T H I R T Y - S I X

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✘I have lost so much, I can't afford losing more✘


Geneva, Switzerland

The girls just arrived in Switzerland and Jiyeon couldn't stop worrying about the six. She was afraid that something disastrous would happen to them, afraid at the thought they already caught them.

She did say she wasn't going to contact them as she didn't want to put them in trouble but her conscience got the best of her. Instead of using her phone, she used the payphones you find on the street and put a quarter in.

Dialling her cousin's number, she put the phone against her ear, praying that they will answer.






Her not answering is like me passing a test, which is never.

She tried ringing again, thinking that she must've been busy or something. After the third ring, someone picked up.

"Soyeon? Are you okay? I've landed in Swi-"

She got cut off

"Well, well, well. Look who it is" a deep voice started, causing her heart to drop. "Kim Jiyeon or Kwon Sulli. You betrayed us thus resulting in you needing a punishment" He gritted.

"Where is she?" She gritted through her teeth, not notice how she clenched her fist tight to the point the knuckles turned pale. "Where is Soyeon? The rest of the girls? I swear to god if you do anything, I- I will-"

"You will what? Hmm? Tell me Jiyeon or should I say Sulli, what will you do? As of now, you are in no position to even think about threatening me, you have no one, we have armies of men, ready to just kill you. To pull the trigger of the gun and end your life" the man on the other lines snarled. "And speaking of your question on where the six girls are, they are with me" she could already tell the Male was smirking, that arrogant, cocky look just smothered all over his face. "I wouldn't say they are in good hands"

She gulped, not knowing how to respond. So much was happening in a short period of time and her mind playing tricks on her didn't help anything.

"Please... don't do anything to them, they don't deserve it..."

"It's either you or them darling-"

"Jiyeon! Runaway, do not come back for the sake of us, we will find a way out, we always do. They will kill you!" She heard a girl shout in the background, it was most likely Miyeon or Minnie being the eldest's of the group, they always strived, never gave up and would always have a plan.

"I know where you are Jiyeon and I'll expect to still see you there when we arrive or I promise you, you will never see you, precious girls, ever again"

What he meant was that by time Namjoon was threatening Jiyeon, Yoongi was able to track down the phone call and link it back to Switzerland, Nct and Straykids have already boarded the flight to where the two girls are.

He hung the phone up.

Jiyeon stared ahead of her, eyeing the streets of Geneva.

"You good?" Tonia asked, staring at the girl opposite her.

"I'm so so sorry..."

"What do you mean?"

"They have already found our location"

Tonia already clocked on, knowing they most likely tracked the phone down.

"I can't, they have got my cousin and her friends, basically my only source of the family left, I can't let anything happen to them, or I'll never forgive myself"

"Wow, who knew this experience could change someone so much, I still clearly remember how you walked in the prison, you radiated this aura, a bad bitch one and now with everything happening, it changed you. Above that it's not a good one, I need you to get a hold of yourself, your turning soft, it's going to slow you down. I know you might hate me but In order to survive in this life, we have to let people go, even if it's the ones who are blood to you"

She knew she was right but Jiyeon wouldn't be able to bear the fact of six people who are like sisters dying because of her, no one deserves to be killed.

"Come on, we need to find a flight to another place pronto"

All flights far away from this county have been booked or set off in a week timing which isn't good as the gangs will arrive soon and will find them eventually. Geneva may be a big place and a pretty busy one, but finding a person you want isn't hard, especially when you have connections all over the place and you face is all over the media from escaping.


NCT and SKZ were currently in Switzerland whereas Bts and TxT we're back in Panama with the six girls.

The lot knew they were in Geneva so they immediately went there and began hacking into every hotel system to see if they booked into any of them and after a few hotels, they were in one.

They spread themselves all over the hotel, each corner of the hotel had at least one man there.

Taeyong, Johnny, Chan and Changbin slowly made themselves towards their hotel room, careful to not make noise to cause any suspicion from the two. Those two girls have been too caught up on trying to leave this country that didn't seem to think they could have landed in the country and look for them.

Not even a minute after, the door broke down and pointed their rifles towards the girl's, making sure they wouldn't move.

"Move a muscle and you die instantly"



y'all I posted after month, I sometimes hate myself lmao😎

Is this book worth a sequel?

Like I have an idea for an ending which doesn't consist of a sequel but also an ending which does... but does this trash deserve one lmao

Anyways hope y'all like this chapter


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