Shall We Dance?

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"(Y/N). Let's go" You followed your mother, softly picking up your dress as you followed the stairs to the main ballroom. You had been invited to the Winter's Ball, a special even with special people, veterans, heroes. Etc. Your mother was the head of an important gadget company, as your Father worked along Heroes and the Government

You sighed, a bit too used to this sort of life-style. Apparently UA, one of the top hero school's around, invited their first years, second years, and third years inside the hero course to gain some experience this year. You were about the first year's age, maybe a year younger. Your mother opened the doors to the hall, your forced smile instinctively making its way up your face. "(M/N) and (Y/N) from the (L/N) Family" they announced. You curtsied and followed your mother, now following the usual routine.

Usually, at balls your mother would separate and talk with business partners, self promoting the family's business as you wondered around, often forcing a smile but mostly avoiding actual contact.
"Ah yes. It even gets rid of 99.99%... Oh yeah, it's all amount advertising nowadays"

Yep. She's out cold. You wondered around the ballroom, often getting a snack or two. Your mother was deep into promoting herself and the family, when you spotted a dual-haired boy, who's scar and dual colored eyes caught your attention. He stood still, often chatting with a green haired boy who seemed oddly familiar. Maybe he's from 1-A.. I should go talk to him. I've missed him anyways. Either way Mom always says-

"O-Oh my I'm so sorry!" A blonde guy explained, about your age maybe. He had a black thunderbolt-like line in his hair, a panicky look on his face as he bumped into you "Oh it's fine" you said, used to people being afraid of your famous family name. "Y-You're (Y/N).. (Y/N), (L/N) right?" He asked, blushing a bit. To Kaminari, it seemed he might have scored a date with some really rich girl. You giggled, smiling a bit more honestly now. "Yeah. And who are you?" You asked, making him smile "I'm Kaminari Denki. I'm with the class of UA, the first years" he said, more then eager to talk to you. "Okay Kaminari. Could you tell me who that is?" You asked, point to the dual-haired boy. "Oh. That's Todoroki. Don't go near him though. He's not much of a talker. Plus you have me!" He exclaimed, almost pouting. Ah, so it is him. It's been a while, hasn't it?You smiled. "Sorry Kaminari-Kun. I'll talk to you later, Kay? Thanks anyways" you said, waving off as you head towards Todoroki. "S-She called me K-Kaminari-Kun.." he muttered, a clear blush rushing up to his cheeks

You made your way closer to Todoroki, earning a few stares but your curiosity got the best of you. Midoriya saw you first. "O-Oh hi" he said, probably not knowing exactly who you were. "Hello, I'm (Y/N), (L/N). You're Midoriya, right? I saw you at the Sports Festival this year. That was cool" you said, starting a conversation. You forbid yourself from glancing towards Todoroki, a smug smile on your lips. You knew who he was, but you weren't supposed to. You'd see him during your mother's business with Endeavour's Agency, but the more you to talked, the more closer you two became. "(L/N)..? Have we met before?" Todoroki asked, upholding his image. You smiled a bit more, going along with his lie "Indeed. My mom is the Head of (Company Name). They're business partners with Endeavour" you said. Midoriya was pretty impressed, but you still aimed for Todoroki's interest. You could've sworn you had seen him smile for a second, before he held out his hand

"Shall we dance?" He asked. You stared at his hand for a minute, snapping back into reality after a bit. You smiled "Of course" You smiled as you felt Todoroki's warmer yet rougher hand on yours. He walked you to the dance floor, in perfect timing to a slow song. You placed your hand on his shoulder, blushing as he put his on your hip. You two danced, your cheeks slightly tainted with pink.

Todoroki chuckled, spinning you around or often smiling at you as you two danced. You stopped yourself from blowing your cover, wanting to laugh with him or to rest your head on his chest..

That's when you realized.

"..Business partners with Endeavour.."

"..Business partners with Endeavour.."

You accidentally stepped on Todoroki's foot, causing him to frown at you "Are you okay Mrs. (L/N)?" He asked. You looked around, seeing the disappointed and judgmental stares the crowd gave you. This was wrong. Both families were business partners, and no more. If anything, you'd be a disgrace to the Todoroki's if they knew you tried to befriend their son. The pressure got to you, making you slowly back away. You rushed away, climbing stair after stair, running from the judging looks.

What would mom say?? What would the people say?? I might've ended mom's business deal.. our reputation could be gone-

You stopped, a rather cold and warm hand grabbing your waist. You turned to the person, seeing who you feared the most "T-Todoroki-Kun.." you started, but he silenced you, softly meeting his lips with yours.

"(Y/N)... must we really pretend that we don't love each other?" He whispered. You looked at him, heart broken at his words "S-Shoto.. we both know we can't.. That's why I ran.. I got carried away.." you said, looking down at the ground. His eyebrows furrowed, softly kissing your forehead "(Y/N), I've known you for so long.. I don't want to loose you. I don't care what our families say" he said, making you smile a bit. You sighed, slowly wrapping your arms around his neck. He wrapped his around your waist, holding you close. "(Y/N)?" "Hm?"

"I love you"

"I love you too Todo-Kun"


Did I rush the ending, yes, honestly. Sorry if this is crappy ;;-;;

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