Christmas Special [Lemon Edition]

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Merry Christmas ya sinners.

"Alright. This should be fine" you muttered, looking around at the mess your dorm now was. You hadn't really prepared this Christmas, barely pulling off getting gifts for others. You looked at each wrapped present, counting down your classmates, making sure you had enough. "Uraraka...Bakugou...Deku..Hagakure...and.." you trailed off, realizing your mistake. "W-Wait.. where's Shoto's gift..?!?" You exclaimed, frantically looking for his gift. "I remember wrapping it.." you muttered, trying to make sense of the situation. You sighed, nervously tapping your foot "It's too late to go buy something.. everything's closed at this point.." you sighed, only to see a red ribbon on the table. You looked at it curiously, only to get an idea. "Well, if Shoto wants a gift.. a gift it is" you said, getting the red ribbon, getting things ready.

—{smol timeskip}—

Everyone gathered at Heights Alliance, tons of gifts under the Christmas tree for 1-A. While others chit chatted, Shoto himself found himself confused. 'Where was (Y/N)?' He wondered, looking around the students. He walked up to Midoriya "Midoriya, do you happen to know where (Y/N) is? She isn't answering her phone either.." he said, starting to grow worried. "Oh, (Y/N)-Chan? She came by to drop off gifts, but I think she left.. maybe she had a family event?" Shoto frowned, knowing you'd tell him if that was the case. That was when his phone rang. He immediately answered, to your surprise. "(Y/N)?" He asked. "Shoto! Hey, could you come over to my room for a bit?" You asked, a small dust of pink making its way to your cheeks. Shoto seemed confused, but agreed "Alright.. I'll head there" he hanged up, thanking Midoriya before walking to your room. Once he was outside, he knocked, only to get silence. He opened the door, only to be met by you, but.. something was different.

You looked to the side, flustered "I-I Can explain.." you promised, already regretting your 'bright' idea. Shoto was still taking in your state, wrapped around a bright red ribbon, part of your body bare, exposed, the red ribbon covering the most delicates parts of you. Shoto felt himself become flustered as well, closing the door and locking it, stepping closer. "I-I couldn't find your gift.. and as a last minute backup I.." you felt two strong arms pin you against your wall, leaving you in a slight bit of shock. "(Y/N)... this is.." you could feel Shoto's breath on your neck, before he connected his lips to yours, a tender and loving kiss quickly escalating to a rough and passionate one. Once you both pulled away, it was clear Shoto wanted his gift. Now.


He put you down on your bed, finally admiring you. "Oh darling, how you tease me" he whispered, slowly starting to remove the red ribbon. You found yourself flustered, soon naked in front of Shoto, the red ribbon no longer protecting you. Shoto looked at you with lustful eyes, going back to kissing you, only to pull away and leave hickeys down your neck. You bit your lip, keeping small moans of pleasure from escaping your lips. He rubbed your thighs, only t watch you whine at he's unfairness. You tugged on his shirt, making him quickly get the memo "Ah-ah. You're my gift tonight, are you not?" He purred, ignoring your pleads. He spread your legs, making you squirm in his hold. Slowly, he lowered his head to your crotch, leaving hickeys and kissing your thighs on his way there. You gasped, feeling his warm breath against your bare womanhood. He smirked, teasing as he licked the outside "N-Ngh..!" You moaned, wanting more. He smirked, pleased at your calls as he began his work, his tongue exploring your walls. "S-Shoto!~" you moaned, your hands finding their way to his hair, tangling your fingers in his locks. You pushed him deeper, your legs closing in on him. "Hm~" he hummed from below you, making a shiver run up your spine. You gripped the bed sheets, feeling him shove his tongue in and out, leaving you in a moaning mess.

You felt a familiar knot on your stomach, the pleasure being far too much. As if on cue, Shoto stepped back, not letting you realese. You whined "Shoto..! I-I was going to-" He cut you off "I know baby. But I'm not letting you. Not yet" he whispered, starting to remove his shirt, along with his pants. You felt the familiar blush creep up to your face again, looking at his erection.

Shoto pulled you in for one more kiss, your tongues fighting over dominance. He won, and pulled away, a string of saliva still connecting the two. He smiled at you, genuinely finding you adorable. He kissed your forehead, before turning lustful again. "Ready love?" He whispered, positioning himself to your entrance. You nodded, getting ready yourself. He slowly inserted his member into you, his low groan filling the room. You squirmed, though he made sure to be careful. He gave you a minute, whispering sweet nothings to your ear, leaving small kisses on your face, making sure you were okay. You let out a breath, signaling for him to start moving. He did as told, starting to thrust into you. You held on to him, letting moans escape your lips "A-Ah~" you moaned, your nails sinking in to his skin ever so slightly. He groaned, his thrusts getting faster and faster. You felt your legs grow weak, your moans along with his groans filling the room "S-Shoto..~ F-Faster~" you moaned, your hips trying to keep up to his rhythm. He eventually found your sweet spot, making your moans even louder "Hm~ Right there!~" you exclaimed, feeling the ultimate pleasure.

Soon, you both were close, and Shoto knew. His thrust becoming more sloppy. He slowly slowed down, your knot coming all over his member. He let out a small groan, pulling out before his seed was dropped over your stomach, both of you breathless. Shoto wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to him as you both covered yourselves in blankets. He kissed your forehead, still catching his breath "Merry Christmas" he whispered, leaving tender kisses on your face. You smiled "Merry Christmas Shoto" you whispered back, cuddling into his chest.

—{Extra ending! :P}—

Iida covered Midoriya's ears, everyone turning red at the sound of such noises. Kaminari snorted "Guess they went all out this year" he joked, though the others were either blushing or getting traumatized. They all had been waiting for the couple to come, but soon started hearing moans and groans, some quickly figuring out what was going on behind the doors. Mineta wanted to go in and watch, but Sero managed to stop him.

Midoriya looked around, not really understanding what was going on "So... are (Y/N) and Todoroki-Kun coming soon..?" He asked, to which no one replied

The fluff Christmas special might be late and I apologizeeeee but I've been busy :") I have 3 books to read for school, 3 games to finish, and like 2 other chapters I've been writing. Sorryyyyyy~~

Merry Christmas!!!

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