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The road trip with Jessie was fun. Well... it's always fun being with Jessie. Quiet or loud. Happy or sad.

Jessie and I turned the music up and sang really loud that some people inside their cars looked at us.

Jessie and I decided to go to the hotel first before going to the beach.

We went to the reception's table and signed in our names and paid for the room.

We walked towards the elevator and looked for our room. Room 361.

After looking for a good 5 minutes, we finally saw our room. I unlocked the door and went inside.

I gasped at how beautifully furnished the room was. We placed our bags on the bed and grabbed our keys, phones and money.

We went downstairs not caring about the refreshments. We are just so excited going to the beach!

I splashed a good amount of water on Jessie's face making her squint. She splashed some back and that was the start of the war. Minutes later, we stopped. We decided to get some refreshments. We walked towards a small store and bought a drink. I was about to go out when a guy with a mop of curly blonde hair walked in.

"Oh. Here." He said opening the door for me and Jessie.

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

He smiled back showing his cute dimples. Wait. What?

Jessie just looked at me with a smirk on her face. I know what she's thinking. She's thinking that I like that guy. Well I don't. I don't even know his fucking name!

"You! Just. Smiled.On.That.Hot.Guy." Jessie said.

"I did. What's wrong with that?" I asked her.

"The thing is that. You never smile ever since... you know... Luke broke up with you. But that guy! That HOT guy! You smiled at him!" Jessie answered.

"And so?" I asked sarcastically.

"Oh c'mon! I know that-" Jessie was cut off by someone.

"Umm.. Excuse me!" We heard someone said.

Jessie and I turned our back and saw the blonde guy. He smiled at us, again, showing his cute dimples.

Jessie waited for me to answer but she realized that I will not.

"Yes?" Jessie asked.

"Uh... I just want to ask your friend if she was an angel who fell down from heaven." The guy answered.

It was so corny but it made me smile big.

Jessie just laughed at his attempt on talking to me.

"I'm sorry but my friend's not intere-" I cut Jessie off.

"That was so corny." I said still smiling.

"But at least I made you smile." The guy said coming closer to me.

He is very tall. Maybe 6 feet or something.

"I'm Ashton, by the way." He said handing his hand out.

"I'm Alex." I shook his hand.

I gasped as he pulled me closer to him making our bodies closer.

"So beautiful." He said.

I just looked at him.

"Can I get your number?" He asked.

"S-sure." I stuttered.

We exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes.

Well... kinda.

We did said our goodbyes but I can still see him looking at me.

I think he's with his family.

He's with a woman at around her mid 40's, a teenage girl at around 14-16, and a boy. I think he's 8 or 9.

Ashton kept on looking at me, smirking every time.

Jessie and I just stayed in the water, chest level, and just appreciated the beautiful view.

I can't believe that it's finally summer!

The best part of the year.

Finally, I'm going to college, leaving my parents.

I was in the middle of my thoughts when Jessie said something.

"Do you miss Feb?" Jessie asked.

February. She's our good friend from the US. I do miss her but... I need to earn more money to see her again.

"Of course, I do." I answered.

I like Feb's name. It's very unique. Obviously, she was born in the month of February that's why her mother named her after the month. But she prefers to be called as Feb. She has long brown curly hair and a pair of big brown orbs. She is taller than me. Actually... waaaaay taller.

"I wanna visit her but... I can't." Jessie said, her smiling lips turning upside down.

"Me too... I don't have much money." I said.

"Well you can ask your dad and I know that he'll say yes." Jessie looked at me.

"It's not that easy Jess." I said. "I wanna earn my own money 'cause I know that my mom will get all bitchy and my dad will say no 'cause my mom said so."

"I don't really get it. Your mom changed like... a lot." Jessie furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yeah... she turned into a slut." I said.

"Don't say that Alex. Just remember she's still your mother." Jessie gave me an assuring smile.

"Well it doesn't feel like she's my mother. She's not what you think she is, Jess. The woman that you think who's sweet and caring? That's all gone now. You don't know her Jessie... and I can't wait for you to meet the real her." I said.

I just stared at the beautiful view after saying those words.

What I said was the truth.

And it'll always be the truth.

Hope you liked it :)
BTW some events are based in real life. :)
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Love you all :)

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