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✘Don't die before you're dead✘
↳ʀᴀᴄʜᴇʟ ᴡᴏʟᴄʜɪɴ


Chicago, Illinois

"Who the hell are you?!" Cries out the man tied on the chair, with a strand of duct tape plastered on his mouth it made the words mumble out. Hands attached together against the metal table's leg, blood dripping down from the gang member's forehead. His face was beaten up, black and blue.

"Let's skip the introductions and get to the point on why you are here" She spat out, venom trickling from her voice. "You and your shitty amateur gang run around Chicago and Seoul deceiving people, abducting them and robbing off them as well, just for your own preposterous amusement. Now inform me where is your leader" Sulli added on glaring dead in his eyes. The mask covering the bottom half of her face made it that he wouldn't be able to detect the woman's identity.

"I won't tell you shit, I'm not going betray my gang for you," he says earning the twenty-year-old cock the gun in her hand. She thus positioned the metal of the pistol on his forehead and leaned closer to his ear.

"We all know that I could kill you right now and I won't have no regrets" Her voice was calm and quiet, making the other male tremble at the tone. "Tell me where you're hideout is......Ko Shin Won!" The girl ripped the tape off his mouth making him wince at the stinging pain playing around his lips.

He let out a low laugh. "Not even in your dreams"

A sigh left the woman's mouth before she removed the gun off his forehead and walked away from him. She made her way towards the red curtains, which covered a glass wall.

Gripping the rope, she harshly pulled it down, making the curtain collapse, which then revealed...

"Ye-Jin" He cried out, staring at his sister which is also tied up on a chair. Panic resembled in her eyes, two men in suits behind her holding guns to her head.

"If you don't tell me where your gang is located, you won't get a chance to say goodbye"  As soon as those words left the brunette's mouth, a bat swung across her forehead leading her to pass out.

Turning around to face the 23-year-old, her eyes widen at the empty chair.

Where the fuck has he gone?

Hearing footsteps approach, the girl's reflexes kicked in and she elbowed whoever was behind her which made them let out a low masculine groan.

Spinning on her heel to face the stranger, she comes face to face with the gang Pentagon.

"Oh come on Ko Shin Won, you are that weak that you had to bring the whole gang here for you" A smirk crawled up on the younger's face, which wouldn't be apparent due to the mask.

"Who are you?" The leader, Lee Hoe Taek, interrogates. From the corner of Sulli's eye, she could see his hand slithering to his gun. Grabbing his wrist, she twists it; turning the five-foot-eight-inch man around placing his arm on his back against his will.

"Don't try anything you will regret" Sulli whispered into his ear.

The two guards from earlier burst into the dull room, one pinning Jo Jin-Ho on the floor, knee rubbing against his spine making him unable to get up.

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