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✘Not everyone likes me... but not everyone matters✘
↳ᴊ ʟᴏᴠᴇ


Seoul, Korea

Sulli arrived home after the initiation. As instructed by the boss, she was supposed to go straight to the company and explain ever detail on what happens today but when realising she is followed non-stop, it's hard. They have sent people to watch her, two cars are parked right outside her house which was sure sent by the top four

She walked straight into her house, avoiding the cars parked outside it. The lights were off so she assumed Nara has already left. Walking upstairs to her room, she immediately headed straight to the bathroom and stripped her clothes off, ready to have a shower and treat her wounds. The minute she removed her shirt, the sight of the wound on her shoulder caught her attention. Blood was dried up and surrounded the injury.

The wound which was displayed in her shoulder wasn't the only injury. Bruises, scratches, cuts and blood were scattered around the body, her hair was a mess as well. She threw the blooded and dirty clothing in the laundry before hopping in the shower.

The warm water touched the wounds of the female, allowing a small and low groan to escape her mouth. She tried to scrub as lightly as possible as she didn't want her wounds to become any more serious than they already were. The water mixed with the blood from her body as it ran down her bare legs.

After she finished showering, she began treating her wounds which took her around ten to fifteen minutes precise. After that Sulli wrapped her body in a towel and headed towards the closest which is connected to her bathroom. She got changed into some pyjama shorts and an oversized shirt as she didn't want to wear something which could rub against her wounds.

Her phone began ringing which caught her off guard.

Looking at the caller ID she saw Bang Chan calling her.

"What?" Sulli answered annoyed.

"Respect" He spat "Remember, I'm your boss"

"Yeah, whatever"

"Come to M.G company tomorrow at eleven. You need to meet the rest of the members in stray kids, Txt, Bts and Nct" he said and hanged up.

"Tsk, I already know who is who so what's the point of wasting my time,"  she muttered.

She decided to go to sleep early as today was pretty tiring. As soon as her head touched the pillow she was knocked out.

Seoul, Korea

Sulli woke up earlier than she was supposed to which annoyed her hardcore. She needed them a few extra hours of sleep however she wasn't able to fall asleep. Tossing and turning, trying to take a small nap didn't help either, after letting out a groan she got up.

She walked to her bathroom and splashed her face with cold water, waking herself up. Stripping off her clothes, she hopped into the shower and took a thirty-minute shower. Getting out, she began brushing her teeth after wrapping her body in a towel.

She changed into some camo green pants and a white sleeveless shirt. She then put on some white Adidas shoes and began heading downstairs after grabbing her phone.

ᴍᴀfɪᴀ ɢᴀᴍᴇ ✘ ᴛxᴛ, ɴᴄᴛ, ʙᴛs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛʀᴀʏ ᴋɪᴅs ✘ ɢᴀɴɢ ᴀᴜWhere stories live. Discover now