Quattro demands.
"It's the trap card, Adapt to Adversity. It stops Spell and Trap cards from destroying my water monster. Know what that means? It means my monster Tripod Fish stays on the field!"
"Awe yeah! Shark is the man!" Yuma says.
"If you mean that his duelling is unmatched, then I conquer." Astral agrees. Shark looks quite serious and I can tell that he is once again thinking of all the pain that Quattro has made him endure.
"I will defeat you, Quattro. No matter what the cost!" A dark pink aura envelopes Shark and I gulp. This cannot be, by any standards, good news.
"This could get ugly." Yuma seems as taken aback as I am.
"Thanks to Bubble Bringer's effect, when I Xyz Summon, Tripod Fish counts as two monsters! So I overlay two Tri-Pod Fish and Hammer Shark! With these three monsters, I build the Overlay Network, and Xyz Summon Number 32: Shark Drake!" The number 32 shines, and the creature forms itself. It's growl is ferocious as ever, and it's eyes as menacing as always.
"That Number...belonged to Trey! Did Vetrix use Trey to pass the Number to Shark? Has he been plotting this duel the whole time?!" Quattro asks himself, looking quite scared.
"Now, go! Attack Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder, Shark Drake!" As the order is given, Shark Drake bites into Giant Grinder in a flash of blue. The monster is destroyed in a golden explosion. Quattro yells as his Life Points become 1500.
"I activate Shark Drake's special ability! I use one overlay unit to summon Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder back to your field and lower it's attack points by a 1000!"
Tori is confused as to why Shark would give Quattro his monster back, but Yuma just smiles at her nervously. He has forgotten why.
"Shark Drake can attack Quattro's Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder a second time because of it's special ability." Astral says.
"Exactly, what he said!"
"What who said?" Tori asks. Yuma has also forgotten that not everybody can see Astral.
"Quattro has 1500 Life Points left. If this move works, Shark will win the duel!"
"I summon Gimmick Puppet Twilight Joker from my hand! I can summon this monster by banishing Giant Grinder! Sorry your plan was cut short Shark!" He looks confident, but suddenly he tenses.
"Be quiet, Vetrix!" Everyone around us is surprised.
"Vetrix is here?!" I ask.
"Did he just say Vetrix?"
"Are you here, Vetrix? Don't hide from me." Shark demands. Even though it is a bad situation, my admiration for him increases.
"Peekaboo!" Vetrix appears, and before anyone knows it, Shark lunges for him, but it is just a hologram that Shark's hand goes straight through.
"Vetrix is here!!" Me and Yuma say, worried.
"Not quite. It seems as though Vetrix is using the power of the crest to speak with us from afar." Astral realises. I hold my hands to my chest. Astral and Vetrix must have had some telepathic conversation because when Vetrix reappears, he says:
"Well, since you asked so nicely, I suppose I'll share my plot with you all as there is no stopping me now." A hologram of Vetrix appears in front of all of us. I shriek when he appears in front of me.
"I intend for the Number Shark Drake to consume Shark: that will make him prone to my influence and I can use him to finish Doctor Faker!" Vetrix reveals.
"No way!" Yuma says.
"Think again! You're not using me for anything, understand?!"
"Oh, I beg to disagree. I can be quite convincing. You will be my puppet, doing exactly as I wish, powerless to defy me." Vetrix says.
"No! That won't happen, ever. I know it won't! Shark doesn't answer to anybody, let alone someone as twisted as yourself Vetrix!"
"Ah, you must be Rose."
"Yes, I am. And I won't let you get anywhere close to that plot of yours."
"Why, Vetrix? Why have you chosen Shark? Why not me?" Quattro asks, and for the first time, it seems as if he is genuinely hurt and upset.
"I am the better duellist! Please, Vetrix, this is a mistake. Let me take on Doctor Faker." He growls. Forget the whole upset and hurt thing, this is just a case of a swollen ego.
"I tire of hearing myself repeating this to you Quattro. Each person has their own role to fill in my plan. But to be quite clear, you are not the stronger duellist. That honour goes to Shark." Vetrix says, and for once, I smile that Vetrix has actually just said something correct.
"You're wrong! I will never accept that! I will show you who the stronger duellist is!" Quattro is now extremely angry. Both his and Shark's eyes are filled with hatred.
"I will prove that you misjudged me by beating him in this duel! It's my turn, I draw! And now, Shark, I activate the dreaded Spell card, Gimmick Puppet Ritual from my hand! With this card, I summon a Gimmick Puppet monster from my graveyard. Now return, Gimmick Puppet Magnet Doll!" He now has two level 8 monsters on the field. Chills run down my spine as he overlays the two Gimmick Puppets.
"With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network and Xyz Summon! Number 40: Gimmick Puppet of Strings!" This monster is a true terror. (ATK 3000 DEF 2000)
"And if that's got you worried, prepare to be petrified! Because now I equip Puppet of Strings with the Spell String of Destiny! Do you know what that means? I send the top card in my deck to the graveyard. If it's a monster card, I can attack the same number of times as that monster's level. Your monster won't be destroyed: no, you alone will take all the damage!"
"Please don't be a monster." I pray.
"Look at that! I drew Level 8, Gimmick Puppet Dreary Doll!" Puppet of Strings is surrounded by a red aura.
"Do the math! It means I can attack your Shark Drake 8 times in a row!" Shark looks shocked.
"No, Reginald!!" I yell.
"This is real bad."
"8 consecutive attacks."
"And now, attack Gimmick Puppet! Celestial Slash! Shark Drake is hit straight in the temple, and Shark flies to the ground taking 200 points of damage. My chest aches at this sight. He's got to have a plan, he always does.
After three attacks, I am hurting for him.
"I can't watch!" Tori looks away.
"Quattro! What you're doing is wrong!" Yuma cries out.
"Duelling has nothing to do with giving into your anger!"
"He's right!" I realise. As I do, Vetrix once again appears.
"On the contrary." His crest appears and all of a sudden, Yuma is tied in chains.
"I-I can't move!"
"Yuma!" Astral shouts.
"So sorry but I can't let you interfere with this duel. Just sit back and enjoy the show!" Vetrix glares down at Yuma, then at me.
"Quattro stop! You're hurting him!" Tori yells, tears in her eyes. Tears are brimming in my eyes and there is a sharp pain in my throat
"Please stop!!" I cry.
"Yeah, cut it out! Duelling's not about causing pain!"
"I can't say I agree." Quattro smirks. "My only concern is that Shark may be getting used to the punishment. In case you're not keeping count, this is my fifth attack!"
"Quattro, duelling's about competition, friendly competition. And this is unfriendly! Duelling's about friends!"
"Yuma, you are just like him. Just like your father, Kazuma. Ha! You're both misguided." Yuma seems angry that Vetrix has brought his father into this, but I stop paying attention, refocusing on the duel, and Shark who now cannot even get up of the floor by the time his next attack comes around.
"Did you enjoy those attacks as much as I did?!" Quattro yells out as Shark's Life Points deplete to a meagre 500.
"My attacks are over, but your punishment's just begun. I activate Gimmick Puppet of Strings' special ability. I use one overlay unit to put a String Counter on Shark Drake. At the end of your next turn, the String Counter will destroy Shark Drake and you, Shark will be taking damage equal to its attack points! With that, I end my turn. And your chances of winning!" Quattro now has a devilish look on his entire face: it seems as though Shark's luck has ran out.

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