Cinders & Gold ◇ Caught In Between

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chapter five♠


The scene that played out in front of Corvan's eyes was mildly shocking, after Valeriana had opened the door for him.

"C-Corvan?" The girl in front of him had stuttered and the first ranker was about to speak up, but something familiar caught his eye

Or rather, someone familiar.

The muscle under Corvan's eye twitched in annoyance once his eyes landed on the midnight blue hair.

Instead of addressing Valeriana, Corvan narrowed his eyes at Zion, "What are you doing here, non ranker?"

Zion chose not to reply, and instead, he arched his brows cockily at the young lord.

Corvan felt his anger rising, and he faced Valeriana, "What is the meaning of this?"

The Arlandian prince had come for Valeriana. He had expected to find her alone in her room.

And now he was here too?!

Corvan did not want to bring himself to think of the reason as to why Zion was here at the Twelve's residences, let alone the fifth ranker's room.

The blue haired mongrel had even already made himself at home and was seated.

On her bed!

Such atrocity!

Corvan's frown deepened and he glared at Zion. "I do not see the reason as to why you should be here. The Ember Festival is already over and done with, hence there's no need for band practices."

Zion tilted his head to the side, matching Corvan's glare with equal measure. "I'm here for Valeriana, thank you very much for asking."

Valeriana's eyes darted between the two of them and for some strange reason, she had a bad feeling about this.

"U-Um—" she stuttered before Corvan spoke up once again.

"Even so!" He said, "If you wish to interact with her, I highly suggest that you do it outside the premises of our residences. There's plenty of—-"

"Yeah yeah yeah, sure." Zion interrupted, and yawned mockingly, "But I wanted to see her here."

The baron stood up and went towards the door. His focus was solely on Val.

"Here." Zion told her, stretching out his hand and showing the fabric purple to her once again.

When Corvan saw this, his nose flared.

Valeriana was hesitant to take the glove, noticing the thick tension in the air. A part of her really wanted to take Zion's glove, so that he could stop nagging her.

She figured she should just take the damn glove and get herself out of the awkward moment in which two guys were waiting for her to make a move.

Sighing, Valeriana stretched out her hand to take the purple glove out of Zion's palm.

At the last minute, Zion pulled his hand away out of her reach, and shook his head while making a 'tsk' sound.

"Not so fast, Valeriana." The blue haired lad told her, "I have to make it official."

A glint of mischievousness glinted in Zion's eyes, as a playful smirk danced on his lips.

Valeriana's eyes widened slightly. Zion's tone held some sort of meaning. Even though she couldn't fathom what it was, she was afraid of finding out.

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