Cinders & Gold ◇ Strange Aura

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by the way, who's your favorite superhero? MY TOP 3: SPIDERMAN, WONDERWOMAN & FLASH!


chapter thirty three

Corvan walked towards his family in a stiff manner, and once he reached them, Lady Saskia was quick to hug him.

"Corvan, dear, how have you been?" she took his face between her hands and studied him closely.

The first ranker did not seem fazed by the show of affection and merely accepted it. "I've been alright, mother."

Corvan dragged his eyes to Lord Rupert, who gave him a rigid nod in the form of a greeting. The first ranker then found his grandmother perusing his outfit closely, her eyes lingering way too long on the fingerless glove.

"At least that is one thing you didn't manage to lose," said grandmother as she flapped her fan and stuck up her nose daringly at Corvan.

The Arlandian heir's jaw twitched. Nevertheless, he seemed indifferent. "How are you, grandmother?"

"Exhausted. I'm an old woman," she said as she left them and made her way into the throng of people who were crowded in the ballroom. Wherever she passed, people hastily got out of her way, careful not to step on her long flowing and elegant chartreuse robes. Her presence seemed to unnerve many as they recognized her to be the former High Lady of the Dry Lands.

Lady Saskia sighed as she watched grandmother walk away. She turned to Corvan, "How is Valeriana? Is she alright?"

"She is well," he replied as he spotted Gavin lingering outside the castle's grounds through the ceiling high windows. "Excuse me, mother, father. I'll get back to you."

Corvan left them and immediately, Lady Saskia nudged Lord Rupert in his sides. "Why don't you say anything? He's your son, for Arland's sake."

"Refrain from elbowing me, woman," said Lord Rupert as he fixed his collar. "I am as uninterested in this event as I do not see why I'm required to be present to such a frivolous event."

Lady Saskia rolled her eyes. "We need to support him in whoever he chooses to dance with." She took his arm and began dragging him. "Come on, Rupert."

Meanwhile, in the kitchens, Charles was satisfied with the work Marlene had done when it came to preparing the snacks and meals. She had heeded his advice and used the recipes that Lord Charles had recommended.

"Great job," he said as he bit into one almond banana fudgesicle. The desserts that had been prepared were nothing short of aesthetic and made his taste buds explode in delight. He tasted samples of apricot bites and radish butter toasts.

When it came to the meals, Charles was amazed by how the staple foods, which included tubers, nuts and berries had been turned into different assortments of meals.

The aides of the kitchen started shipping the foods on trays to the ballroom after Lord Charles' inspection.

Keelan's eyes widened at the meals that passed by him.

"Heaven," he drooled as he followed a man who carried a tray that had different bowls of bourbon spiced barbecue chicken.

As the day progressed, the Lords and Ladies of the continent interacted with each other and soon enough, Prince Bertram arrived.

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