Ice Cold [Yuri!!!On Ice/Ice Skating Au]

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"You won't get better by simply admiring me (Y/N)" the half and half teased.

It was the second week of training, and it was still hard to have Shoto around. You would constantly tell yourself it was fine, he was being your coach now after all.. But it just felt.. Different.

You got up from the bench in the locker rooms and walked over to the Ice Rink, ready to practice on your performance for the next competition. You were still a bit shaken up from the contest between you and Yayorozu, who wanted to be coached by the award winning champion, Shoto Todoroki,  just as badly as you did. It all came to a relief when Shoto chose you, though the reason was quite uncertain to you.

Since Shoto came from (Russia/Canada), he was new to the Japanese culture and the place itself, leaving him to stay at the (L/N) residence with you and your family. It was an honest relief that your family also ran a hotel, meaning you had enough space for an extra guest. The memory of him suddenly appearing in your life was still carved into your thoughts, how amazing it was that he was here because you had been a fan girl and learned one of his amazing performances.

You smiled to yourself, knowing you were extremely lucky to have someone as amazing as--

"(Y/N), you never really chose a song.." Shoto pointed out, standing in front of the CD player. You skated over to the side of the rink and looked at him with a puzzled look. "W-Well.. I usually let my coach decide.." You mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed, confessing a habit to your role model. Shoto smiled, however, and chuckled "I'd like you to pick your own music, if you don't mind" He said.

You looked down in embarrassment, knowing what happened last time you chose your own music "W-Well you see... I-I guess I'm not ready to show people my music" You said, hoping he'd understand somehow. Shoto thought for a bit but came back to his usual calm and opened self who tended to smile a lot. He grinned, already knowing what to say "Don't worry, whatever music you like is fine. Really" He said. Whatever he used in those words really got you, because it made it extremely hard for you to argue or protest. You simply nodded and both of you went back to practicing.

After a few hours of trying to come up with some good choreography, Shoto stopped you and shook his head. "It won't come together until the music's set" he said, knowing if you didn't get some sort of music soon, it'll be over for both of you. You sighed and went back to the locker rooms to change and head home. You closed the doors behind you and zipped up our jacket, only to find your coach waiting for you at the gates of the Ice Skating Building.

"What do you think of me.. (Y/N)?" He asked, "What am I to you?" The question repeated inside your head for a bit, making you truly wonder what exactly Shoto meant to you. It made you and absolute fan girl to see him perform, but you also got real flustered and embarrassed when he suggested to be close to you, sleep with you, or simply hang out with you. He was also slowly becoming part of your daily life and would often brighten up your day and make you smile. You looked over at him, trying to find any words to describe it all, but him beating you to the first word "Am I your friend?" He continued, "A close relative?" He paused, probably a slight dust of pink in his cheeks as he asked, "A boyfriend?" He asked, bly more eagerly adding "A crush?!" You suddenly flinched and extended your arms, circling everywhere and internally freaking out "No, no, no, no, no, no!" You exclaimed, desperate to get your point across. A bit of Shoto seemed sad, but he managed to keep his usual smile. "It's getting quite late.. We should hurry to the hotel" He said, switching topics.

After a short walk, you both arrived at the (L/N) hotel, leaving Shoto to change and relax. You headed for your room and tried to work on the music and choreography for the upcoming event, though it was just so frustrating and stress-full to do all this...

You were down on your 5th cup of coffee when you heard a knock on your door. Instinctively, you deleted your search history and opened the door ((I had to lighten up the mood I'm sorry))

"I know it's pretty late.. But I was hoping you'd let me sleep in with you. I'm worried about you after all" Shoto whispered. You looked up to his soft look and nodded, knowing he was speaking the truth. You let him inside and closed your laptop, trying to hide the fact that you were up this late. Shoto chuckled, and sat on the border of your bed "I didn't think you'd have so many posters of me" He said with another chuckle. You looked around your room and turned tomato red as you realized every inch of your room was covered with a poster of The Shoto Todoroki.

 You bowed, apologizing "I'm really sorry! I-I didn't expect any visits so late a-and-" you were cut off by Shoto's index finger against your lips, signaling for you to shush

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You bowed, apologizing "I'm really sorry! I-I didn't expect any visits so late a-and-" you were cut off by Shoto's index finger against your lips, signaling for you to shush. He smiled, "I think its cute" He complimented. You couldnt help but blush and quickly switch the subject. "I-Its getting late.." You mumbled, and layed down on your bed. You didn't realize this until later but, you didn't exactly have two mattresses. It was only one, and by the looks of it you'd have to share. Shoto didn't seem to mind, however, and quickly settled next to you, so close you could feel his warm breathing again your head. You blushed, but eventually drifted off to sleep..

The next morning, you woke up a bit too early for your liking, leaving you to twist and turn, trying to fall back asleep. Shoto clearly took notice and simply wrapped an arm around your waist, evidently making you stop moving. You quickly became extremely flustered and got even worse when his beautiful mismatched eyes started to flutter open. He quickly realised the position you two were in but cuddled in deeper with a smug grin as he whispered, "I wouldn't mind being late for practice" This obviously got you flustered, though you had to admit.. You had feelings for Shoto. You failed to hold back a giggle and smile "I wouldn't either.." You whispered, and fell back asleep in his embrace


You both woke up to some noise from downstairs, Shoto apparently disturbed that the cuddle session was cut short. He smiled, "Morning beautiful" He said in the most romantic, yet casual voice. You smiled and giggled, loving his sweet remarks. "Morning Shoto" you whispered. He looked down to you, almost as if trying to capture your attention, and smirked. "I guess.. Now.. It's ok if I did.. This?" He says and suddenly leans in to close the gap between your lips. You were shocked at first, but soon melted into the sweet and gentle morning kiss. "I love you" he whispered, already getting up to head out with you.

"I love you too"

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