Requested! Mother meeting [Fluff]

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"Where the reader is already with Shoto, but she is very shy and new to relationships, and they go to see his Mom one day and she and his mom bond and she tells us about Baby Shoto and just a lot of fluff in this oneshot, please!"

First of all, that's extremely cute jsjsiwnw. And second, thank you for requesting! I know I'm super late on some requests but this one was detailed so it was easier to work with qwq either way! I hope you enjoy <3]

[Fair warning, this got pretty long and I don't really feel like going over it, so if there's mistakes, sorry! I'll delete this once I review my writing. Later. This request is pretty late sjsiwjsjsis sorry!]


Hands shaking, your heart beating, the air growing dense... These were just a few of the many things you experienced when you looked at him. It felt like a complete dream to even be this close to him... It was a complete mystery to as to why he even chose you as his girlfriend.

You took a deep breath, your hand hovering above the doorknob for 1-A. You hesitated, standing there for a few minutes before hearing an all too familiar voice. "(Y/N)?" He asked, wondering why you were just frozen in front of the door to 1-A. "O-Oh, T-Todo-" he stopped you, a small smile showing on his face "Remember, I'd love it if you could call me Shoto." He said softly, his heart beating just as fast as yours. You smiled, blushing like crazy "R-R-Right... Sorry. I-I.. I was just about to go in.. S-Shoto" you said, feeling butterflies in your stomach just by saying his name out loud. Shoto grinned "Ah, I see. We can go in together then" He said, his monotone expression slowly coming back as you both made your way inside. 

Throughout the day, you were nothing but a jittery mess around Shoto. It was so difficult to not freak out or turn red from being in the same room as him. He would often try and speak with you during class, but you'd be so hard to understand while mumbling, often ending up rambling. Shoto loved you, that was no doubt, but he knew you might've been a little nervous.. after all, he had asked you to be his partner just a few days ago. At the sound of the evening bell, he grabbed your hand, catching you by surprise "O-Oh? Shoto I could w-walk by myse-" he pushed some hair back from your face, making your face heat up. "Actually... I was hoping you could come with me to the hospital? There's... there's someone I'd like for you to meet" he said, and you could tell instantly that whoever he was going to present you to was extremely important to him.. you just couldn't tell why.


Walking hand in hand, the two of you stopped in front of the hospital, a small smile showing on Shoto's face again. He led the both of you inside, asking for you to wait in the lobby for a bit, going to receptionist, most likely to ask about who you'd be seeing, and let you and your thoughts in the waiting area. You picked up your legs, hugging them against your chest. With a puzzled feeling circling you, you couldn't help but worry. What if this important person thought bad of you? Maybe that person would make Shoto hate you... maybe then he'd realize your flaws.. maybe then he'd completely ignore you. The thoughts themselves made you feel sick to your stomach, hugging yourself even tighter. 

"Hey.. (Y/N)?" You looked up, startled by his sudden presence. He must've already finished talking to the receptionist, meaning you'd soon meet this special person. You rubbed your eyes, hoping you hadn't been crying or showing any real sign of sadness. You'd only worry him, and that would just give him more reasons to get tired of you. Man... your anxieties couldn't be catching a break any time soon..

Soon enough, Shoto led you to the hospital room in which the 'Special person' was staying in. He smiled, your heart fluttering at the sight, and took your hands "Now.. I know I should've given you a heads up but.. this... this room is my mother's. She's.. not at home with us for several reasons... but I'll explain that much later. Right now, I want you to meet her. I have been really looking forward to the day I get to present you to her too.." he said, his smile almost widening at that. You felt the all too familiar butterflies flutter around your stomach, a sheepish grin coming up on your face "Shoto that's... that's so sweet of you. Thank you. I'm excited too.." You said, and slowly, you could feel every single worry you've had until then start to go away. This wasn't a cruel person. Shoto looked up to her, meaning she must be the nicest person in the whole world. It's amazing to think you'd even be meeting his mom this early in the relationship. Quietly, Shoto put a hand on the doorknob, making you take in a deep breath. He turned it, opening the door to reveal a white haired woman, turning her view from the window towards the two of you, a smile making its way across her lips "Shoto... Good to see you" She said, her smile almost widening

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