Yandere! Todoroki x Reader

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[Inspiration from various books, honestly. Sorry for barely uploading, living in my house isn't exactly the easiest lol. School used to be my little relief from escaping my family, but corona sure is a pain in the a$$]

Warnings?: (obviously not visible but-) gore, mentioning of hurting, y'all know the drill.Oh and deaths... maybe some danganronpa references because... yes.

Also Todoroki being hella ooc but I liked the prompt so why not.


You sighed, looking away from the dual haired boy. One month. It had only been one month into the school year, but it seemed... things were taking quite the twist. You were often told  you were rather pretty, and it wasn't unusual for boys (or girls, we won't judge) to ask you out, or often confess to you in many different ways. You weren't really interested however, so you'd have to kindly let them down. 

This time, as frustrating as it was, it seemed it was happening all over again. The first few weeks of UA were fine. You talked to everyone, Kaminari jokingly flirted with you, but nothing farther than that. It seemed it all went down hill about a week ago, as a certain someone started to make some clearly noticeable moves on you. Todoroki had seemed as the quiet type since the beginning, but the last few days had proved otherwise. You'd find the male staring at you, often complimenting you, and once even going as far as leaning in super close, telling you specific details he loved about you. Maybe he's the passionate type. You told yourself, though it was only the beginning.

A few weeks go by.. and you're not allowed to hang out with anyone. You would get to school, and Todoroki would be there. He'd often even join you on your walks to school. Maybe he lives nearby. You thought, trying to give him the  benefit of the doubt. Even through out the days, he'd always be there. It was like he glared at anyone who tried to talk to you.. Luckily, Todoroki seemed to have had a family issue to attend one day, explaining to you with a smile on his face how important that day was to him, seeing his mom and all, before leaving a small warning. "Oh and.. don't talk to anyone but me.. alright (Y/N)?" He asked, almost sounding like a completely different Todoroki than before. Was this the same boy who was quiet and reserved at the start of the year? Who knew. You could only nod in agreement. 

Sadly, Todoroki's request was not fulfilled. Though you tried your best to try and avid people, trying to give him the benefit of the doubt again, eventually, Kaminari managed to sneak a few flirts here and there. At first, you weren't exactly bothered... but you felt like if you were being... watched. You sighed "It's just the caffeine.." you mumbled to yourself, knowing you might've overdone the coffee that morning or so.

And then it happened.

It was a normal school day. Everything was fine, or well at least it seemed fine until you...

"Oh my god"

"No way"

"Is this real?"

"I need some air"

You stopped near 1-A's entrance, taking in the crowd surrounding the classroom. You made your way among the crowd, frowning in desperation to find out why so many people were here. And then you saw it.

There, near the window... was Kaminari's body. Lifeless... dead... gone. You gasped, covering you mouth. He's... dead?! But.. how?! Why?! Who?! Questions circled around your head, feeling dizziness not too long after. You ran out of there, holding your breath. No! It's not true. This- this is a nightmare. A dream. I'll wake up soon. Yes. He's fine! You stopped, feeling an arm around your waist, stopping from proceeding. Through all your thoughts, you didn't bother to see your surroundings. You were far from UA, in the city streets now. If it weren't for the person who grabbed you, a truck would've definitely hit you. You looked up to see your savior...and it was.. him. "Tod-" he stopped you mid sentence, pushing hair behind your ear. "It'd be a pain for anything to happen to you.. my dear (Y/N).." He said softly, a relaxed expression on his face. You frowned. His (Y/N)?.. the statement itself made you blush, but made you upset. What was going on? His personality, appearances, everything is just...! He seemed distracted with touching you... he was letting his hand graze against your skin.. admiring you.. every inch of you.. little did you know he was doing his best to hold back. Oh how easy it would've been for him to simply take you right there and then, that way, no one would come in between the two of you. Either way, the boy held back. His attention returned to you "Hm? Sorry, I got distracted there. You seemed shaken.. is it.. because of what happened?" He asked, being gentle with the subject. You hesitated, but nodded "Y-Yeah.. it was just so... sudden. Ya know? I-I just need some time to calm down... I'm fine, thanks" you said, taking a few steps back before he spoke again "Let me help you then" he said, giving you a soft expression, even comforting at one point. You hesitated once more, before nodding "S-Sure.. anything to distract myself, honestly.." you said, trying not to think too hard, or you'd fall into the despair like earlier. 

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