T H I R T Y - O N E

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✘Be careful who you call your friends, I'd rather have four quarters than a hundred pennies✘
↳ ᴀʟ ᴄᴀᴘᴏɴᴇ


Panama City, Panama

It's not even been forty-eight hours yet and Patrão and Jiyeon have got closer really quick. The latter would invite the young woman to watch some football games on the small old schooled tv or take a drag while drinking some rum or whisky. Jiyeon really didn't want to get high or drunk with the dude but she had to get close to him somehow.

Last night Jiyeon asked Patrão if she could change cells as she doesn't feel comfortable staying in a cell with two people who want to kill her, he refused at first but Jiyeon did some seducing shit which your author ain't gon describe unless you want to shove bleach down your eyes and he accepted.

Patrão knew Jiyeon was planning something, he didn't know what, but she seemed fishy. His men disliked the girl, one because she is a girl and two because she did abuse their boss.

Currently, Jiyeon and Tonia were discussing the plan. Jiyeon hasn't seen Lucas or Jaehyun all day yesterday and this morning, which made her think they are planning an escape as well. Her anxiety kept telling her that the escape won't work out, that she will die by the authorities or if she does escape, the top four will find her and kill her themselves.

"Alright, we need away to get rid of this window," Jiyeon said, pointing towards the cage-like window "It will make a lot of ruckuses when trying to remove it, however, it does seem loose so it will be easier to take it off. There is a slight problem as if the inmates or guards see it, we will be busted"

"We could just put the window back in place again and again so it doesn't look like anything happened and with the noise, we could just wait till another fight happens. We just need to get away to take the guards out before our plan takes place"

"I can get my cousin and her friends to handle that"

"Alright, we need to get some rope or something which is sturdy enough to make a ladder down, as if we jump down, we will most likely break our legs"

"I'll just cop a few hammocks, then that should be enough rope," Tonia says and Jiyeon nodded her head.

"Tonia, Tienes un Visitante, Tonia, you have a visitor" Jiyeon was about to speak up, but the voice cut her off.

Tonia got up and walked towards visitation, she was expecting to see her men there as she needed to discuss the plan. However, who she saw sitting on the table, not far from her, made her freeze in her tracks. Memories rushed back to her and she felt herself shake slightly.

Now the people who are visiting here are the Spanish mob. The mob boss, his right-hand man and three men. The Spanish mob were the ones who kidnapped Tonia and used her body for money. This certain mob ruined her childhood, scarred her for life and has verbally, mentally and physically abused the girl.

Tonia wasn't the only victim, many other females and even males have been kidnapped, from the age of seven to twenty-five by this gang.

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