[Requested!] A Heated Dinner (🍋Lemon🍋)

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I'm probably loosing all my friend's respect here XD

"can you do a lemon please? Of a date with Todoroki One-Shot! O///w///O"

First, thanks for requesting! And sure thing! It's my first Lemon, but I hope it's good

I literally had to get help from my dirty minded friends for this xD


"I'm ready" you said, smiling at your well dressed boyfriend. He smiled back, noticing how beautiful you looked in that (f/c) dress that made your (e/c) orbs shine. You walked over to him, grabbing your small purse along the way. "How do I look?" You asked, to which he responded with, "You look gorgeous, love" he said, and kissed your head. "We should get going" he reminded you, and with that, you both made your way to your car, looking forward to dinner.

—(once you get there)—

You both entered the restaurant, smiling and holding hands with each other. You were soon seated in a table for two, enjoying dinner like always. There was small talk here and there, and how work had gotten busy lately, though his next phrase really hit home. "I guess I should apologize for being too caught up in work" Shoto said, making your face soften "Aw, Shoto.." you grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers with his on top of the table "Shoto, I don't mind you being out late for work hours, and you shouldn't worry about confirming with me. I trust you, and I know you would never do anything reckless" You said, smiling at him sweetly. He smiled, holding up your intertwined hands to his lips and gently kissing them, still smiling "Anything for you, love" he said, though he was cut short by the waiter, already out your table. He smiled, taking out a notepad and a pen, ready to take your order. "Good evening, I'll be your waiter today. What would you like?" He asked, first turning to you. You didn't seem to notice, but he was definitely flirting and being too nice to you. Shoto stared silently from his side of the table, furious of what the other man was clearly doing. Even worse, when he was about to leave, the man pushed back a strand of hair behind your ear, making you slightly blush. Shoto raged inside of him, feeling jealousy and anger consume him. He kept his cool, trying not to think much of it anymore. You both talked for a while, and from what Shoto could hear, you weren't even slightly bothered by the other man's attitude.

Both of your food arrived soon after, and sadly, dinner soon came to an end. Both you and Shoto walked out of the restaurant, though this time he wasn't just holding your hand. Ever since that waiter did those dirty moves, he held you close, an arm around your waist and the other near your stomach. You both made your way home, though you didn't expect what was coming once he decided to turn off the engine yet still kept you inside the car. Before you could ask anything, he smirked, whispering into your ear "I'll show you what happens when you make me jealous" he whispered roughly, lust filling his voice. You couldn't help but blush, flustered by his dirty words.


You soon both entered your shared room, where Shoto quickly got to work. He didn't hesitate and pinned you against a wall, kissing you passionately. As if on instinct, you wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing back. "Don't worry Baby.... I'll make sure you know who you belong to" he whispered, making you blush some more. He smirked, going back to kissing you. He entered his tongue into your mouth, making you slightly moan into the kiss. He parted for a bit, just to unbutton his shirt. "S-Shoto..." you whispered, almost pleading. He didn't answer, instead, feeling victorious at your blushing face.

He kissed you again, but by this time you were already heating up. You ran a hand through his abs, making him groan slightly. You smirked, feeling more confident now. He was furious, mad at you for being confident all of a sudden. He knew he had to show you who was boss around here. Midway through the make-out session, he slid a hand under your dress, making a shiver run up your spine. He took this chance to slide down your underwear, inserting a finger inside of you. "What's wrong love? What happened to all the confidence?~" he teased, now pushing his finger in and out of your womanhood. You bit your lip, holding back moans. He smirked "Don't hold back on me baby~ I want to hear you scream my name~" He whispered, seductively. You gave in, letting it out "A-Ah~ S-Shoto~" you moaned, making him smirk. "Strip for me" he instructed, and you followed his orders. By the time you took of your dress, he only had his boxers left. He turned towards you again, kissing you some more. He let you wrap your arms around his neck, while he had them wrapped around your waist. What you didn't notice, however, was how he easily unclipped your bra. You gasped, which gave him the advantage. He rubbed one, making you moan slightly "I think you're enjoying yourself too much love~" he teased, stopping and now smirking. "You're supposed to be getting punished~" he said seductively. You licked you lips, already hungry for more.

He smirked, resting you on the bed, your hips and ass up in the air. "Now Love, I want you to beg for me" he challenged, making you blush, but did as told. "S-Shoto... d-do it..." you whimpered shyly. He chuckled in your ear and spanked you, making you moan in pain and enjoyment. "Do what baby?" He asked, biting his lip. "F-Fuck me.." you whimpered. He smirked, coming up to your ear. "Oh you naughty girl.." he whispered, before pulling his boxers off. You blushed, seeing his member. He smirked, "Now tell me, what do you want me to do?" He challenged. "F-Fuck me D-Daddy" you moaned, clinging on to him. He was pleased, and kissed your neck, gently sucking on it, "My pleasure" he whispered, making you blush. Before you could even say anything, he entered his member into your womanhood, making you moan loudly. "A-Ah~ S-Shoto~" You moaned, allowing him to start moving. As he moved inside of you, you moaned, starting to pant. "A-Ah~ H-Harder~" you pleaded. "I thought I told you to call me daddy~" he said, though you were too busy moaning and enjoying the moment. "H-Harder D-Daddy! F-Faster~" you moaned. "You're so tight love.." he groaned, thrusting into you. Once he found your sweet spot, you moaned even louder, pleading even harder. "T-There! S-Shoto f-faster!~" you moaned loudly. He thrusted into you, making the knot in your stomach tigher. "I-I'm going to.." you warned, though he pulled away before you could finish. You pouted, making him chuckle "It's called a punishment for a reason" he teased, kissing your head gently. Both of you laid down in bed, exhausted from all the 'fun'. "I love you, and only you" you whispered to him, playing with his hair. He smiled, taking your hand. "I love you too" he whispered, holding you close. You closed your eyes, feeling warmth in his arms. You both soon fell asleep after a while, and the night was over.

—extra ending cus I love these—

You woke up, taking Shoto's shirt (that looked way too big on you) and walking down stairs for some cereal. You felt lips on the back of your neck and smiled, seeing as Shoto was awake. He smiled, stroking your hair. "You took my shirt.." he half pouted, kissing your neck. You giggled, now turning to him. "Well you took my heart" you teased, giggling. He smirked "Well yeah, but now I have to walk around shirtless" he challenged, making you blush. "Shotooooooo! Stop teasing!" You pouted, making him smile. "I love you" He said, kissing your head. You smiled

"Don't worry, I love myself too"

"Then next time fuck your self"

"Nu! Wait!"


K, this is my first lemon so if it's not that good.. I'm real sorry.. I hope it's good though! Anyways, if you guys want to request anything, please do so! It really helps out!

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