(Small and Late) Mother's Day Special

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This one is a little late, but I hope you enjoy \•<•/
Ps- For the child, I let it be pretty much gender neutral, so I hope both genders work


It was morning, the window shining due to the sunlight coming in, making your skin shimmer in the bedroom. You were still asleep, though two other figures were roaming in the household.

A small child knocked on the door, making you sit up slowly, confused for the knocking "Come in" You said, yawning as you stretched a bit.

The room's main door burst open and in came a child, wearing what looked like a costume similar to your Hero Outfit, and an adult behind her. You smiled, seeing as they had brought something for you. "Good Morning Mommy!" The child exclaimed, making you chuckle "Good Morning (C/N)" [child/name] you greeted back. The other adult, Shoto, standing behind her with a bouquet in hand, smiled as well and kissed your head "Good Morning Beautiful" He whispered. You smiled "Good Morning Handsome"

"Mommy, look! Me and Daddy made you breakfast!" (C/N) said, bringing in some food with a toy cart, making it easier for them to carry. You smiled "Thank you, you little gummy bear" You said, kissing (C/N)'s head and making them giggle. Shoto smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed, wrapping an arm around your waist. "Alright (C/N) on the count of three.." He said, making you curious as the small (C/N) giggled. "One... Two.. Three!" He exclaimed, making them both shout "Happy Mother's Day!!" As they hugged you. You laughed, being extremely thankful to have such a wonderful (daughter/son) and an amazing husband.

After breakfast, you sat on the living room and settled on watching a Disney Movie with (C/N), as you both played with some toys. Soon after, Shoto sat down next to you both, but wrapped an arm around your waist as he held you close, managing to whisper something to your ear. "I love you, I could never be happy without our beautiful family (Y/N)... Thank you" He whispered, a grin on his face. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek "I love you too. And thank you Shoto, for being the most amazing Husband and Father" You whispered to him.


"EWW!!" (C/N) exclaimed, as they covered their teddy bear's eyes. "My eyes! Oh no!" They yelled dramatically. You giggled, looking over again at Shoto to peck his lips one last time before going back to playing with (C/N)

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