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✘Trust is a very dangerous game✘


Seoul, Korea

Yesterday, after giving the boss the USB, Sulli was able to assassinate Lee Minhyuk of BTOB and Ahn Jae-Hyo of Block B. She hid their bodies someplace far from the company but she knew, they will discover it sooner or later as they will be missing for quite a while.

Her ribs were aching as she got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom.

She got changed into a black jumper and black ripped jeans. She put on some shoes and went towards her office.

Sulli needed to somehow figure out who were those voices from last night. She couldn't even hear half their conversation because of the boisterous music.

She remembers they were saying something about them being a mafia group, but who could it be. Are they part of M.G? The man's voice did sounds really familiar.

She sighed in frustration as she realised that she is not gonna get anywhere without knowing what their full conversation is about and who they are.

She has a feeling that those people are part of C9... No, the boss did a thorough background check on everyone to see if they had a risky past.

A knocking on her office door made Sulli snap out of her trance and reply with a "come in"

A woman came in and she recognised her as Nara.

"Sulli-ssi, there are five boys downstairs asking for you." She said and she raised an eyebrow.

It's probably TxT.

And she was right. As she made her way downstairs, she saw TxT sitting on her sofa.

"What are you doing here?" she interrogates and they all look her way.

"We need to know who is out to get us," Taeyong says as the four gangs gathered around the meeting room.

"Pentagons bodies were found dead in the middle of nowhere. Wonho, Minhyuk, Jaehyo and Seunghoon have been found dead recently and there is no clue on who did it." Namjoon spoke up.

There was a long cessation as people began speculating.

"Has anyone caught on that this all began happening when Jiyeon joined the game?" Beomgyu says eyeing everyone.

"He's right, why would a girl join suddenly, she has no connections to any of us and doesn't have the mafia blood in her" Yuta said and the lot began assuming.

"TxT, go to her house tomorrow morning and make an excuse of why you have arrived. Two of use stall her while the other three snoop around a bit, try to get some information about her" Chan says looking at his youngers.

The five nodded understanding the plan.

"You came over because you are bored?" she stared at the five who just shrugged.

"You guys are a Mafia group go do something Mafia-related and get out my house"

"Nope," Soobin says, popping the 'p'

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