T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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✘We are captives of our own identities. Living in prisons of our own creations✘
↳ ᴛ-ʙᴀɢ


Panama City, Panama

The three stared at the corpse, Lucas and Jaehyun weren't really bothered on the fact that there is a deceased body in front of them as they see this shit every day. Jiyeon wasn't scared but she had the sentiment that she wouldn't make it out alive and if she did, they would mostly take her and assassinate her.

She had many feelings roaming her stomach.

Guilt. She had killed countless and countless of people, for what reason? Her boss just appointed her the duty and she went on with it, not caring about what they felt or anything. She didn't have the impression that they might have a family at home, who were looking forward to seeing their mom, dad, wife, husband, son or daughter to come back home. She did grow up most of her life without a family, yes her parents were home here and there but once her mother died, her father vanished and she was all alone. She didn't think about what other people would feel if someone lost their family member, she was selfish, you could say. She always thought about herself and her late mother, she didn't think about the other people who could have lost their entire family.

Regret. She regrets what she has done with her life. She regretted that she didn't decide to have a normal life, go to high school, then college, maybe university depending on the course or job she wants to take. She regretted that she wasn't there for her father when he was mourning over his wife's death, she regretted she wasn't there when he disappeared. She regretted killing all those innocent lives, she regretted killing that innocent child just for a stupid initiation. She regretted ever working for C9, she regretted doing all those missions, she regretted ever listening to him and thinking he was the good guy. She regretting ever meeting M.G.

Anger. She felt angry, angry at the thought this is the end, angry that the fact after they get her out of jail, she will die. She was angry that she couldn't see her father, she was angry at herself for killing people and doing bad deeds, she was angry that she never had a normal life and decided to dedicate her life to doing sins, she was angry she never allowed herself to have a normal adolescence and adulthood life, she was annoyed at the fact she dropped out of school just to become a serial killer, just to ruin her life, just to ruin everyone else's life.

At this moment, Jiyeon loathed herself and made a promise to herself, before she dies, she needs to meet her father.

The two boys next to her were talking about how they were going to escape but because the young girl was zoned out, she didn't hear one word that came out of their mouths.

The feeling of something being positioned on her shoulder made her jerk out of her train of thoughts and look behind her quickly. She saw this person. Panamanian, Male, mid-thirties, alright looking, strong, tattoos covered some of his body, he had this aura, a strong one, he also gave off a bad vibe.

"Three new fishes entering the cage full of sharks" he licked his lips.

She then recognised him.

ᴍᴀfɪᴀ ɢᴀᴍᴇ ✘ ᴛxᴛ, ɴᴄᴛ, ʙᴛs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛʀᴀʏ ᴋɪᴅs ✘ ɢᴀɴɢ ᴀᴜWhere stories live. Discover now