T H I R T Y - F I V E

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𝕱𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖒


✘May God have mercy on your soul✘


Panama City, Panama

The Mob boss was waiting along with his men, the sirens of the prison were still echoing throughout the night. It was twenty-six past yet they still weren't in sight.

"Where the fuck are the two??" He muttered loudly, tapping his foot against the ground impatiently.

One of his guards ran back.

"There has been an escape" he breathed out. The boss raised an eyebrow. "And it was Tonia and Jiyeon"

The words that left the males mouth resulted in the older punching the helicopter next to him. He was annoyed at himself for not thinking that they won't escape beforehand and was annoyed at the two.

He will surely get his revenge.

"Search down this entire city, see if the two girls are there, if not look in their home countries, Korea and Barcelona, they shouldn't be far. Get the planes and helicopters to check the sky, they might have somehow got an air transport, knowing Tonia" he gritted out.

"They are going to fucking regret ever escaping from me" he muttered.

The police were looking all over Panama for the two girls, they even got the Air Force to keep an eye in the sky as they did see them use a helicopter but it was too late as they were already far from Panama when the planes of the Air Force got into the sky.

The men of the mob boss and the mob boss himself jumped into the helicopter and watched as it flew upwards, they gazed at the prison, they noticed how all the prisoner were rowdy, probably excited that the two were the first ever people to escape.

Due to the strongest guards being taken down by the six girls, the guards couldn't maintain the prisoners.

In moments the crowd that had been cheering for the escape stood silent. Noticing how the guards couldn't control the inmates, they decided to cause a new riot.

Then came flashes of anger, jeers, shouting. A window was smashed. The inmates were beating up the other prisoners or guards, giving them black-eyed, bloody noses, broken limbs.

Some of the female and male inmates panicked and dissipated as fast as they could, fleeing to their cells and hiding spots. But a core of them stayed burning items, looting, smashing, destroying property with no thought to whom it belonged to.

They had become a mob, mindless and dangerous. Anyone who tried to stop them was beaten severely. They had lost all self-control. It was a riot. Many others tried escaping, notwithstanding the thought of being locked up here forever however their plan miserably failed as they were shot down by the guards who acquired some sort of weapons.

The guards being too busy with the inmates rioting, they didn't notice two foreigners escaping.


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