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[not angst, only a little sad. Sorry but I've had writer's block for a while. I'll try to post more! BTW I thought the song sorta fit, but the story isnt based off the song]


Love always has consequences doesn't it? Maybe it's like how you can't have everything you want so easily. Love may not come freely, but you sure knew how to find it.. just not on the right timing.

It had already been a few weeks after a new couple was presented to 1-A, Yaomomo and Todoroki, but it still killed you to see him and Momo together. Truth be told, you had feelings for Todoroki. He wasn't just all about looks, he was observant and smart, extremely perfect in your view. You held it back, obviously, being forced to watch Todoroki listen to Momo ramble on about her lifestyle. He seemed interested, but you couldn't help but frown, knowing he wasn't the type of guy to listen to everything. It always seemed like Todoroki was the one listening, and that Momo never stopped talking about useless topics. You sighed, trying to move on and get over it.


A couple of days pass by, and Yaomomo got sick. She stayed at home, getting all the homework assignments from her faithful boyfriend. Todoroki had no other choice but to start talking to others, or at least attempt to listen to conversations. You felt bad for him, so you scooped up a chair and smiled at him, offering small talk. The boy was surprised by this, but didn't complain.

As Momo stayed at home, you got to talk to Todoroki, and you got to know him better. You knew his favorite foods, his clothing tastes, and his sad childhood. You would spend lunchtimes listening to him say how he was getting tired of his own father. Sure, you'd take part of the conversation sometimes, but he seemed to enjoy that he could talk to you without hesitation. You tended to get flustered the few times he smiled at you, or gave you a simple compliment out of respect. But you knew it was pointless.

He's with someone already... Back away before you get hurt...

You ignored your common sense, wanting to spend as much time with him as possible. Todoroki didn't mind, seeing you as a close friend, and found himself warming up to you. Of course, Yaomomo had to come back from her sick days at one point.

When she came back, however, Todoroki still held on to you as a friend, and a very close friend at that. He would sometimes excuse himself at lunchtime from Yaomomo's table and walk over to your table, which included Midoriya, Uraraka and Iida. You couldn't help but feel your heart skip a beat whenever he did that.


Time flew by, and Yaomomo started getting... Jealous. She started to convince Todoroki that he should spend more time with her, though it pissed you off that she was saying it in a nice, kind voice on purpose to make Todoroki feel sorry and stay with her. You ignored it, hoping Todoroki would come to his senses at one point.

It just wasn't your lucky day when you were strolling by a Cafe and saw the couple out on a date. Yaomomo seemed to be giggling about something near the counter when you sighed, ordering a cup of (Favorite/Beverage). Todoroki seemed to notice you and called out your name, walking over to you with a smile. "Hey (Y/N)" he greeted, smiling just a bit. You smiled, waving a bit in return "Good Morning Todoroki-kun" You replied, though you were internally screaming for him to go back before Yaomomo snapped in front of you both. "Funny seeing you here.. I thought you weren't a big fan of coffee" you said with a confused look (idk if that's cannon) He looked over at Yaomomo, a bit more sadly. "I'm here on a date" He explained. You couldn't help but giggle and punch his shoulder lightly "Well then go get her tiger" You half teased, to which he smiled at. You got your cup and we're about to leave, when you heard Yaomomo have a fit in the middle of the Café, and you couldn't help but eavesdrop.

"She's clearly trying to take you! Why do you even talk to her anyways? I'm back aren't I? You can always talk to me!"

"She's just a friend. You know I wouldnt-"

Todoroki was caught off when you put your cup down in their table, making a loud noise. You looked over at Yaomomo. "Look, I don't care what you think of me. But listen here, Yaoyorozu" you said, hearing your voice crack from the tears in the corner of your eyes. You gripped her shoulders and looked at her directly. "You better treat this man like the amazing person he is,.. Because you, my friend, found yourself the perfect man. You better wake up everyday to smile at him and remind him daily of how amazing and strong he is, especially after everything he's been through.. Because if I were you, I'd take us out to eat someplace with Soba, I'd listen to his problems and help him, I'd promise him everyday that I'd be there for him, I'd do anything in my power to see his beautiful smile!" You yelled out, feeling tears down your cheeks "I'd go watch the sunset like he likes to. I'd help him train and try my hardest to catch up to him. I'd be his shoulder to cry on and his best friend. I'd spend everyday thinking of how to make him smile, or laugh. I'd wake up, and feel extremely blessed to have someone like him in my life!" You yelled out in frustration, wiping some of the tears. "I'd love him. I'd love him with all my heart." You said, and finally let go of her. "T-Thats what... I-I would do... But I'm not you..." You finally said, walking out of the coffee shop.

You wiped away most of your tears, taking a few seconds to calm down. You knew you weren't going to be able to even breath anywhere near Todoroki once you get back to school, but it seemed worth it. You couldn't help but remember the look on his face while you said all this. Him and Yaomomo both looked surprised, but his look was...

You turned around to hear the coffee shop's door ring, meaning someone exited the shop. You knew it was probably Yaomomo, getting after you for all the commotion. You sighed, slowly turning around "Look, just leave me alone and-" you were caught off, feeling a cold hand grab your wrist. You took a step back, surprised. He let go "Sorry, that must've been sudden.." He apologized. "It's fine.." You muttered, looking down.

Todoroki smiled slightly, cupping your face in his soft, warm yet cold hands "(Y/N)... Did you... Did you really mean all the things you said back there?" He asked, making your face soften. You looked down slightly. "Of course I did. I've meant it since the moment I saw you... Since the moment I talked to you,.. Since the moment..." You paused, looking at his beautiful mismatched eyes "Since the moment I fell in love with you" You confessed, and he seemed rather pleased at it. He smiled the widest, and most beautiful smile he'd ever shown you so far. He leaned in, but you stopped him. "T-Todo... You're with Yaomo-" He sighed, not sadly but mostly tired."Not anymore I'm not" he said, and as if on cue, Yaomomo appeared from the exit, crying her eyes out and stopping at your face "You! You ruined everything for me!" She yelled, and you felt genuinely bad for her. You couldn't help but frown and feel guilty as she stormed off, and you knew she wasn't going to forgive you, or at least not in less than a year.

Todoroki turned to you, smiling. "So then.. Now.. Can we...?" He said, but you giggled and jumped up a bit to connect both of your lips, kissing him.


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