T W E N T Y - O N E

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𝕮𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖆 𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖙𝖜𝖔


✘I'm keepin' it gangster 'til the the day I die✘


Shanghai, China
14: 10

Jiyeon's eyes widen, watching the man next to her dropdown. She didn't know what to do, the man next to her is bleeding but there are people entering the office wishing to kill her.

"I didn't sign up for this" she muttered and snatched her twin guns. She left her hideout behind the desk and proceeded shooting.

Her objective was to make sure they don't shoot YangYang to casualty and to kill everyone. She used the firearms in her hands to assassinate people or whack them across the head with it.

She was guarding YangYang and made sure to exterminate anyone that came towards her or him.

"YangYang, wake the fuck up. You can fall unconscious later but right now is a bad timing" she muttered, shooting to people in the head at the same time.

Her bullets ran out in both the guns and she decided to use her fists.

Punching a blonde man in the face, her foot made contact with another's the stomach. She ducked down to avoid a bullet flying towards her and she used that as an advantage to kick two of the men's ankles.

She patted her waistband to see if she had any guns left, she found a pistol and took it out. Some of her guns fell out when they first began fighting before which is just brilliant.

She did a spinning kick, kicking a man in the face. Arms wrapped around her, pinning her arms to her side and she bashed the back of her against the man who trapped her.

She shot two more people down before seeing from the corner of her eye a man pointing a gun to YangYang.

She jumped over YangYang and kicks the man in the face, punching his abdomen, his fist made way towards Jiyeon but she grabbed it and twisted it before shooting him down.

She turned back to YangYang to see him on the floor unconscious, his blood circling.

"When you wake up, I'm shooting you" she muttered.

She doesn't even know why she is threatening the guy but she is, she is annoyed at the fact that he is about to die and she is gonna be next.

She shot four more people down before chucking away the gun and running to YangYang and grabbing his gun.

She needs to stop the blood before he dies.

She couldn't use the jacket she was wearing because it was leather nor could she use her shirt has it's already cropped so she used the knife and ripped off the left legs clothing, his knee down.

As she did that, she got punched in the back of her head making her fall to the knees.

"That's just rude"

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