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✘I do very bad things and I do them very well✘


Seoul, Korea

Sulli woke up by the sound of communicating. Her limbs were throbbing in pain and her head was killing her. She opened her eyes to see herself in an unfamiliar room.

She glances around to see the top four talking to one another.

"She is awake," Chan says and she rubs her eyes.

"Where I'm I?" She mumbles trying to get out of this bed but got hit with agonising pain in the rib cage making her stay back on the bed.

"Your in the gang's medical room" Soobin sighed and she raised her eyebrow.

Oh yeah, Bts, B.A.P and I had a mission to find something... Eric and his men were in this weird place and I got shot.

She carried on thinking then her eyes widen of the remembrance of The Devil's Tongue. She looked at what she was wearing and wasn't in the clothes she was wearing before but In a hospital gown.

Okay first, who changed me? And second, where did the drugs go?

"Looking for this?" Taeyong smirked showing Sulli the bag containing the red powder. His face changed from a smirk to a spine-chilling one. "Why didn't you tell anyone that you found this? Do you know how fucking rare this drug is?!"He began raising his voice.

"No one really told me what we were fucking looking for! So how was I supposed to know that you were after the drug?!" She shouted back causing pain in her ribs. A low wince left her mouth.

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair in frustration "You're lucky that we caught Eric and disarmed the bomb. Tsk, we made a mistake letting a girl join the game" Taeyong mumbles the last part and she clenched her fist.

You didn't make a mistake, your mom did

"Boss, Dreamies have got Eric in the torture room and Eric's men have made their way into Seoul and know are killing innocent civilians and damaging buildings" Taeil bursts into the room and begins on talking as she was about to open her mouth.

Taeyong gave her one last hardcore death glare before exiting the room with Taeil.

"Taeyong is just annoyed that you kept the drug to yourself and didn't mention it to Namjoon or anyone. He is having second thoughts on trusting you and allowing you in this gang." Soobin said.

I can't let him kill me or kick me out the gang that will mean that I failed my mission.

"Chan set up four funerals for Lee Seunghoon from Winner, HimChan and Daehyun from B.A.P and also Wonho from Monsta X  was found with a broken neck in a convenience store on Tuesday night. There is someone out for us and their plan is to kill us one by one so stay on guard. Whoever member still has family, send them some money as a sorry" Namjoon said to Chan.

"What happens to Daehyun?" She asks curiously.

"He got shot," Yongguk says emotionless, he entered the room with red eyes. He was crying... was he crying because of HimChan and Daehyun's death?

They exited the room leaving Sulli alone in this white place.

She closed her eyes and began thinking.

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