~Confrontation~ [Adult!Au]

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Ok quick A/N, though I hate making these. In this story the Reader will be incapable of having a child, or getting pregnant. Now I've had this on my mind recently, because I wondered what Endeavor would think and what would Shoto think, but nevertheless,

This is a FLUFF STORY!! No angst!! I might publish some angst later, but for now it's FLUFF, please do not expect Angst here, thank you.


"I... don't know if I can do it..." you whispered, looking at your best friend, Ochako. She was the only one who knew so far, and it was an extremely big deal for you. She rubbed your back, trying her best to be comforting as you sobbed in her shoulder, panicking and worrying about what your husband, Shoto Todoroki, would think when you told him you couldn't have a child with him, or that he was never going to be an actual father. And sure, you could both adopt but his father, Endeavour, was a really big problem in this equation too.

You wiped the last of your tears and took a shaky breath before getting up and grabbing your purse. "I-I should be leaving.. Shoto gets home by around 10.. so I have about an hour or two to think it over.." you said, still looking down and sniffling as your hand rested on the doorknob "Alright, just call me if you need anything. I'm here to support you (Y/N)" she reassured, worried for you as well.

You walked out, heading to your car and driving home, trying with all your heart not to cry or give up and throw away your life. Things were getting hard. Unnecessarily hard.

You got to your shared house with Shoto, getting out your keys as you got near the door, but surprised when you saw it already opened. You panicked. Was he already home? You wondered, hoping the time of confrontation wasn't coming any sooner that it should've, but lost your luck when you saw Shoto in the Kitchen, smiling as he saw you enter.

"You're back! It seems Uraraka stole my precious time with you" he said with a smile, walking up to you, already ready to wrap his arms around you and kiss your head. But before he even got there, you extended your hand, signaling for him to stop what he was doing. He stopped his tracks, confused and taken back by your actions. "What's.. wrong... love..?" He asked rather softly. You looked down slightly, feeling your eyes watery all over again. He ignored your signs for him to stay away and rushed by your side, holding your face up so you could face him "What's wrong (Y/N)?" He asked softly, worried for his one true love.

You couldn't bear it. The precious talks he had with you.. the amazing dates you've both been on... Every moment next to Shoto seemed like true paradise. And yet here you were, about to crush his hopes and dreams of becoming the perfect parent.  "S-Shoto..." you slowly called out, though a single tear rolled down your cheek. "I-I'm Sorry..." you whispered, letting more tears fall down your face. Shoto panicked, now even more worried "What's wrong love? What happened?" He asked, trying to wipe away your tears. You looked up to him, face to face, before speaking. "I-I... I-I can't..." you were speechless "You what? You can't what?" He asked, craving and answer. "I can't have a child!" You yelled out, sobbing in front of him. "I can't get pregnant Shoto! I can't have a child and make us a family. I can't make you the father you always wished to be! I can't satisfy your father's only request and condition in marrying you!" You yelled out, feeling more and more tears roll down your cheeks.

Shoto stared at you, unsure of what to do. Was it true? That you were incapable of granting him a family? Was that why you were crying and apologizing to him? He felt his own heart crumble, seeing you so hurt yet brave, being here and telling him all this. He wrapped his arms around you waist, holding you close "(Y/N)... I don't care wether or not you can grant me such 'wish'... I don't care, as long as I have you. You're my family already. My father can go mind his own business for once, because I don't ask for you to grant me a child. You're the love of my life (Y/N). I don't want to loose you, no matter what" He whispered, wanting to be able to comfort others and be there for you like you always had ever since High school. He wanted to be a supportive Husband and be as kind and willing as you always were. He loved you for it and admired you as well. You silently cried unto his shoulder, though you felt slightly better with his words. After a while he ran his fingers through your hair and kissed your ear "Don't cry love... it's ok..." he whispered, holding you as closely as possible and wanting only the best for you.

You looked up to him, still sniffling after a good while "S-So y-you're not u-upset" you stuttered out, confused and still worried about the endless possibilities this could have. "(Y/N). I love you, with all my heart.. you're the only one who had cared so deeply for me, and I always found comfort with you. Sure, I may have wanted a family, but I could never have a family without you. And you're the only family I need" he said, resting his forehead against yours and looking down slightly as you did so too. "T-Thank you... f-for understanding..." you whispered, feeling a huge burden being lifted off your shoulders "I should be thanking you, (Y/N), for loving me and being so brave" He said softly, before pulling you closer and letting you wrap your arms around his neck, softly kissing your lips

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