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I didn’t know where I was going but I continued to run. My feet started to hurt so I stopped running and sat down in a small alley beside a large garbage bin that covered my small figure. I hugged my legs with my arms and continued to release the sadness and anger that I feel. I hope that this is just a dream. I hope I’m not in America. I hope that I never saw Luke.

“ALEX?!” I heard someone called out. A guy. Is he looking for me or a different Alex?

“Alex please! Come out!” He shouted.

I think it’s Ashton’s friend, Michael.

I saw his shadow walked in the alley.

My head started to spin.

“Alex!” Michael sighed in relief.

He squatted and held my hand.

 “Are you okay?” Michael asked me.

He looks concerned.

“Let’s go back.” He said.

He softly pulled me to stand up. I looked up at him and hugged him, my arms wrapped tightly around his waist. He hugged me back, his right hand place on my back and his other hand on my head brushing my hair. His height was towering me. I can feel his heartbeat.

“What’s wrong?” He asked me. “You can tell me anything. I can keep it between you and me.”

I just shook my head and mumbled “nothing.”

“Alright. Let’s go back then.” He said then pulled away with the hug.

“No.” I protested.

I don’t want to go back. I’m not ready yet.

“We need too… Ashton and Jessie are both dead worried about you.” Michael said.

I wiped my tears and sat down beside the bin again.

“Alex… we need to go back.” He said.

“I don’t want to.” I mumbled.

“Please Alex.” He pleaded. “Tell me, what’s wrong?”

“It’s a long story Michael.” I answered him.

“It’s okay. I’m here to listen. Or maybe we should go back first yes?” He gave me a smile that made me feel safe.

“Alright but I’m not talking to anyone except for you and Jessie.” I said.

He just nodded then he led me out of the alley making my breathing normal.

“ALEX!” I saw Jessie running towards me.

Her hands were wide open. Jessie hugged me tight. I hugged her back. I saw the rest of the boys walking towards our direction.

“Are you okay Alex?” Ashton asked me.

I ignored him. I just placed my head on top of Jessie’s shoulder.

“Don’t you ever run away again!” Jessie shouted, her voice breaking a bit.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered loud enough for her to hear.

I heard her sobbed before she pulled away with the hug. We started to head back the hotel.

“Thanks Michael.” I heard Ashton said.

“It’s nothing.” Michael said.

Once we got back to the hotel, Jessie and I used the lift to go back to our hotel room. Jessie called for food and it came minutes later. I was so starving that I stuffed my face with food. Ashton wanted to talk to me but I always let Jessie to talk for me. I don’t know why but I feel really angry. I’m not sure if I’m mad with Ashton or Luke. But why would I be mad with Ashton right?

I was laying down on my bed when someone knocked on the door. Jessie opened the door. It was Michael.

“Hey.” Michael greeted us.

I sat down and smiled a bit.

“Ready to talk to me, honey?” Michael asked.

I nodded and patted the bed signaling him to sit down. He did sat down, Jessie sitting down beside him.

“Well…” I started, a bit hesitant but it’s now or never. “My family and I moved to Australia when I was 10. We live two streets away from Luke’s house.”

Michael’s eyes widened. “Did you guys-“ He paused.

I sighed and nodded, looking at my hands.

“I was the girl in his story awhile ago.” I said.

My eyes started to water, my vision’s getting blurry.

“Luke and I had a relationship for almost two years but he cut it off.” I sighed as tears rushed down my face.

“Do you still love Luke?” Michael asked.

I looked at him as my heart started to pound. I nodded slowly and mumbled a “yes.”

“Oh… how about Ashton?”  Michael asked again.

“I-Yes.” I answered. “It feels like I’m doing something wrong. It feels like everything’s my fault.”

“This is not your fault Alex. I bet you didn’t know that they’re bestfriends right?” He looked at me straight in the eyes.

I nodded.

“Okay then. You’re not doing anything wrong. Maybe this is a sign that you need to fix your relationship with Luke. Maybe be friends with him. Then have a happy and healthy relationship with Ashton.” Michael said.

I smiled and nodded. He’s right.

“I never thought that you could be this serious.” I giggled.

“Hey! I told you I can be serious.” He faked a pout.

Michael wiped my tears away.

“Thanks Michael.” I smiled.

“But seriously, Michael-“ Jessie said but Michael cut her off.

“Stop!” He laughed. “And no problem Alex.”

“Wait. Aren’t you busy?” I asked Michael.

“Oh! Yeah! Sorry I need to go.” Michael answered.

We all hopped off the bed and walked towards the door. I opened the door for Michael. We said our goodbyes.

I was about to close the door when someone stopped me.




Amnesia (a Luke Hemmings and Ashton Irwin fan fiction.)Where stories live. Discover now