fifteen: the hoodie

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"I like the pictures on your door," said Maddy, following me into my dark room, "did you draw them?"

"Tried to, anyways," I said.

"Do you want to draw me?"

"Like what? One of my French girls?"

Maddy made a pouty face. Her hair had become stringy and damp, and her fur night coat was lopsided on her shoulders. She bent down to undo her velvet pumps, lost her balance and fell back into my wardrobe. She broke into laughter.

"Jesus," I said, rushing to her side and holding the back of her head, "what the hell, Maddy."

Sitting on the floor, she pulled me down into a kiss. I was forced to my knees in front of her and tried to regain my balance as her tongue began stroking into my mouth. She broke off for a second to laugh. "Help me get my bra off," she said, all giggly. I helped her take her dress off, first, and tried to keep my hand steady as I undid the clips on her bra. She tossed it all the way across the room, doing a faceplant on the floor in the process. We began kissing again.

"Fuck me," she whined, wrapping her arms around my neck, "please fuck me."


She pinned me down against the floor and clambered on top of me. She bent down and ravaged my face with her lips, snaking Calvin's hoodie up my body. I tried to relax, but it was impossible when I kept thinking the only thing separating her vagina from my upper thigh was a spindly aqua-coloured thong. It started to feel wet where she was sitting. 

I saw orange light streak across the room and noticed in a panic that the door was being opened. Patrick took one look at the scene on the floor before quickly closing the door again. Maddy started to giggle. "Touch my boobs," she said. Confused, I cupped one of her boobs in my hand. The door opened again.

"Sorry, just got to get - " Patrick did a little jig across the room, as if to quickly retrieve something from his desk, but suddenly his bag of "uranium" toppled from his hand and exploded all over Maddy's naked body. "Scheiße! Entschuldigung - "

"Oh mein Got - " said Maddy, yellow powder all over her chest. She looked up at Patrick, her mouth forming a perfect O. 

"Scheiße - let me help - " he bent down to supposedly dust the yellow off her shoulder, but lost his grip of his "poison" bottle. The liquid inside poured all over Maddy's cleavage, making the room smell strongly of alcohol.

"Patrick, Ich flippe gleich aus!" she exclaimed, batting his hands off her and standing up. "Blvde fotze," she spat at him in a whiny tone, as she covered herself with her fur coat. She tried putting her skintight dress on again, but something about its solid nature and her drunkenness prevented her from doing so. "Give me pants!" she demanded from the both of us. Patrick flung open his wardrobe and produced a pair of pyjama pants from it. She put them on, grabbed her heels from the floor, and made for the door. "Du bist so breit sein, und Ich - " she looked like she was about to continue, but was so overcome with emotion that she simply scrunched up her face in an extravagant pout and slammed the door behind her.

Patrick turned on his desk lamp.

I stood up. I tore my costume off and threw it at the wall. I ripped off the fishnet stockings.


I went into Patrick's food drawer, ripped open one of his candy bags, and put a few of them in my mouth, angrily. 


"What?" I said, sitting at his desk chair.

"That's my favourite one."

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